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نام تاپیک: ابزارها و کامپوننت های دات نت

  1. #41
    کاربر دائمی
    تاریخ عضویت
    بهمن 1382
    محل زندگی
    فعلا ایران - فعلا تهران

    What's New 2006v1
    Xceed Winsock Library removed from the suite.

    The complete solution for all your compression, encryption and networking needs. Includes 11 high quality data manipulation libraries worth over $2000 individually.
    Included compression components:
    • Xceed Zip Compression Library
    • Xceed Zip for .NET
    • Xceed Zip for .NET Compact Framework
    • Xceed Self-Extractor Module
    • Xceed Self-Extractor Module for .NET
    • Xceed Streaming Compression Library
    • Xceed Streaming Compression for .NET
    • Xceed Backup Library
    Included encryption components:
    • Xceed Encryption Library
    • Xceed Binary Encoding Library
    Included networking components:
    • Xceed FTP Library
    • Xceed FTP for .NET
    With optional 1 year Vanguard subscription:
    • Free major and minor upgrades to all components
    • Free new components added to the suite
    • Guaranteed same day priority response
    • Priority support by phone and dedicated email
    Blueprint Edition
    With the Xceed Data Manipulation Suite Blueprint Edition, you get the same components as the regular edition of the suite but with the C#‎ source code of the .NET components. This is an excellent educational tool since the source code is fully commented and a useful asset for those who will be heavily deriving from the library.

    Xceed quality throughout
    • All components provide royalty-free distribution rights. Deployment of server-only applications is limited as described in the license agreement
    • All components are thoroughly and expertly documented and include a variety of sample applications
    • All components are multithreaded, written to be efficient and do not depend on external DLLs
    • All components are feature-rich yet easy to use due to the extreme emphasis on intuitive interface design
    • Source code for the included .NET components available in Xceed Data Manipulation Suite Blueprint Edition
    Compression (ActiveX/COM)
    • Includes the Xceed Zip Compression Library which one of the industry's highest-performance and feature-rich Zip / Unzip compression components
    • Includes the Xceed Self-Extractor Module for creating sharp, fully customizable self-extracting Zip files
    • Includes the Xceed Streaming Compression Library for easy, efficient "raw" compression and decompression functionality as well as support for .GZ or .BZ2 files
    • Includes the Xceed Backup Library so you can add on-demand or scheduled backup and functionality to your applications quickly and easily
    Compression (.NET class library)
    • Includes Xceed Zip for .NET, a 100%-managed compression library for .NET featuring powerful, easy to use streaming, Zip file manipulation and filesystem classes, self-extracting zip file creation, splitting, spanning, and more
    • Includes Xceed Streaming Compression for .NET, an efficient and lightweight compression class library for .NET that easily handles any size byte array and offers a true .NET pass-through stream
    Compression (.NET Compact Framework class library)
    • Includes Xceed Zip for .NET Compact Framework, a 100%-managed code compression library for .NET featuring powerful, easy to use stream, Zip file manipulation and filesystem classes. Now features Zip64 zip file format
    • The .NET Compact Framework edition of Zip for .NET also includes capabilities from Xceed Streaming Compression for .NET, an efficient and lightweight compression class library for .NET that easily handles any size byte array and offers a true .NET pass-through stream
    Encryption (ActiveX/COM)
    • Includes the Xceed Encryption Library so you can encrypt and decrypt data with the latest strong algorithms as well as digitally sign and verify documents
    Binary Encoding (ActiveX/COM)
    • Includes the Xceed Binary Encoding Library so you can convert binary data into ASCII text or vice-versa in a variety of formats
    Internet (ActiveX/COM)
    • Includes the feature-rich Xceed FTP Library so you can send, receive or list documents on an FTP server. The BizTalk Server Edition is not included
    Internet (.NET class library)
    • Includes Xceed FTP for .NET, a robust and efficient 100% managed class library so you can easily add FTP file transfer capabilities, through a straightforward, and intuitive object model with filesystem classes, to your .NET and ASP.NET apps. Supports secure FTP

  2. #42

  3. #43
    کاربر دائمی
    تاریخ عضویت
    دی 1383
    محل زندگی
    همه جای ایران سرای من است

    Infragistics NetAdvantage 2006 - .NET - Volume 1
    Add, grid, scheduling, toolbars, menus, listbars, tree, UI and editing functionality to your .NET, Visual Studio 2005, ASP.NET and Tablet PC applications. Infragistics NetAdvantage is a comprehensive presentation layer toolset for designing commercial class user interfaces for all Microsoft development environments - Windows Forms (including Visual Studio 2005), ASP.NET and Tablet PC. Infragistics NetAdvantage is comprised of all major interface elements including grids, scheduling, charting, toolbars, menus, listbars, trees, tabs, explorer bars, UI and editors. Includes .NET source code with Subscription options. Now includes Visual Studio 2005 support!

    What's new in NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1:

    Additions to the ASP.NET controls that will significantly increase the performance of your Web applications include:

    Performance enhancements to the NetAdvantage WebGrid that will improve the overall performance of your application
    AJAX enabled LoadOnDemand capabilities with the NetAdvantage WebTree control
    Improve the fidelity of your applications with new 3D charts:

    New 3D rendering engine composed completely of 100% managed code, brings your 3D charts to life with the addition of lighting and shading, as well as perspective - all without sacrificing performance. Also included are easy to use design-time editors which can be used to quickly set the perspective on your 3D chart.

    New tools expanding the types of applications you can build with NetAdvantage include:

    ASP.NET Rich Text Editor
    Spell Checker (ASP.NET only)
    List View Control
    Link Editor
    Control Tab for Windows Forms
    Traverse Grid
    Nine-Grid Brush
    3 Sort State
    ReadOnly Property
    Copy/Paste Excel
    Extended functionality provided by Infragistics for CAB – Microsoft’s Composite UI Application Block through:

    NetAdvantage controls supported as workspaces – DockManager, Tab, TabbedMDI, ExplorerBar, ToolbarsManager
    UIElementManager – provides you with a common way of adding and using UIElements to develop a standard application shell
    NetAdvantage now supports Visual Studio 2005 - with the NetAdvantage for Visual Studio 2005 release, organizations can:

    Seamlessly integrate their NetAdvantage applications with Visual Studio 2005
    Easily migrate existing applications built with prior versions of NetAdvantage to Visual Studio 2005
    Simplify deployment of ASP.NET applications
    For what's new in NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1 information please see the "What's new in NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1" HTM page in the Evals & Demos section.

    Three Top Benefits - Infragistics NetAdvantage

    Easily, and with great flexibility, give your applications the precise look and feel of todays most popular interfaces those of Microsoft Office, Windows, and other Microsoft applications.
    Built on frameworks and common object models, NetAdvantage is a single integrated toolset for creating commercial class user interfaces for Microsoft environments easy to learn and easy to move from one interface element to the next, and from one environment to the next.
    Create applications with the rich look and feel your clients are used to, even with thin client delivery in ASP.NET

    Infragistics NetAdvantage is a true framework, not just a collection of disparate controls. Infragistics labored hard before writing a line of code to devise a mature architecture based on shared assemblies and common object models. This creates what Infragistics refer to as leveraged learning, meaning the effort to learn the first of the interface elements lets you learn the rest much easier. It also makes it easier to create standardized interfaces for your applications and even create your own elements by extending and inheriting visual elements from Infragistics Presentation Layer Framework. Its a primary reason for corporations to standardize all their development teams on NetAdvantage.

    Infragistics NetAdvantage includes the full .NET source code.

    Priority Support: One years worth of priority phone and guaranteed response web-based technical support.

    Subscription Service - This service is a convenient way to ensure customers are always using the latest versions of Infragistics components. Subscription Service entitles Program members to automatically receive all major upgrades (full version releases), new products included in the covered Suite, and minor updates (enhancements and service patches) for the period of one year. Because our development team is committed to keeping in step with new technology, the Subscription Service is the best way to ensure your applications are compatible with even the most recent changes in technology.

    Infragistics NetAdvantage includes:

    Windows Forms Rich Client Components

    Web Forms Components


  4. #44
    کاربر دائمی
    تاریخ عضویت
    دی 1383
    محل زندگی
    همه جای ایران سرای من است

    Developer Express XtraGrid .NET Suite - .NET Edition - V6.1.3
    Add bound or unbound, native .NET grids to your Visual Studio.NET applications. Developer Express XtraGrid .NET Suite is a 100% C#‎ Grid, CardView, and Editors Library built specifically for Visual Studio .NET. Optimized to take full advantage of the .NET Framework and all .NET Languages, offering everything from standard two-dimensional grids, to runtime grouping and column customization; from master/detail support, to Card Views; from 15 feature rich data editors to advanced alpha blending and custom draw. With the XtraGrid Suite, you also get full access to the C#‎ source code.

    The XtraGrid Suite offers you flexible and feature rich Grid Views and Card View, along with 20 editors that can be used as either standalone or within grid cells and 16 more controls that allow you to easily build professional and consistent applications. The advanced Data Controller technology ensures the fastest data processing for any given data source and gives you total control over each data operation. The LookAndFeel technology, fast and intuitive design-time access to any object and an out-of-the-box complete user interface ensure that you will deliver more than ever in the shortest time possible.

    The main benefits of the XtraGrid Suite:

    Appearance Customization

    The grid can be painted in 3D, Flat, UltraFlat, Office 2003 style or using the currently applied XP theme
    The grid fully supports the Skins technology which means elements are constructed from a set of bitmaps. This allows you to provide an XP look and feel for any operating system. With the XtraGrid, you get 6 8 built-in skins and in addition can create your own
    The previous two benefits are possible since the XtraGrid and the other included controls support a shared painting library. With this library, you have centralized control over the look and feel of all controls. You can change the paint style of all the controls by changing just a single property
    Each and every element within the XtraGrid can be manually painted
    The XtraGrid fully supports background images and alpha blending. It gives you a special component that manages transparency levels for elements so that you can change colors while preserving the transparency levels
    View Technology

    The XtraGrid provides you with four built-in views that ensure you can provide the most elegant on-screen representation for any type of data. The base views provide data presentation using the table format or expandable cards. There are two enhanced table formats one allows columns to be grouped into nested bands, the other allows you to provide multi-line cell layout.

    True Master-Detail Support

    You can display an unlimited number of nesting levels and branches
    You can switch between neighboring details using the specially designed tab-switcher or tool tip
    Details at any nesting levels can be represented by any View. E.g. you can present detail data using cards.
    Views give you the full feature-set regardless of whether they are used as a master or detail view or as the only view within the grid control
    End-users can zoom in on any detail so that it fills the entire control
    Details can be synchronized. E.g. end-users can group data in a single detail while the rest are not affected.
    Master-detail data can be supplied to the grid in numerous formats. The grid automatically recognizes relations between DataTables and expandable properties (that implement the IList interface). You can also implement the specially designed interface in a master table or supply detail data via events, thus providing dynamic detail loading which can give a performance benefit
    Extremely Fast Data Processing and Visual Updates

    Developer Express have made every effort to make sure their grid is as fast as possible from scrolling huge record sets to immediate layout updates and fast data sorting, grouping and filtering. They have designed this control so it can be used for any purpose without any hassles even for real-time data analysis.

    Data Operations

    You can group data against an unlimited number of columns. There are several built-in group styles Unique Values, Alphabetic, By Month, By Year, Outlook 2003 Style. You can also provide custom data grouping algorithms
    You can provide a single group panel for the master and details or display group panels within each individual detail.
    Standard and Office 2003 group row styles are available
    You can sort data against an unlimited number of columns. Data can be sorted either by field values or by the display text of cells. You can also implement custom data sorting algorithms. End-users can sort data both in the Grid and Card Views
    You can filter data by any criteria. There are numerous user interface elements that can be used to filter data AutoFilter row, MS Excel style filter dropdowns and dialogs, the filter panel. The Filter Panel and Filter Dropdowns have lists of the most-recently used values. End-users can filter data both in the Grid and Card Views
    Grid Views can display summaries of two types a total summary which is calculated against all the values in a field and group summaries which are calculated against the values within each individual group. You can use one of the 5 built-in aggregate functions or implement your own
    Data Layout

    Fixed columns and bands (column groups) are allowed in Grid Views. Such columns and bands are anchored to the right or left edge of a view and arent affected by horizontal scrolling
    Cell merging is available in Grid Views. Neighboring cells are joined into a single cell if they have identical values. You can provide a custom algorithm for comparing cell values
    MS Outlook style Preview sections with automatic height calculation are available
    Grid and Card Views can automatically calculate the height of cells for memo and image fields
    Grid Views can automatically can automatically calculate the width of columns. In this mode, the total column width matches the grids width and horizontal scrolling will never be needed
    Card Views offer automatic card width adjustment. In this mode you can specify how many card columns are to be displayed. Cards are automatically resized to occupy the entire view space available
    Grid Views can fit their columns based upon their content
    Data Editing

    The XtraGrid is powered by the XtraEditors Library a feature-rich and usable editors. This library offers you 20 editors which can be embedded into grid cells
    You can easily create custom editors. The XtraEditors Library includes three custom editor samples
    An Integrated UI for adding and deleting records is available. You can add or delete rows using the data navigator. Grid views can display the NewItem row either as the first or last row
    Centralized validation for entered data. In addition, the grid provides built-in error indication via error icons. It also automatically recognizes errors in the data source if its records implement the IDataErrorInfo interface
    Data Printing and Export

    The XtraGrid can be printed or exported to a graphics file with the help of the XtraPrinting Library which is a separate product
    The XtraGrids data can be exported to XLS, TXT, HTML and XML formats
    You can print or export each individual detail separately
    End-user Experience

    With the XtraGrid, you dont have to write code to allow end-users to customize Views. And whats more important, most end-user capabilities are available without having to toggle a single property.

    Built-in end-user capabilities include:

    Column and card field visibility customization
    Reordering, resizing and applying best fit to columns
    Resizing rows and cards
    Grouping, sorting, filtering data and applying summaries
    Full expand/collapse for group rows
    Multiple row selection
    Automatic hints for cells and headers with truncated values
    Three convenient built-in menus
    Design-time Experience

    The XtraGrid gives you on-form access to all objects. You just click on column headers, card fields, bands and access their settings via the Properties window

    Each view offers a convenient Property Editor dialog

    The integrated Feature Browser allows you to find the desired settings with ease

    The integrated Appearance Editor dialog lets you access style settings for each element by clicking the desired element


    Convenient API that allows you to determine which of the grids element is located at a specified point
    The XtraGrid is fully localizable
    Each View allows you to save and restore its layouts via a number of storage medias

  5. #45
    خسته نباشید دوستان
    لطفا اگر کسی در مورد استفاده از فلاش در وی بی دات نت اطلاعی داره بزرگواری کنه و به بنده هم اطلاع بده

  6. #46

    Wink کد کننده متن

    سلام دوستان ، این dll رو هم خود من نوشتم ، شاید بکارتون بیاد !!!

    اینم نحوه استفاده کردنش
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;

    namespace CMe_Encryption
    public partial class Form1 : Form
    private Meysam CMe = new Meysam();
    public Form1()

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Code Type-> 128 / 256 / 192 bit
    richTextBox1.Text = CMe.Encrypt("TextForCode", "PasswordKey", "Code Type");

    private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Code Type-> 128 / 256 / 192 bit
    richTextBox1.Text = CMe.Decrypt("TextForCode", "PasswordKey", "Code Type");
    فایل های ضمیمه فایل های ضمیمه

  7. #47
    کاربر دائمی آواتار Sharif Lotfi
    تاریخ عضویت
    شهریور 1384
    محل زندگی
    نمی دونم این کامپوننت رو قبلا لینک دادین یا نه . ولی کامل و قشنگه .
    53 MB هستش یه جا معرفی کنین آپلودش کنم .

  8. #48
    کاربر دائمی آواتار Sharif Lotfi
    تاریخ عضویت
    شهریور 1384
    محل زندگی
    عکسهایی از لیست ابزار این مجموعه که یک آموزش کامل فلش هم دارد برایتان گذاشته ام
    فایل های ضمیمه فایل های ضمیمه

  9. #49
    آخرین ویرایش به وسیله titbasoft : پنج شنبه 12 بهمن 1385 در 11:14 صبح

  10. #50
    سلام خدمت همه دوستان،

    ذکر چند نکته برای ادامه فعالیت این تاپیک الزامیست:
    1) حتما می دونید که WAREZ Activity مخالف قوانین سایته، اون هم به علت مشکلات بی شماری است که از طرف قوانین بین المللی برای سایت بوجود اومده، و به راحتی هم تکرار پذیره.
    2) پست هایی که هر گونه لینک مستقیم به منابع بدون مجوز داشته باشند، بدون خبر قبلی حذف خواهند شد. با کمی تفکر منطقی به این نتیجه خواهید رسید که در این کار هیچگونه نیت شری وجود نخواهد داشت.
    3) روش هایی از قبیل ارسال از طریق ایمیل ، PM و تکه تکه کردن لینک یا هر روش دیگری که غیر از لینک مستقیم باشه هیچگونه مشکلی ندارند.
    4) متاسفانه در صورت ادامه نقض قوانین این تاپیک غیر فعال خواهد شد.

    قبلا از همکاری دوستان نهایت تشکر را دارم
    هر که بر مرکب باطل نشیند ، در سراى پیشمانى فرودش مى‏آورند

  11. #51

    Demeanor for .NET

    Demeanor for .NET
    یک obfuscation برای دات نت!

    لازم به ذکره که نسخه Personal edition اون همراه Borland delphi 2006 عرضه می شه!

    Demeanor for .NET is an obfuscation utility for .NET assemblies. It is designed to obfuscate as much information in a .NET assembly as possible while allowing the code to run as the developer intended. Demeanor for .NET is extremely configurable so that you can disable obfuscations at a type, method, field, property or event level should the need arise. Demeanor can obfuscate symbols using a number of different techniques allowing you some flexibility with regard to the obfuscated names produced.

    Wise Owl provides two versions of Demeanor for .NET - the Personal Edition and the Enterprise Edition.

    Demeanor for .NET, Personal Edition is a free version of our obfuscator that contains a subset of the complete features present in the Enterprise Edition. The personal edition renames all possible identifiers in a single assembly to meaningless, trivial names. This results in an assembly that is much harder to reverse engineer as well as an assembly that is smaller in size. This size reduction makes the assembly more efficient in memory and on disk. In addition, the Personal Edition Features supported by Demeanor for .NET, Personal Edition are indicated by the following symbol <P>.

    Demeanor for .NET, Enterprise Edition is the commercial version of our obfuscator that contains all the features of the Personal Edition plus numerous additional features to defeat reverse engineering. The Personal Edition renames all possible identifiers in a set of assemblies to meaningless, trivial names using a .NET-specialized algorithm that produces the maximum possible name overloading. By maximizing the name overloading, the Enterprise Edition produces assemblies that are more difficult to reverse engineer and that are significantly smaller than those obfuscated by the Personal Edition. In addition, the Enterprise Edition contains additional features that protect your assemblies against reverse engineering such as entire application obfuscation, string encryption, metadata obfuscation and removal, incremental obfuscation, unused code and data detection, automatic satellite assembly obfuscation, and more.

    New and non-breaking changed functionality in this release is indicated in the document using green text.

    Breaking changes to previously existing functionality is indicated in the document using red text.

  12. #52
    کاربر دائمی آواتار hadi2345
    تاریخ عضویت
    بهمن 1383
    محل زندگی

    Net Advantage 2006

    با سلام...

    توصیه میکنم حتما این ابزار رو از سایتش دانلود کنید ..http://www.infragistics.com/dotnet/netadvantage.aspx

    اینم چند تا عکس از گریدش !
    عکس های ضمیمه عکس های ضمیمه

  13. #53
    این را هم ببینید.

    Form Designer .NET

    آخرین ویرایش به وسیله titbasoft : پنج شنبه 12 بهمن 1385 در 10:54 صبح دلیل: اضافه کردن تصویر
    اگر Net. نمی دانید وارد نشوید.

  14. #54


    من یک کنترل درست کردم که برای ورود ساعت استفاده می شه
    یک کنترل کوچک و کاربردی هستش
    با سلام مجدد
    این ورژن جدید کنترل بالا
    1: Size مهار شده
    2: ورود ساعت با دکمه وسط ماوس
    3: ورود ساعت با دکمه up و ِDown
    4: ورود ساعت جاری با کلید F12
    منتظر نظرات و پیشنهاد های شما هستم
    آقا دستت درد نکنه اینم با آیکون
    عکس های ضمیمه عکس های ضمیمه
    فایل های ضمیمه فایل های ضمیمه
    آخرین ویرایش به وسیله titbasoft : پنج شنبه 12 بهمن 1385 در 10:52 صبح

  15. #55
    نقل قول نوشته شده توسط HO457 مشاهده تاپیک

    Windows XP style Explorer Bars
    Free for download
    Windows XP style Explorer Bars/Task Bars/Web Views - call them what you will - are all
    the rage at the moment. There are many great free Explorer Bar controls available on the
    net such as Derek Lakin's Collapsible Panel Bar, Darren May's Collapsing Group Control,
    and Tom Guinther's Full-featured XP Style Collapsible Panel. Most of them don't support
    Windows XP themes, or if they do, they "fake" it by drawing the gradient/arrows
    themselves, or by including the necessary images in the assembly.

    آقا این Windows XP style Explorer Bars دارای یه باگ می باشد. بهتره اگر کسی بلده با C‌برنامه بنویسه ، اشکال اون رو برطرف کنه و یه جائی آپلود کنه. من سراغ اون رفتم و پس از دانلود و استفاده به باگ خوردم. البته راهنمائی هائی نیز در رابطه با رفع مشکل شده ، ولی متاسفانه نحوه اشکال زدائی در محیط C‌می باشد که من اینکاره نیستم.

  16. #56
    کاربر دائمی آواتار Amir Taghavi
    تاریخ عضویت
    مهر 1384
    محل زندگی
    من از شهر عشقم ولی دلشکسته


    دو ابزار بدرد بخور (با کمی تغییرات):

    1. دیالوگ های فارسی
    2. هم msgbox و هم Exception msgbox
    فایل های ضمیمه فایل های ضمیمه

  17. #57
    کاربر دائمی آواتار prince-of-persia
    تاریخ عضویت
    خرداد 1385
    محل زندگی
    این Themed Windows XP style Explorer Bar رو چجوری با 2005 باز می کنن
    وقتی پروژه رو با می کنی error می دهد.

  18. #58
    کاربر دائمی آواتار Payam Moradi
    تاریخ عضویت
    شهریور 1383
    محل زندگی

    اینم یک دیالوگ فارسی. تقریبا شبیه دیالوگ SQL SERVER 2005 هست.
    (البته سورسش هم بازه)
    فایل های ضمیمه فایل های ضمیمه

  19. #59
    1st Security Agent

    Secure your PC with 1st Security Agent. It offers an administrative support for controlling which users are allowed to access your PC and the level of access each user may have. You can restrict access to Control Panel applets, disable Start Menu items, lock local, network and USB drives, disable DOS, boot keys, Registry editing, taskbar, task manager, and network access, hide desktop icons, password-protect Windows and restrict users to running specific applications only. Secure Internet Explorer, disable individual menu items, prevent others from editing Favorites, disable individual tabs in the Internet Options dialog, as well as specific settings from each tab. It also offers a flexible and complete password protection. Excellent online help is available. Try our password and security tools, free downloads

    Security Administrator

    Password protect your computer and restrict access to it with Security Administrator. It enables you to impose a variety of access restrictions to protect your privacy and stop others from tampering with your PC. You can deny access to Control Panel applets, disable boot keys, context menus, DOS windows, Registry editing, Internet and network access. Hide your desktop icons, local, network and USB drives, Start menu items, taskbar, apply password protection to Windows and restrict users to running specific applications only, control Internet usage, view statistics of computer use by your kids or employees. The program also has a built-in lock screen utility to prevent PC entry with a password while you are away. Excellent online help is available. Try our password and security tools, free downloads

    Easy Disk Drive Safeguard

    Use this password-protected security utility to hide and lock your local, network, Floppy and USB drives as well as disable the AutoRun feature for them. The design of the program is very simple. The main window contains the boxes with drive settings that represent individual drives and the toolbar used for applying changes. All you need to do is to click on the checkboxes with settings and after you finish press the apply button. If desired, you can apply password protection to the program to prevent your users from changing the security settings you enforce. This software has a very nice easy-to-learn user interface. Excellent help system is also available. Try our security tools, free downloads
    کلیه نرم افزارها به همراه لینک دانلود نسخه آزمایش ارائه گردید. با احترام به قوانین از ارائه هرگونه ک.ر.ک خودداری گردد.
    خوش باشید !

  20. #60
    این component ها هم بد نیستن!

    میتونید برنامه های شبیه به 2007 Office System ایجاد کنید.
    از این سایت واسه داونلود استفاده کنید:
    یه آدرس e-mail می دید و بعدن لینکش را واستون ارسال می کنن.

  21. #61
    یه سری کامپوننت هم تو لینک امضاء من هست فکر کنم بدرد بخور باشه !


  22. #62
    اگر قرار است برنامه شما روی ویندوز اکس پی اجرا شود نیازی به تهیه هیچ ابزاری ندارید . ویندوز بهمراه خود یک COM کامپوننت ویژه نوشتن روی سی دی و دی وی دی دارد که براحتی و رایگان میتوانید از آن استفاده کنید .

    دوست عزیز یک لفاف ( wrapper ) بروی این کامپوننت نوشته اند که برای استفاده در زبانهای مختلف در این آدرس قرار دارد :


    سورس و نسخه خاص دات نت آن نیز موجود است . دلفی کارها هم میتوانند نسخه خود را دریافت کنند . برنامه های نوشته شده با این ابزار روی ویندوزهای اکس پی و 2003 کار خواهد کرد .

    موفق باشید

    به نقل از Inprise
    آخرین ویرایش به وسیله titbasoft : چهارشنبه 09 اسفند 1385 در 23:24 عصر
    هر که بر مرکب باطل نشیند ، در سراى پیشمانى فرودش مى‏آورند

  23. #63
    کاربر دائمی
    تاریخ عضویت
    آذر 1385
    محل زندگی
    قلب دوستان
    (تبدیل متن به گفتار صوتی)text-to-speech

    تقدیم به دوستان

    غیر از متن راهنما کافیست یکی از فایل Microsoft Agent character files رالود و اجرا کنید.تبدیل چند خط کد سی شارپ به وی بی هم که کاری ندارد.

  24. #64

    Developer Tool News

    Featured product releases
    This month we are pleased to bring new news of 176 releases from 71 publishers. You can track the news as it happens with our newsfeed at www.devdirect.com

    New releases from Codejock Software
    01-May-2007 Xtreme Toolkit Pro - 2007 Vol 1 Suite more info>>
    01-May-2007 Xtreme Suite Pro - 2007 Vol 1 Suite more info>>

    New releases from SpreadsheetGear LLC
    08-May-2007 SpreadsheetGear for .NET 2006 - V2.5.1 Control/Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 SpreadsheetGear for .NET BETA - 2007 (3.0) Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Telerik Inc.
    21-May-2007 telerik Sitefinity - V3.0 A Content Management Application more info>>
    25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.treeview - V6.2.1 Control/Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.tabstrip - V3.5.1 Control/Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.ajax - V1.7.1 Tool more info>>
    25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.calendar - V2.1.1 Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.chart - V3.1.1 A Graph/Charting Control/Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.combobox - V2.7.1 A List Control/Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.grid - V4.6.1 Control/Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.input - V2.0.1 Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.menu - V4.3.1 Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.panelbar - V4.2.1 Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.rotator - V2.6.1 An Application Service Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from .netCHARTING
    25-May-2007 .netCHARTING - V4.2 A Graph/Charting Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Apex SQL
    17-May-2007 ApexSQL Code - 2005.08 Tool more info>>
    17-May-2007 ApexSQL Log - 2005.04 A Database Administration Tool more info>>
    17-May-2007 ApexSQL Script - 2005.08 A Database Administration Tool more info>>

    New releases from Aspose
    24-May-2007 Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET - V2.4 A PDF Manipulation Control/Component more info>>
    24-May-2007 Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java - V1.8 A PDF Manipulation Control/Component more info>>
    24-May-2007 Aspose.Flash for .NET - V1.5 A Multimedia Control/Component more info>>
    24-May-2007 Aspose.Cells for .NET - V4.2 Control/Component more info>>
    24-May-2007 Aspose.Workflow for .NET - V1.2.12 Control/Component more info>>
    24-May-2007 Aspose.Words for Reporting Services - V1.0.4 Add-In more info>>
    23-May-2007 Aspose.Network for .NET - An Internet Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Infragistics
    08-May-2007 NetAdvantage for JSF - 2007 V1 Suite more info>>

    New releases from Actipro Software LLC
    04-Jun-2007 Actipro Wizard for WPF - 2.0 A Window Control/Component more info>>
    04-Jun-2007 Actipro Ribbon for WPF - 1.0.0340 Control/Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 Actipro SyntaxEditor - V4.0.0250 An HTML/Text Editing Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 Actipro UIStudio - V2.0.0090 Suite more info>>
    25-May-2007 Actipro Wizard - V3.0.0130 A Window Control/Component more info>>
    25-May-2007 Actipro CodeHighlighter - V4.0.0047 A User Interface Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Astron Digital Ltd
    16-May-2007 AspLib Component Library - 4.7 Suite more info>>

    New releases from Aurigma Inc.
    07-May-2007 Media Processor Add-on - An Image Processing Control/Component more info>>
    30-May-2007 Aurigma PhotoEditor™ - V2.0 An Image Processing Component more info>>

    New releases from Data Dynamics, Ltd.
    28-May-2007 SharpGraph for .NET - V1.2.1 A Graph/Charting Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Developer Express
    28-May-2007 ASPxGrid and Editors Library - 2007.1.3 Control more info>>
    28-May-2007 XtraBars Suite for .NET - V2007.1.3 Control more info>>
    28-May-2007 XtraEditors Library for .NET - 2007.1.3 Control more info>>
    28-May-2007 XtraGrid Suite for .NET - 2007.1.3 Control more info>>
    28-May-2007 XtraNavBar Suite for .NET - 2007.1.3 Control more info>>
    28-May-2007 ASPxNavigation Suite - 2007.1.3 Control more info>>
    28-May-2007 XtraTreeList Suite for .NET - 2007.1.3 Control more info>>

    New releases from dtSearch Corp.
    28-May-2007 dtSearch Desktop - V7.41 A Search Engine Component more info>>
    28-May-2007 dtSearch Web - V7.41 A Search Engine Component more info>>
    28-May-2007 dtSearch Publish - V7.41 A Search Engine Control/Component more info>>
    28-May-2007 dtSearch Text Retrieval Engine for Win & .NET - V7.41 A Search Engine Component more info>>
    28-May-2007 dtSearch Network - V7.41 A Search Engine Component more info>>

    New releases from Gigasoft, Inc.
    29-May-2007 ProEssentials - V6.0.0.62 A Graph/Charting Suite more info>>

    New releases from Innovasys
    28-May-2007 Document! X - V5.1.1 Tool more info>>
    28-May-2007 HelpStudio - V3.0.1 Tool more info>>

    New releases from MindFusion Limited
    30-May-2007 JDiagram - 1.2 Control/Component more info>>
    01-May-2007 NetDiagram ASP.NET Control - 1.0 Control/Component more info>>
    15-May-2007 Planner.NET - 4.2.1 Control/Component more info>>
    18-May-2007 PocketPlanner - 4.2.1 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from SautinSoft
    14-May-2007 RTF-to-HTML DLL - V1.5 An HTML/Text Editing Component more info>>
    31-May-2007 PDF Metamorphosis .Net - V2.0 A PDF Conversion Component more info>>
    31-May-2007 RTF to XHTML Converter - V1.6 Tool more info>>

    New releases from Syncfusion, Inc.
    10-May-2007 Essential Tools - V5.1 Suite more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential Grid - V5.1 Control/Component more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential Edit - V5.1 An HTML/Text Editing Control/Component more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential XlsIO - V5.1 Control/Component more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential Chart - V5.1 A Graph/Charting Control/Component more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential Diagram - V5.1 Control/Component more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential Studio Enterprise - V5.1 Suite more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential PDF - V5.1 Component more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential Calculate - V5.1 Component more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential HTMLUI - V5.1 A User Interface Component more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential Grouping - V5.1 Control/Component more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential Studio ASP.NET Edition - V5.1 Suite more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential Studio BackOffice Edition - V5.1 Suite more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential Studio Windows Forms - V5.1 Suite more info>>
    10-May-2007 Essential DocIO - V5.1 Component more info>>

    New releases from wpCubed GmbH
    10-May-2007 WPTools - V5.23.5 An HTML/Text Editing Component more info>>
    07-May-2007 WPViewPDF - V1.40 Component more info>>
    01-Jun-2007 WPViewPDF - V2.00 Component more info>>
    04-Jun-2007 wRTF2PDF - V3.5 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Xceed Software Inc
    30-May-2007 Xceed DataGrid for WPF - V1.1 Control/Component more info>>
    30-May-2007 Xceed Zip for .NET - V3.5 A Compression Component more info>>
    30-May-2007 Xceed FTP for .NET - V3.5 An FTP Component more info>>
    30-May-2007 Xceed Zip for .NET Compact Framework - V3.5 A Compression Component more info>>

    New releases from Atalasoft
    15-May-2007 Atalasoft DotTwain - V5.0b Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from ceTe Software
    05-Jun-2007 DynamicPDF™ Generator Classic - V2.6b Component more info>>
    05-Jun-2007 DynamicPDF™ Merger for .NET - V4.0.3 A PDF Manipulation Component more info>>
    05-Jun-2007 DynamicPDF™ Generator for .NET - V4.0.3 Component more info>>
    05-Jun-2007 DynamicPDF™ Generator for Java - V4.0.3 Component more info>>
    05-Jun-2007 DynamicPDF Generator for COM/ActiveX - V4.0 Control/Component more info>>
    05-Jun-2007 DynamicPDF Merger for COM/ActiveX - V4.0 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Corporate Web Solutions Ltd
    04-Jun-2007 .netCART - V2.9.2701 An Ecommerce Control/Component more info>>
    04-Jun-2007 .netCHARGE - V5.7 A Credit Card Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Data Techniques Inc.
    16-May-2007 FaxMan - V4.1.3 A Fax Suite more info>>

    هر که بر مرکب باطل نشیند ، در سراى پیشمانى فرودش مى‏آورند

  25. #65

    New releases from Dundas Software
    31-May-2007 Dundas Chart for ASP.NET Enterprise - V5.51 A Graph/Charting Component more info>>
    31-May-2007 Dundas Chart for Windows Forms Enterprise - V5.51 A Graph/Charting Component more info>>
    31-May-2007 Dundas Chart for Windows Forms Professional - V5.51 A Graph/Charting Component more info>>
    31-May-2007 Dundas Chart for Reporting Services - V2.1 A Graph/Charting Component more info>>

    New releases from Eiffel Software Inc.
    07-Jun-2007 EiffelStudio - V5.7 An Implementation Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Elevate Software, Inc.
    05-Jun-2007 ElevateDB - V1.03 Tool more info>>

    New releases from Gravitybox Software LLC
    31-May-2007 Gravitybox Schedule.NET - V5.4.2.2 Control/Component more info>>
    31-May-2007 GbSchedule (ActiveX) - V7.5.0.151 Control/Component more info>>
    31-May-2007 Gravitybox WebSchedule.NET - V3.8.6.2 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Indigo Rose Software Corporation
    04-Jun-2007 Visual Patch Express - Tool more info>>

    New releases from Klik! Software
    05-Jun-2007 Klik! EntryLib.Net for Windows Forms - V1.2.24 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Lidor Systems
    04-Jun-2007 IntegralUI TreeView - 1.4 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from LMD Innovative
    20-May-2007 LMD-Tools - 7.13 Suite more info>>
    20-May-2007 LMD ElPack - 5.11 Control/Component more info>>
    23-May-2007 LMD DesignPack.NET - 1.0 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from MultiMedia Soft
    07-Jun-2007 Active DJ Studio - 3.3 A Multimedia Control/Component more info>>
    28-May-2007 Audio DJ Studio for .NET - 2.5 A Multimedia Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Perpetuum Software LLC
    05-Jun-2007 Instrumentation ModelKit - V3 An Instrumentation Component more info>>

    New releases from Radar-Soft, L.L.C.
    29-May-2007 RadarCube Desktop for NET Windows Forms - 1.11 Control/Component more info>>
    30-May-2007 RadarCube ASP.NET for MS Analysis - 1.17 Control/Component more info>>
    29-May-2007 RadarCube Windows Forms for MS Analysis - 1.11 Control/Component more info>>
    30-May-2007 RadarCube ASP.NET Direct - 1.00 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Rebex
    06-Jun-2007 Rebex FTP for .NET - V2.5.2700. An FTP Control/Component more info>>
    06-Jun-2007 Rebex FTP/SSL for .NET - V2.5.2700. An FTP Component more info>>
    06-Jun-2007 Rebex Time for .NET - V2.0.2621. A Network Time Control/Component more info>>
    06-Jun-2007 Rebex Mail for .NET - V1.0.2700. Component more info>>
    06-Jun-2007 Rebex Secure Mail for .NET - V1.0.2700. Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Sky Software
    04-Jun-2007 Shell MegaPack.Net - 9.0 Suite more info>>

    New releases from Software Verification Ltd
    07-May-2007 Java Memory Validator - V1.11 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>>
    07-May-2007 Java Thread Validator - V1.19 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>>
    07-May-2007 JavaScript Memory Validator - V1.20 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>>
    05-Jun-2007 Memory Validator - V4.38 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>>
    05-Jun-2007 Coverage Validator - V2.12 A Code Analysis Tool more info>>
    05-Jun-2007 Performance Validator - V2.24 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>>
    05-Jun-2007 Thread Validator - V1.16 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>>

    New releases from TallComponents BV
    04-Jun-2007 TallPDF.NET - V3.0.13.4 Component more info>>
    04-Jun-2007 PDFReaderControls.NET - V1.0.29 A PDF Viewer Component more info>>
    04-Jun-2007 PDFRasterizer.NET - V2.0.10.1 A PDF Viewer Component more info>>
    04-Jun-2007 PDFKit.NET - V2.0.7.1 Component more info>>

    New releases from THBComponentware
    04-Jun-2007 THBImage - V5.0.2.4 An Image Processing Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Vinta Software
    06-Jun-2007 VintaSoftTwain ActiveX Control - V3.7 Control/Component more info>>
    01-May-2007 VintaSoftTiff.NET Library - V2.2 An Image Processing Component more info>>

    New releases from Active Up SPRL
    01-Jun-2007 ActiveRTF - V3.0 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Adillis
    04-Jun-2007 Adillis smartDBforms.NET - 1.4 Control/Component more info>>
    New releases from Cachupa
    15-May-2007 {smartassembly} - V2.1.2688 Tool more info>>

    New releases from Datanamic Solutions BV
    04-May-2007 DB Data Generator - V1 Tool more info>>

    New releases from Eltima Software GmbH
    25-May-2007 Virtual Serial Port Driver - V6.0 A Serial Communication Tool more info>>

    New releases from Gnostice Information Technologies
    31-May-2007 PDFtoolkit VCL - V5.0 Component more info>>
    31-May-2007 PDFtoolkit ActiveX/.NET - V2.5 Component more info>>

    New releases from Green Computers
    04-May-2007 EasySQL Deploy Plus - 2.1 A Database Administration Tool more info>>
    04-May-2007 Easy SQL Deploy - 2.1 A Database Administration Tool more info>>
    04-May-2007 EasySQL Deploy Professional - 2.1 A Database Administration Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from ICreate
    01-May-2007 Buttons & Bars - Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Lassalle Technologies
    03-May-2007 AddFlow for .NET - V2.1.0.3 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Lingobit Technologies
    16-May-2007 Lingobit Localizer - V5.0 A Localization/Multi-language Tool more info>>

    New releases from Outside Software
    03-May-2007 ExpertPDF - V1.4 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from RMTrack Issue Tracking Solutions Inc
    10-May-2007 RMTrack Issue Tracking - V2.5.9 A Bug/Issue Tracking Application more info>>

    New releases from VDE Technologies LLC
    31-May-2007 RuleLab.Net - 1.6.2 A Rules Engine Component more info>>

    New releases from XHEO INC
    21-May-2007 CodeVeil - V1.3 Tool more info>>

    New releases from ej-technologies GmbH
    15-May-2007 JProfiler - V5.0 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>>

    New releases from Excelsior LLC
    22-May-2007 Excelsior JET - 5.0 An Implementation Tool more info>>

    New releases from JObjects, Inc.
    11-May-2007 QuestAgent - V7.5.1 A Search Engine Component more info>>

    New releases from Lake of Soft, Ltd
    08-May-2007 Voice Communicator (VC) - V2.5.2007. A Multimedia Component more info>>

    New releases from Pocket PC Controls.com
    11-May-2007 Color Tab Control .NET - 1.4 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from SOFPRO
    30-May-2007 PC Guard for Win32 - 5.01.0570 A Licensing/Activation Tool more info>>
    30-May-2007 PC Guard for .NET - 5.01.0570 A Licensing/Activation Tool more info>>

    New releases from SourceTec Software Co. LTD
    16-May-2007 Sothink DHTMLMenu - V7.3 Component more info>>
    16-May-2007 Sothink SWF Decompiler - V3.6 A Multimedia Control/Component more info>>
    16-May-2007 Sothink SWF Quicker - V2.6 A Multimedia Component more info>>

    New releases from TheDevShop Ltd
    21-May-2007 dbQwikSite - 5.2 A Web Site Design/Development Code Generator more info>>

    New releases from tmssoftware.com
    28-May-2007 TMS ASP.NET Component Pack - V2.5 Suite more info>>
    28-May-2007 Diagram Studio - V2.2 Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from VoiceAngel (Soband Inc)
    16-May-2007 VoiceAngel - V5.1 A Telephony Component more info>>
    New releases from Waymex IT Ltd
    11-May-2007 GPS Library for .Net - V3.1.9 A GPS Component more info>>

    New releases from WebCab Components
    16-May-2007 WebCab Portfolio (J2EE Edition) - V5.0 Control/Component more info>>
    16-May-2007 WebCab Portfolio for .NET - V5.0 Control/Component more info>>
    16-May-2007 WebCab Portfolio (J2SE Edition) - V5.0 Control/Component more info>>
    16-May-2007 WebCab Portfolio for Delphi - V5.0 Component more info>>

    New releases from EldoS Corporation
    05-May-2007 SecureBlackbox - 5.1.111 An Internet Protocol Encryption Control/Component more info>>

    New releases from Heaventools Software
    11-May-2007 PE Explorer - 1.99 An Application Analysis Tool more info>>

    New releases from SharpPower
    10-May-2007 RapTier - V1.4.2 Code Generator more info>>

    New releases from syncRO soft ltd
    06-Jun-2007 Syncro SVN Client - 2.4 A Version Control Application more info>>
    07-May-2007 oXygen XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Debugger - 8.2 An XML Application more info>>
    هر که بر مرکب باطل نشیند ، در سراى پیشمانى فرودش مى‏آورند

  26. #66
    کاربر دائمی آواتار amirsajjadi
    تاریخ عضویت
    آبان 1385
    محل زندگی
    خراسان رضوی - سبزوار
    کامپوننت مسیج باکس سفارشی زیبا

  27. #67
    کاربر دائمی آواتار amirsajjadi
    تاریخ عضویت
    آبان 1385
    محل زندگی
    خراسان رضوی - سبزوار
    با سلام
    ابزار جدید مایکروسافت با نام Power Pack 2.0 جهت رسم گرافیک و گرفتن پرینت از فرم و از تصویر پشت فرم
    با این ابزار دیگه نیاز نیست برای رسم یک دایره یا مربع کلی کد بنویسیم فقط کافی اون رو روی فرم بکشیم و رها کنیم (مثل یک باتون)


    اگه لینکش کار نکرد توی سایت مایکروسافت Visual Basic Power Packs 2.0 رو جستجو کنید

  28. #68
    کاربر دائمی آواتار amirsajjadi
    تاریخ عضویت
    آبان 1385
    محل زندگی
    خراسان رضوی - سبزوار

    Talking Winsock.NET 2005

    با سلام
    اینم کامپوننت Winsock.NET 2005
    خودم امتحانش کردم صد در صد جواب میده دقیقا مثل Winsock ویژوال بیسیک 6 کار میکنه ولی با امکانات بیشتر و سرعت بالاتر
    فایل های ضمیمه فایل های ضمیمه

  29. #69
    کاربر دائمی
    تاریخ عضویت
    اردیبهشت 1385
    محل زندگی
    اگه دارین بزارین اینجا تا ما
    هم استفاده کنیم

  30. #70
    کامپوننت WebTaskScheduler برای ایجاد خبر نامه یا انجام کارها در زمان مشخص برای سایتهای که با ASP.NET کار می کنه و خودم نوشتم:

    محل قرار گیری: WebTaskScheduler انجام کارها در زمان مشخص (خبرنامه و ...)
    آخرین ویرایش به وسیله SalarSoft : دوشنبه 05 فروردین 1387 در 19:56 عصر

  31. #71
    چون تعداد بسیار زیادی از سئوالات رو در مورد بانک اطلاعاتی و نحوه کار با دیتابیس ها دیدم ، فکر کردم بد نباشه یکی دو تا کد کار با دیتابیس به صورت بسیار ساده بگذارم که دارای امکانات زیر باشه:

    -درج در بانک اطلاعاتی
    -ویرایش بانک اطلاعاتی
    -حذف از بانک اطلاعاتی
    -جستجو در بانک اطلاعاتی
    -کلیک کردن روی دیتاگرید و بایند اطلاعات به تکستک باکس ها
    -ارسال پارامتر و مقدار از طریق برنامه به گزارش
    -نمایش اطلاعات جدول در دیتاگرید
    -فارسی کردن هدر دیتاگرید
    -فارسی کردن تکست باکس ها
    -چاپ نتایج جستجو و گزارشگیری از بانک
    -کار با بانک اطلاعاتی اکسس و اس کیو ال SQL,Access
    -البته کار با بانک اطلاعاتی اس کیو ال در داخل برنامه سی شارپ موجود هست
    -توضیحات مختصری هم داده شده.

    -تمام عملیات درج ، حذف، ویرایش و جستجو در داخل یک کلاس ساخته شده ، صورت می گیرد
    -تمام عملیات مربوط به چاپ هم در یک کلاس دیگری گنجانده شده است

    از تمام دوستان میخام که نظرات و پیشنهادات و انتقادات خودشون رو در مورد برنامه در لینک زیر بگذارند


    برنامه زبان سی شارپ رو از اینجا دانلود کنید
    فایل های ضمیمه فایل های ضمیمه

  32. #72
    کاربر دائمی آواتار amirsajjadi
    تاریخ عضویت
    آبان 1385
    محل زندگی
    خراسان رضوی - سبزوار
    با سلام
    آموزش و کامپوننت kdtele 3.6

  33. #73

    SQL Script Builder

    SQL Script Builder

    Is software that create a database migration sql script (or dump file) from any ODBC supported database. The script produced will migrate the database (multiple tables selection) or only one table and the records. Scripts are available in 5 output formats ; MySql, MS SQL, Oracle, Pervasive and PostgreSQL. SQL Script Builder is very simple to use, you just have to choose the database and the table from the list. SQL Script Builder scripts can be used on your DBMS (database management system) or uploaded on a server


  34. #74

    Griaule Fingerprint SDK

    Fingerprint SDK

    The Fingerprint SDK is a groundbreaking fingerprint recognition Software Development Kit (SDK) that allows you to integrate biometrics in a wide variety of applications. Thanks to its support for dozens of programming languages, richness of code samples, and its thorough documentation, you will start developing your application in a matter of hours!

    The Fingerprint SDK is provided in two different releases. The Fingerprint SDK for Windows supports many Windows programming languages through either DLL or ActiveX (COM). The Fingerprint SDK for Java allows development of cross-plataform Java programs that will run either in Microsoft Windows or Gnu/Linux.

    Several companies, including the fingerprint readers manufacturers, provide fingerprint recognition SDKs. To help your decision, here are a few points worth considering, and looking for them on other provider's solutions:

    * Multiple fingerprint reader support: 19 different devices are supported! Usually, the fingerprint libraries provided by the manufacturers only support their own device. Fingerprint SDK's support for multiple fingerprint readers allows you to choose the more suitable reader, and even after application development or deployment, makes you able to change the fingerprint reader you are using, without modifying your code!
    * Driver-less Microsoft Fingerprint reader and Digital Persona support: you don't need the manufacturer's driver or SDK (API). Our SDK comes with its own driver for these readers.
    * Easy interface: almost all the fingerprint recognition libraries provides as interface only a cumbersome DLL, where you need to create import files for the language you are using, among other obstacles. Fingerprint SDK offers you an ActiveX component and a DLL or a JAR component!
    * Multiple programming language support: The Fingerprint SDK supports multiple programming languages including Java, Delphi, Visual Basic, C++‎, .NET, FoxPro and many others.
    * Integration made amazingly easy: With the several samples delivered with the Fingerprint SDK, everything needed to develop in the supported languages is showed as example! The samples are provided in several languages, along with their source code.
    * Biometrics through internet: You can use Fingerprint SDK for Java inside a Java applet and create a cross-plataform application for the web!
    * International quality assurance: Winners! That was the outcome of our Fingerprint SDK participation in the world’s largest competition for fingerprint verification algorithms (FVC2006). We were also successfully tested among the world's best fingerprint recognition systems , on a test held by NIST in 2003.
    * Outstanding fingerprint matching speed: with a blazing fast matching speed up to 35,000 fingerprints per second, it will be more than adequate for most demanding applications.
    * One-to-many fingerprint identification: most solutions offer only one-to-one verification or one-to-little. Using Fingerprint SDK you have unlimited one-to-many fingerprint identification.
    * Trial pack available: you can download our Trial Pack and test it, create your applications and use it non-commercially for 90 days. Once you decide to purchase, you won't even need to reinstall the software!
    * Easy hardware-free licensing: The Fingerprint SDK can be licensed with only a text agreement, shipped through the internet. It is amazingly easy to deploy your software.
    * Ph.D. researchers team: our technology is on an ever-improving trend, due to our researchers, all of them with an outstanding knowledge and publications on image processing, computer vision and other related issues.


  35. #75


    Is an easy to use component to limit the access to Windows (95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP ). This can be achieved by disabling a variety of key combinations (such as Ctrl+Alt+Del) and by hiding and replacing elements of the Windows desktop. dWinlock offers the following functions: Disable keystrokes e.g.: - Ctrl Alt Del - Ctrl Esc - Alt Tab - Alt Esc - Alt F4 - Win Key - Application Key - Mouse Button Hide or replace following desktop elements: - Windows Taskbar - Windows Desktop - Windows Start Button - Tray Icons in the Windows Taskbar - Application Links in the Windows Taskbar - Replacement of Windows Start menu with own menu All options can be activated or deactivated during runtime. Therefore it is not ecessary to reboot your system after making changes

    عکس های ضمیمه عکس های ضمیمه

  36. #76
    کاربر دائمی آواتار touraj
    تاریخ عضویت
    اسفند 1384
    محل زندگی

    Adobe Acrobat 8.1 SDK

    The Adobe Acrobat 8.1 SDK is now available free of charge to all users. Developers can use the SDK to create software and plug-ins to interact and customize Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader.

    آخرین ویرایش به وسیله touraj : چهارشنبه 25 اردیبهشت 1387 در 09:10 صبح

  37. #77
    کاربر دائمی آواتار touraj
    تاریخ عضویت
    اسفند 1384
    محل زندگی

    Adobe Flex SDK

    Flex is a highly productive, open source framework for building and maintaining expressive web applications that deploy consistently on all major browsers, desktops and operating systems.
    This site is focused on the development of the Flex SDK. If you are looking for more information on how to use Flex, you may wish to visit the Flex Developer Center.
    Flex 3 is the latest production quality release.Flex 4 (Gumbo) is currently under development.


  38. #78
    کاربر دائمی آواتار touraj
    تاریخ عضویت
    اسفند 1384
    محل زندگی

    Adobe Acrobat Connect Collaboration Builder SDK

    The Acrobat Connect Collaboration Builder SDK allows developers to create custom Flash content and applications for use in Acrobat Connect Professional (formerly Breeze). The Collaboration Builder SDK is available to both hosted and licensed Adobe Acrobat Connect Professional customers free of charge. The Acrobat Connect Collaboration Builder SDK allows meeting attendees to:
    Enhance instructor effectiveness and improve learner retention by including custom simulations and games in virtual classrooms
    Improve productivity by incorporating specific, task-based applications in collaborative team meetings
    Engage audiences more effectively and monitor system performance in large web events
    Acrobat Connect Professional meeting participants more readily by including ice breakers or other types of social applications in meetings


  39. #79
    کاربر دائمی آواتار touraj
    تاریخ عضویت
    اسفند 1384
    محل زندگی

    Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType

    The goal of the Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType package is to share the tools used by Adobe font developers for wrapping up PostScript fonts as OpenType/CFF font files, and adding OpenType layout features. These tools are used for in-house development of new Adobe OpenType fonts. Use them at your own risk, and with no guarantee of support! We know that they work for the fonts Adobe makes, but have tested only part of what it is possible to express with OpenType. Note! Although the FDK directory tree contains a number of Python scripts, none of them can be used by double-clicking on them; they can only be successfully called as commands from a command-line window (the "Terminal" program on Mac, the "cmd" or "DOS" program on Windows).

    Note also that the AFDKO is for adding OpenType data to existing fully-designed PostScript fonts, and for proofing them. It does not offer tools for designing or editing glyphs. The proofing tools work with TrueType-based source fonts, but the makeotf, checkOutlines, and autohint tools work only with PostScript source fonts or OpenType fonts with Postscript outlines.

    There is a user forum for discussing issues with the FDK tools at "http://www.adobeforums.com", under the name OpenType Font Developers User Forum, and another at http://typophile.com/node/28277. Please send bug reports for the FDK to opentype-info@adobe.com. Questions of general interest should be asked on the OpenType Font Developers User Forum. Please do NOT ask AFDKO specific questions on the opentype list.

    The latest version of the FDK, available via the download links, is now FDK 2.0 build 26. This release fixes important installation issues and a few important bugs from build 21. Build 21 has many changes since FDK version v1.6. The FDK 2.0 requires Mac OSX 10.3.x or later, or Windows XP or Windows 2000. The Mac download was compressed with Stuffit 10.1; if you cannot unpack it, make sure that you have the latest version of Stuffit.

    Important Notes for users of FDK 1.6
    FDK 2.0 now supports OS/2 table v4. Please read the "MakeOTFUserGuide.pdf" about this.
    The project file format has changed.
    The default feature file script tag for makeotf is now the "DFLT" script rather than the "latn" script. This has several consequences.
    To get the same script/language coverage as before, you need to explicitly specify "languagesystem latn dflt;". Please read "OT Feature File Syntax.html" on this.
    If you used language tags without previously specifying the "latn" script explicitly, makeotf will report an error, as the "DFLT" script tag can only be used with the language tag "dflt".
    FontLab 4 and 5 use the makeotf library from FDK1.6, so they will not support the script tag "DFLT".
    Major changes in FDK v2.0 build 26, built April 27 2007, since build 21.
    FDK can now be installed on Windows without conflicting with a FontLab+different Python.
    The AutoHint and Check Outlines scripts for FontLab now work with Python2.4 and 2.3, and all required modules are supplied in the Windows version.
    FDK can now be installed on Windows without conflicting with a FontLab+different Python.
    More tests added to compareFamily.
    Added new tool, kernCheck. This will report collisions between kern pairs, and will report when kern rules in one subtable mask rules in another subtable.
    More bug fixes, including important changes to makeotf and autohint. See the file "FDKReleaseNotes.txt".
    Major changes in FDK v2.0 build 21, built Aug 31 2006
    All the tools are now command-line only. We dropped the GUI wrappers because there are now CJK users, and the various Python UI toolkits still do not offer full Unicode support, and because FontLab does a better job.

    Made the AFDKO a stand-alone package: download it, follow the instructions in the "Read_Me_First.html" file, and you are done. It is now independent of the version of Python that you may or may not have installed
    Added support for contextual positioning rules in the makeotf and spot tools. See "Feature File Syntax.html" and the program documentation for the details of what is supported and what is not.
    Added support for the "DFLT" script tag.
    Fixed MakeOTF so that the "size" feature is built correctly.
    Support anticipated change to the OpenType spec for the OS/2 table: allows setting the OS/2 table version to 4, and setting bits 7 and 8 in the fsSelection field.
    Finally ported to the FDK all the Adobe-developed tools used by the Adobe font developers. The new tools are:
    autohint, stemHist: Adobe auto-hinting tools
    checkOutlines: glyph outline validation
    mergeFonts: merge fonts, rename glyphs
    rotateFont: rotateand/or translate glyphs
    charsetplot, digiplot, fontplot, fontsetplot, hintplot, waterfallplot:
    some standard outline proof formats, output to PDF.
    Most of the scripts now have an OpenSource license, so that you adapt them as you like.
    Many bug fixes: see the file "FDKReleaseNotes.txt" for details.


  40. #80
    کاربر دائمی آواتار touraj
    تاریخ عضویت
    اسفند 1384
    محل زندگی

    Photoshop Developer Center

    If you have already been granted access to the Photoshop SDK, you can download Photoshop CS3 SDK, the Photoshop CS2 SDK, or Photoshop CS SDK.


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