View Full Version : اطلاعاتی در مورد long Sms

چهارشنبه 01 خرداد 1387, 10:50 صبح
Concatenation User Data Header

There are 5 octets required in the User Data Header to describe a Concatenated SMS (http://www.cardboardfish.com/support/bin/view/Main/SMS). These are:
Octet Number (http://www.cardboardfish.com/support/bin/view/Main/ConcatenatedAndLongSMS?sortcol=0;table=2;up=0#sort ed_table) Value (http://www.cardboardfish.com/support/bin/view/Main/ConcatenatedAndLongSMS?sortcol=1;table=2;up=0#sort ed_table) Description (http://www.cardboardfish.com/support/bin/view/Main/ConcatenatedAndLongSMS?sortcol=2;table=2;up=0#sort ed_table) 1 00 Information Element Identifier (IEL). Does not change. 2 03 Information Data Length (IEDL). Does not change. 3 AA A unique hexadecimal reference number. Does change for every set of Concatenated SMS (http://www.cardboardfish.com/support/bin/view/Main/SMS). 4 03 Total number of concatenated SMS (http://www.cardboardfish.com/support/bin/view/Main/SMS). Remains the same for each part of a Concatenated SMS (http://www.cardboardfish.com/support/bin/view/Main/SMS). 5 01 Current Concatenated SMS (http://www.cardboardfish.com/support/bin/view/Main/SMS) part number. Does change for every SMS (http://www.cardboardfish.com/support/bin/view/Main/SMS) part. Example UDH's of a 3 part Concatenated SMS:

0003010301 0003010302 0003010303