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دوشنبه 13 آذر 1391, 18:20 عصر
من از منوی superfish استفاده میکنم
میخوام وقتی که موس از روی منو رفت بیرون سریعتر زیرمنوها بسته بشه.
احتمالا توی فایل های جاوا باید مقداری را دستکاری کرد ولی هر چی گشتم پیدا نکردم.
دوستانی که با این منو ساز اشنایی دارن کمک کنن
اینم ادرس منوی راست به چپ superfish

شنبه 25 آذر 1391, 11:21 صبح
بر طبق مستندات superfish (http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/#options)

$.fn.superfish.defaults = {
hoverClass: 'sfHover', // the class applied to hovered list items
pathClass: 'overideThisToUse', // the class you have applied to list items that lead to the current page
pathLevels: 1, // the number of levels of submenus that remain open or are restored using pathClass
delay: 800, // the delay in milliseconds that the mouse can remain outside a submenu without it closing
animation: {opacity:'show'}, // an object equivalent to first parameter of jQuery’s .animate() method
speed: 'normal', // speed of the animation. Equivalent to second parameter of jQuery’s .animate() method
autoArrows: true, // if true, arrow mark-up generated automatically = cleaner source code at expense of initialisation performance
dropShadows: true, // completely disable drop shadows by setting this to false
disableHI: false, // set to true to disable hoverIntent detection
onInit: function(){}, // callback function fires once Superfish is initialised – 'this' is the containing ul
onBeforeShow: function(){}, // callback function fires just before reveal animation begins – 'this' is the ul about to open
onShow: function(){}, // callback function fires once reveal animation completed – 'this' is the opened ul
onHide: function(){} // callback function fires after a sub-menu has closed – 'this' is the ul that just closed

باید مقدار delay رو کمتر کنی
delay: 800, // the delay in milliseconds that the mouse can remain outside a submenu without it closing

کمتر از 800