نمایش نتایج 1 تا 2 از 2

نام تاپیک: حل مثال با استفاده از الگوریتم K-means

  1. #1

    حل مثال با استفاده از الگوریتم K-means

    با سلام و احترام
    ابتدا توضیح کلی راجع به نرم افزار آر میدم که افرادی که آشنایی دارن متوجه بشن و محبت کنن پاسخشو بهم بدن.
    نرم افزار آر، نرم افزاری هست که به کار افرادی میاد که رشته ی آمار خونده باشن. ما توسط یکسری کدنویسی داده رو به نرم افزار وارد می کنیم و به تابع K-means میدیم و نتیجه رو هم به تابع Plot میدیم تا دیاگرامشو رسم کنه.

    مثال های مختلفی رو خوندم ولی نمی تونم داده رو درست به نرم افزار بدم تا جواب بهم بده.

    بنده سوالی دارم که نیاز دارم پاسخش رو هم خیلی سریع دریافت کنم.
    8 نقطه هست با مختصات های (A1=(2,10), A2=(2,5), A3=(8,4), A4=(5,8), A5=(7,5), A6=(6,4), A7=(1,2), A8=(4,9 که باید به سه خوشه، توسط الگوریتم K-means خوشه بندی شود و پلات آن رسم شود.

  2. #2

    نقل قول: ****فوری فوری**** - نرم افزار "آر" - حل مثال با استفاده از الگوریتم K-means

    ببین به کارت میاد

    # initialize all necessary libraries

    # read CSV file - (kmeans_data.csv) - convert to a matrix
    data1 <- read.table(file='kmeans_data.csv', sep=',', header=T, row.names=1)
    data.p <- as.matrix(data1)

    # Ask for user input - convert raw counts to percents?
    choose.per <- function(){readline("Covert data to percents? 1=yes, 2=no : ")}
    per <- as.integer(choose.per())

    # If user selects yes, convert data from counts to percents
    if (per == 1) {
    data.p <- prop.table(data.p,1)*100}

    # Ask for user input - Z-score standardize data?
    choose.stand <- function(){readline("Z-score standardize data? 1=yes, 2=no : ")}
    stand <- as.integer(choose.stand())

    # If user selects yes, Z-score standardize data
    kdata <- na.omit(data.p)
    if (stand == 1) {
    kdata <- scale(kdata)}

    # Ask for user input - determine the number of cluster solutions to test (must between 2 and the number of rows in the database)
    choose.level <- function(){readline("How many clustering solutions to test (> row numbers)? ")}
    n.lev <- as.integer(choose.level())

    # Calculate the within groups sum of squared error (SSE) for the number of cluster solutions selected by the user
    wss <- rnorm(10)
    while (prod(wss==sort(wss,decreasing=T))==0) {
    wss <- (nrow(kdata)-1)*sum(apply(kdata,2,var))
    for (i in 2:n.lev) wss[i] <- sum(kmeans(kdata, centers=i)$withinss)}

    # Calculate the within groups SSE for 250 randomized data sets (based on the original input data)
    k.rand <- function(x){
    km.rand <- matrix(sample(x),dim(x)[1],dim(x)[2])
    rand.wss <- as.matrix(dim(x)[1]-1)*sum(apply(km.rand,2,var))
    for (i in 2:n.lev) rand.wss[i] <- sum(kmeans(km.rand, centers=i)$withinss)
    rand.wss <- as.matrix(rand.wss)
    rand.mat <- matrix(0,n.lev,250)
    k.1 <- function(x) {
    for (i in 1:250) {
    r.mat <- as.matrix(suppressWarnings(k.rand(kdata)))
    rand.mat[,i] <- r.mat}

    # Same function as above for data with < 3 column variables
    k.2.rand <- function(x){
    rand.mat <- matrix(0,n.lev,250)
    km.rand <- matrix(sample(x),dim(x)[1],dim(x)[2])
    rand.wss <- as.matrix(dim(x)[1]-1)*sum(apply(km.rand,2,var))
    for (i in 2:n.lev) rand.wss[i] <- sum(kmeans(km.rand, centers=i)$withinss)
    rand.wss <- as.matrix(rand.wss)
    k.2 <- function(x){
    for (i in 1:250) {
    r.1 <- k.2.rand(kdata)
    rand.mat[,i] <- r.1}

    # Determine if the data data table has > or < 3 variables and call appropriate function above
    if (dim(kdata)[2] == 2) { rand.mat <- k.2(kdata) } else { rand.mat <- k.1(kdata) }

    # Plot within groups SSE against all tested cluster solutions for actual and randomized data - 1st: Log scale, 2nd: Normal scale
    xrange <- range(1:n.lev)
    yrange <- range(log(rand.mat),log(wss))
    plot(xrange,yrange, type='n', xlab='Cluster Solution', ylab='Log of Within Group SSE', main='Cluster Solutions against Log of SSE')
    for (i in 1:250) lines(log(rand.mat[,i]),type='l',col='red')
    lines(log(wss), type="b", col='blue')
    legend('topright',c('Actual Data', '250 Random Runs'), col=c('blue', 'red'), lty=1)
    yrange <- range(rand.mat,wss)
    plot(xrange,yrange, type='n', xlab="Cluster Solution", ylab="Within Groups SSE", main="Cluster Solutions against SSE")
    for (i in 1:250) lines(rand.mat[,i],type='l',col='red')
    lines(1:n.lev, wss, type="b", col='blue')
    legend('topright',c('Actual Data', '250 Random Runs'), col=c('blue', 'red'), lty=1)

    # Calculate the mean and standard deviation of difference between SSE of actual data and SSE of 250 randomized datasets
    r.sse <- matrix(0,dim(rand.mat)[1],dim(rand.mat)[2])
    wss.1 <- as.matrix(wss)
    for (i in 1:dim(r.sse)[2]) {
    r.temp <- abs(rand.mat[,i]-wss.1[,1])
    r.sse[,i] <- r.temp}
    r.sse.m <- apply(r.sse,1,mean)
    r.sse.sd <- apply(r.sse,1,sd)
    r.sse.plus <- r.sse.m + r.sse.sd
    r.sse.min <- r.sse.m - r.sse.sd

    # Plot differeince between actual SSE mean SSE from 250 randomized datasets - 1st: Log scale, 2nd: Normal scale
    xrange <- range(1:n.lev)
    yrange <- range(log(r.sse.plus),log(r.sse.min))
    plot(xrange,yrange, type='n',xlab='Cluster Solution', ylab='Log of SSE - Random SSE', main='Cluster Solustions against (Log of SSE - Random SSE)')
    lines(log(r.sse.m), type="b", col='blue')
    lines(log(r.sse.plus), type='l', col='red')
    lines(log(r.sse.min), type='l', col='red')
    legend('topright',c('SSE - random SSE', 'SD of SSE-random SSE'), col=c('blue', 'red'), lty=1)
    xrange <- range(1:n.lev)
    yrange <- range(r.sse.plus,r.sse.min)
    plot(xrange,yrange, type='n',xlab='Cluster Solution', ylab='SSE - Random SSE', main='Cluster Solutions against (SSE - Random SSE)')
    lines(r.sse.m, type="b", col='blue')
    lines(r.sse.plus, type='l', col='red')
    lines(r.sse.min, type='l', col='red')
    legend('topright',c('SSE - random SSE', 'SD of SSE-random SSE'), col=c('blue', 'red'), lty=1)

    # Ask for user input - Select the appropriate number of clusters
    choose.clust <- function(){readline("What clustering solution would you like to use? ")}
    clust.level <- as.integer(choose.clust())

    # Apply K-means cluster solutions - append clusters to CSV file
    fit <- kmeans(kdata, clust.level)
    aggregate(kdata, by=list(fit$cluster), FUN=mean)
    clust.out <- fit$cluster
    kclust <- as.matrix(clust.out)
    kclust.out <- cbind(kclust, data1)
    write.table(kclust.out, file="kmeans_out.csv", sep=",")

    # Display Principal Components plot of data with clusters identified
    clusplot(kdata, fit$cluster, shade=F, labels=2, lines=0, color=T, lty=4, main='Principal Components plot showing K-means clusters')

    # Send output to files
    kclust.out.p <- prop.table(as.matrix(kclust.out),1)*100
    out <- capture.output(describe.by(kclust.out.p,kclust))
    cat(out,file='Kmeans_out.txt', sep='\n', append=F)
    xrange <- range(1:n.lev)
    yrange <- range(log(rand.mat),log(wss))
    plot(xrange,yrange, type='n', xlab='Cluster Solution', ylab='Log of Within Group SSE', main='Cluster Solutions against Log of SSE')
    for (i in 1:250) lines(log(rand.mat[,i]),type='l',col='red')
    lines(log(wss), type="b", col='blue')
    legend('topright',c('Actual Data', '250 Random Runs'), col=c('blue', 'red'), lty=1)
    yrange <- range(rand.mat,wss)
    plot(xrange,yrange, type='n', xlab="Cluster Solution", ylab="Within Groups SSE", main="Cluster Solutions against SSE")
    for (i in 1:250) lines(rand.mat[,i],type='l',col='red')
    lines(1:n.lev, wss, type="b", col='blue')
    legend('topright',c('Actual Data', '250 Random Runs'), col=c('blue', 'red'), lty=1)
    xrange <- range(1:n.lev)
    yrange <- range(log(r.sse.plus),log(r.sse.min))
    plot(xrange,yrange, type='n',xlab='Cluster Solution', ylab='Log of SSE - Random SSE', main='Cluster Solustions against (Log of SSE - Random SSE)')
    lines(log(r.sse.m), type="b", col='blue')
    lines(log(r.sse.plus), type='l', col='red')
    lines(log(r.sse.min), type='l', col='red')
    legend('topright',c('SSE - random SSE', 'SD of SSE-random SSE'), col=c('blue', 'red'), lty=1)
    xrange <- range(1:n.lev)
    yrange <- range(r.sse.plus,r.sse.min)
    plot(xrange,yrange, type='n',xlab='Cluster Solution', ylab='SSE - Random SSE', main='Cluster Solutions against (SSE - Random SSE)')
    lines(r.sse.m, type="b", col='blue')
    lines(r.sse.plus, type='l', col='red')
    lines(r.sse.min, type='l', col='red')
    legend('topright',c('SSE - random SSE', 'SD of SSE-random SSE'), col=c('blue', 'red'), lty=1)
    clusplot(kdata, fit$cluster, shade=F, labels=2, lines=0, color=T, lty=4, main='Principal Components plot showing K-means clusters')

    منبع:: انجمن دانشجویان کردستان

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