با سلام کل دیتابیس این اخطار و پیدا کرده همه برنامه هامو امتحان کردم دیتابیس کلی این اخطار و میده لطفا راهنمایی فرمایید

SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: unable to decrypt page due to missing DEK. It occurred during a read of page (0:0) in database ID 0 at offset 0000000000000000 in file 'D:\Test\Maskang1\Maskang\Data\Datag.mdf'. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.
An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file D:\Test\Maskang1\Maskang\Data\Datag.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.