View Full Version : سوال: RunTime Error

دوشنبه 13 خرداد 1387, 15:44 عصر
سلام. کس میدونه لیست خطاهای vb6 رو از کجا میشه گرفت؟

سه شنبه 14 خرداد 1387, 06:40 صبح
اگه منظورت ايناست بيا اينك كداش :

3 Return without GoSub.
5 Illegal function call.
6 Overflow.
7 Out of memory.
9 Subscript out of range.
10 Duplicate definition.
11 Division by zero.
13 Type mismatch.
14 Out of string space.
16 String formula too complex.
17 Can't continue.
19 No Resume.
20 Resume without error.
28 Out of stack space.
35 Sub or Function not defined.
48 Error in loading DLL.
49 Bad DLL calling convention.
51 Internal error.
52 Bad file name or number.
53 File not found.
54 Bad file mode.
55 File already open.
57 Device I/O error.
58 File already exists.
59 Bad record length.
61 Disk full.
62 Input past end of file.
63 Bad record number.
64 Bad file name.
67 Too many files.
68 Device unavailable.
70 Permission denied.
71 Disk not ready.
74 Can't rename with different drive.
75 Path/File access error.
76 Path not found.
91 Object variable not Set.
92 For loop not initialized.
93 Invalid pattern string.
94 Invalid use of Null.
95 Cannot destroy active form instance.
260 No timer available.
280 DDE channel not fully closed; awaiting response from foreign application.
281 No More DDE channels.
282 No foreign application responded to a DDE initiate.
283 Multiple applications responded to a DDE initiate.
284 DDE channel locked.
285 Foreign application won't perform DDE method or operation.
286 Timeout while waiting for DDE response.
287 User pressed Escape key during DDE operation.
288 Destination is busy.
289 Data not provided in DDE operation.
290 Data in wrong format.
291 Foreign application quit.
292 DDE conversation closed or changed.
293 DDE Method invoked with no channel open.
294 Invalid DDE Link format.
295 Message queue filled; DDE message lost.
296 PasteLink already performed on this control.
297 Can't set LinkMode; invalid LinkTopic.
298 DDE requires ddeml.dll.
320 Can't use character device names in file names.
321 Invalid file format.
340 Control array element doesn't exist.
341 Invalid control array index.
342 Not enough room to allocate control array.
343 Object not an array.
344 Must specify index for object array.
345 Reached limit: cannot create any more controls for this form.
360 Object already loaded.
361 Can't load or unload this object.
362 Can't unload controls created at design time.
363 Custom control not found.
364 Object was unloaded.
365 Unable to unload within this context.
366 No MDI Form available to load.
380 Invalid property value.
381 Invalid property array index.
382 property cannot be set at run time.
383 property is read-only.
384 A form can't be moved or sized while minimized or maximized.
385 Must specify index when using property array.
386 property not available at run time.
387 property can't be set on this control.
388 Can't set Visible property from a parent menu.
389 Invalid key.
390 No Defined Value.
391 Name not available.
392 MDI child forms cannot be hidden.
393 property cannot be read at run time.
394 property is write-only.
395 Can't use separator bar as menu name.
400 Form already displayed; can't show modally.
401 Can't show non-modal form when modal form is displayed.
402 Must close or hide topmost modal form first.
403 MDI forms cannot be shown modally.
404 MDI child forms cannot be shown modally.
420 Invalid object reference.
421 Method not applicable for this object.
422 Property not found.
423 Property or control not found.
424 Object required.
425 Invalid object use.
426 Only one MDI Form allowed.
427 Invalid object type; Menu control required.
428 Popup menu must have at least one submenu.
429 OLE Automation server cannot create object.
430 Class does not support OLE Automation.
431 OLE Automation server cannot load file.
432 OLE Automation file or object name syntax error.
433 OLE Automation object does not exist.
434 Access to OLE Automation object denied.
435 OLE initialization error.
436 OLE Automation method returned unsupported type.
437 OLE Automation method did not return a value.
438 OLE Automation no such property or method.
439 OLE Automation argument type mismatch.
440 OLE Automation error.
441 Error loading VBOA300.DLL.
442 OLE Automation Lbound or Ubound on non Array value.
443 OLE Automation Object does not have a default value.
444 Method not applicable in this context.
460 Invalid Clipboard format.
461 Specified format doesn't match format of data.
480 Can't create AutoRedraw image.
481 Invalid picture.
482 Printer error.
520 Can't empty Clipboard.
521 Can't open Clipboard.
600 Set value not allowed on collections.
601 Get value not allowed on collections.
602 General ODBC error.
603 ODBC - SQLAllocEnv failure.
604 ODBC - SQLAllocConnect failure.
605 OpenDatabase - invalid connect string.
606 ODBC - SQLConnect failure.
607 Access attempted on unopened DataBase.
608 ODBC - SQLFreeConnect error.
609 ODBC - GetDriverFunctions failure.
610 ODBC - SQLAllocStmt failure.
611 ODBC - SQLTables (TableDefs.Refresh) failure.
612 ODBC - SQLBindCol failure.
613 ODBC - SQLFetch failure.
614 ODBC - SQLColumns (Fields.Refresh) failure.
615 ODBC - SQLStatistics (Indexes.Refresh) failure.
616 Table exists - append not allowed.
617 No fields defined - cannot append table.
618 ODBC - SQLNumResultCols (CreateDynaset) failure.
619 ODBC - SQLDescibeCol (CreateDynaset) failure.
620 Dynaset is open - CreateDynaset method not allowed.
621 Row-returning SQL is illegal in ExecuteSQL method.
622 CommitTrans/Rollback illegal - Transactions not support.
623 Name not found in this collection.
624 Unable to Build Data Type Table.
625 Data type of field not supported by target database.
626 Attempt to Move past EOF.
627 Dynaset is not updatable or Edit method has not been invoked.
628 Dynaset method illegal - no scrollable cursor support.
629 Warning: (ODBC - SQLSetConnectOption failure).
630 Property is read-only.
631 Zero rows affected by Update method.
632 Update illegal without previous Edit or AddNew method.
633 Append illegal - Field is part of a TableDefs collection.
634 Property value only valid when Field is part of a Dynaset.
635 Cannot set the property of an object which is part of a Database.
636 Set field value illegal without previous Edit or AddNew method.
637 Append illegal - Index is part of a TableDefs collection.
638 Access attempted on unopened Dynaset.
639 Field type is illegal.
640 Field size illegal for specified Field Type.
641 illegal - no current record.
642 Reserved parameter must be FALSE.
643 Property Not Found.
644 ODBC - SQLConfigDataSource error.
645 ODBC Driver does not support exclusive access to Dynasets.
646 GetChunk: Offset/Size argument combination illegal.
647 Delete method requires a name argument.
648 Data access objects require VBDB300.DLL.
2420 Syntax error in number.
2421 Syntax error in date.
2422 Syntax error in string.
2423 Invalid use of '.', '!', or '()'.
2424 Unknown name.
2425 Unknown function name.
2426 Function isn't available in expressions.
2427 Object has no value.
2428 Invalid arguments used with domain function.
2429 In operator without ().
2430 Between operator without And.
2431 Syntax error.
2432 Syntax error.
2433 Syntax error.
2434 Syntax error.
2435 Extra ).
2436 Missing ), ], or ".
2437 Invalid use of vertical bars.
2438 Syntax error.
2439 Wrong number of arguments used with function.
2440 IIF function without ().
2442 Invalid use of parentheses.
2443 Invalid use of Is operator.
2445 Expression too complex.
2446 Out of memory during calculation.
2447 Invalid use of '.', '!', or '()'.
2448 Can't set value.
2449 Invalid method in expression.
2450 Invalid reference to form.
2451 Invalid reference to report.
2452 Invalid reference to Parent property.
2453 Invalid reference to control.
2454 Invalid reference to '! '.
2455 Invalid reference to property.
2456 Invalid form number reference.
2457 Invalid report number reference.
2458 Invalid control number reference.
2459 Can't refer to Parent property in Design view.
2460 Can't refer to Dynaset property in Design view.
2461 Invalid section reference.
2462 Invalid section number reference.
2463 Invalid group level reference.
2464 Invalid group level number reference.
2465 Invalid reference to field.
2466 Invalid reference to Dynaset property.
2467 Object referred to in expression no longer exists.
2468 Invalid argument used with DatePart, DateAdd or DateDiff function.
2469 1 in validation rule: '|2'.
2470 Syntax Error in validation rule.
2471 Syntax Error in query.
2472 Syntax Error in linked master field.
2473 1 in '|2' expression.
2474 No control is active.
2475 No form is active.
2476 No report is active.
2477 Invalid subclass referred to in TypeOf function.

3000 Reserved error ( ); there is no message for this error.
3001 Invalid argument.
3002 Couldn't start session.
3003 Couldn't start transaction; too many transactions already nested.
3004 Couldn't find database
3005 This isn't a valid database name.
3006 Database is exclusively locked.
3007 Couldn't open database
3008 Table is exclusively locked.
3009 Couldn't lock table ; currently in use.
3010 Table already exists.
3011 Couldn't find object
3012 Object already exists.
3013 Couldn't rename installable ISAM file.
3014 Can't open any more tables.
3015 This isn't an index in this table.
3016 Field won't fit in record.
3017 Field length is too long.
3018 Couldn't find field.
3019 Operation invalid without a current index.
3020 Update without AddNew or Edit.
3021 No current record.
3022 Can't have duplicate key; index changes were unsuccessful.
3023 AddNew or Edit already used.
3024 Couldn't find file.
3025 Can't open any more files.
3026 Not enough space on disk.
3027 Couldn't update; database is read-only.
3028 Couldn't initialize data access because file 'SYSTEM.MDA' couldn't be opened.
3029 Not a valid account name or password.
3030 This isn't a valid account name.
3031 Not a valid password.
3032 Can't delete account.
3033 No permission for that
3034 Commit or Rollback without BeginTrans.
3035 Out of memory.
3036 Database has reached maximum size.
3037 Can't open any more tables or queries.
3038 Out of memory.
3039 Couldn't create index; too many indexes already defined.
3040 Disk I/O error during read.
3041 Incompatible database version.
3042 Out of MS-DOS file handles.
3043 Disk or network error.
3044 This isn't a valid path.
3045 Couldn't use ; file already in use.
3046 Couldn't save; currently locked by another user.
3047 Record is too large.
3048 Can't open any more databases.
3049 This is corrupted or isn't a Microsoft Access database.
3050 Couldn't lock file; SHARE.EXE hasn't been loaded.
3051 Couldn't open file.
3052 MS-DOS file sharing lock count exceeded. You need to increase the number of locks installed with SHARE.EXE.
3053 Too many client tasks.
3054 Too many Memo or Long Binary fields.
3055 Not a valid file name.
3056 Couldn't repair this database.
3057 Operation not supported on attached tables.
3058 Can't have Null value in index.
3059 Operation canceled by user.
3060 Wrong data type for parameter.
3061 1 parameters were expected, but only |2 were supplied.
3062 Duplicate output alias.
3063 Duplicate output destination.
3064 Can't open action query.
3065 Can't execute a non-action query.
3066 Query must have at least one output field.
3067 Query input must contain at least one table or query.
3068 Not a valid alias name.
3069 Can't have action query as an input.
3070 Can't bind name.
3071 Can't evaluate expression.
3073 Operation must use an updatable query.
3074 Can't repeat table name in FROM clause.
3075 1 in query expression '|2'.
3076 Syntax Error in criteria expression.
3077 Syntax Error in expression.
3078 Couldn't find input table or query.
3079 Ambiguous field reference.
3080 Joined table not listed in FROM clause.
3081 Can't join more than one table with the same name ( ).
3082 JOIN operation refers to a non-joined table.
3083 Can't use internal report query.
3084 Can't insert into action query.
3085 Undefined function in expression.
3086 Couldn't delete from specified tables.
3087 Too many expressions in GROUP BY clause.
3088 Too many expressions in ORDER BY clause.
3089 Too many expressions in DISTINCT output.
3090 Resultant table may not have more than one Counter field.
3091 HAVING clause ( ) without grouping or aggregation.
3092 Can't use HAVING clause in TRANSFORM statement.
3093 ORDER BY clause ( ) conflicts with DISTINCT.
3094 ORDER BY clause ( ) conflicts with GROUP BY clause.
3095 Can't have aggregate function in expression ( ).
3096 Can't have aggregate function in WHERE clause ( ).
3097 Can't have aggregate function in ORDER BY clause ( ).
3098 Can't have aggregate function in GROUP BY clause ( ).
3099 Can't have aggregate function in JOIN operation ( ).
3100 Can't set field in join key to Null.
3101 Join is broken by value(s) in fields
3102 Circular reference caused by statement.
3103 Circular reference caused by alias in query definition's SELECT list.
3104 Can't specify Fixed Column Heading in a crosstab query more than once.
3105 Missing destination field name in SELECT INTO statement ( ).
3106 Missing destination field name in UPDATE statement ( ).
3107 Couldn't insert; no insert permission for table or query.
3108 Couldn't replace; no replace permission for table or query.
3109 Couldn't delete; no delete permission for table or query.
3110 Couldn't read definitions; no read definitions permission for table or query.
3111 Couldn't create; no create permission for table or query.
3112 Couldn't read; no read permission for table or query.
3113 Can't update ; field not updatable.
3114 Can't include Memo or Long Binary when you select unique values
3115 Can't have Memo or Long Binary in aggregate argument ( ).
3116 Can't have Memo or Long Binary in criteria ( ) for aggregate function.
3117 Can't sort on Memo or Long Binary ( ).
3118 Can't join on Memo or Long Binary ( ).
3119 Can't group on Memo or Long Binary ( ).
3120 Can't group on fields selected with '*' ( ).
3121 Can't group on fields selected with '*'.
3122 not part of aggregate function or grouping.
3123 Can't use '*' in crosstab query.
3124 Can't input from internal report query ( ).
3125 This isn't a valid name.
3126 Invalid bracketing of name.
3127 INSERT INTO statement contains unknown field name
3128 Must specify tables to delete from.
3129 Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE','SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.
3130 Syntax error in DELETE statement.
3131 Syntax error in FROM clause.
3132 Syntax error in GROUP BY clause.
3133 Syntax error in HAVING clause.
3134 Syntax error in INSERT statement.
3135 Syntax error in JOIN operation.
3136 Syntax error in LEVEL clause.
3137 Missing semicolon ( at end of SQL statement.
3138 Syntax error in ORDER BY clause.
3139 Syntax error in PARAMETER clause.
3140 Syntax error in PROCEDURE clause.
3141 Syntax error in SELECT statement.
3142 Characters found after end of SQL statement.
3143 Syntax error in TRANSFORM statement.
3144 Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
3145 Syntax error in WHERE clause.
3146 ODBC--call failed.
3147 ODBC--data buffer overflow.
3148 ODBC--connection failed.
3149 ODBC--incorrect DLL.
3150 ODBC--missing DLL.
3151 ODBC--connection is failed.
3152 ODBC--incorrect driver version ' 1'; expected version '|2'.
3153 ODBC--incorrect server version ' 1'; expected version '|2'.
3154 ODBC--couldn't find DLL.
3155 ODBC--insert failed.
3156 ODBC--delete failed.
3157 ODBC--update failed.
3158 Couldn't save record; currently locked by another user.
3159 Not a valid bookmark.
3160 Table isn't open.
3161 Couldn't decrypt file.
3162 Null is invalid.
3163 Couldn't insert or paste; data too long for field.
3164 Couldn't update field.
3165 Couldn't open .INF file.
3166 Missing memo file.
3167 Record is deleted.
3168 Invalid .INF file.
3169 Illegal type in expression.
3170 Couldn't find installable ISAM.
3171 Couldn't find net path or user name.
3172 Couldn't open PARADOX.NET.
3173 Couldn't open table 'MSysAccounts' in SYSTEM.MDA.
3174 Couldn't open table 'MSysGroups' in SYSTEM.MDA.
3175 Date is out of range or is in an invalid format.
3176 Couldn't open file.
3177 Not a valid table name.
3178 Out of memory.
3179 Encountered unexpected end of file.
3180 Couldn't write to file.
3181 Invalid range.
3182 Invalid file format.
3183 Not enough space on temporary disk.
3184 Couldn't execute query; couldn't find linked table.
3185 SELECT INTO remote database tried to produce too many fields.
3186 Couldn't save; currently locked by user ' 2' on machine '|1'.
3187 Couldn't read; currently locked by user ' 2' on machine '|1'.
3188 Couldn't update; currently locked by another session on this machine.
3189 Table ' 1' is exclusively locked by user '|3' on machine '|2'.
3190 Too many fields defined.
3191 Can't define field more than once.
3192 Couldn't find output table
3193 (unknown)
3194 (unknown)
3195 (expression)
3196 Couldn't use ; database already in use.
3197 Data has changed; operation stopped.
3198 Couldn't start session. Too many sessions already active.
3199 Couldn't find reference.
3200 Can't delete or change record. Since related records exist in table referential integrity rules would be violated.
3201 Can't add or change record. Referential integrity rules require a related record in table.
3202 Couldn't save; currently locked by another user.
3203 Can't specify subquery in expression ( ).
3204 Database already exists.
3205 Too many crosstab column headers ( ).
3206 Can't create a relationship between a field and itself.
3207 Operation not supported on Paradox table with no primary key.
3208 Invalid Deleted entry in [dBASE ISAM] section in INI file.
3209 Invalid Stats entry in [dBASE ISAM] section in INI file.
3210 Connect string too long.
3211 Couldn't lock table ; currently in use.
3212 Couldn't lock table ' 1'; currently in use by user '|3' on machine '|2'.
3213 Invalid Date entry in [dBASE ISAM] section in INI file.
3214 Invalid Mark entry in [dBASE ISAM] section in INI file.
3215 Too many Btrieve tasks.
3216 Parameter specified where a table name is required.
3217 Parameter specified where a database name is required.
3218 Couldn't update; currently locked.
3219 Can't perform operation; it is illegal.
3220 Wrong Paradox sort sequence.
3221 Invalid entries in [Btrieve ISAM] section in WIN.INI.
3222 Query can't contain a Database parameter.
3223 This isn't a valid parameter name.
3224 Btrieve--data dictionary is corrupted.
3225 Encountered record locking deadlock while performing Btrieve operation.
3226 Errors encountered while using the Btrieve DLL.
3227 Invalid Century entry in [dBASE ISAM] section in INI file.
3228 Invalid CollatingSequence entry in [Paradox ISAM] section in INI file.
3229 Btrieve--can't change field.
3230 Out-of-date Paradox lock file.
3231 ODBC--field would be too long; data truncated.
3232 ODBC--couldn't create table.
3233 ODBC--incorrect driver version.
3234 ODBC--remote query timeout expired.
3235 ODBC--data type not supported on server.
3236 ODBC--encountered unexpected Null value.
3237 ODBC--unexpected type.
3238 ODBC--data out of range.
3239 Too many active users.
3240 Btrieve--missing WBTRCALL.DLL.
3241 Btrieve--out of resources.
3242 Invalid reference in SELECT statement.
3243 None of the import field names match fields in the appended table.
3244 Can't import password-protected spreadsheet.
3245 Couldn't parse field names from first row of import table.
3246 Operation not supported in transactions.
3247 ODBC--linked table definition has changed.
3248 Invalid NetworkAccess entry in INI file.
3249 Invalid PageTimeout entry in INI file.
3250 Couldn't build key.
3251 Feature not available.
3252 Illegal reentrancy during query execution.
3254 ODBC--Can't lock all records.
3255 ODBC--Can't change connect string parameter.
3256 Index file not found.
3257 Syntax error in WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION declaration.
3258 Query contains ambiguous (outer) joins.
3259 Invalid field data type.
3260 Couldn't update; currently locked by user ' 2' on machine '|1'.
3263 Invalid database object.
3264 No fields defined - cannot append table.
3265 Name not found in this collection.
3266 Append illegal - Field is part of a TableDefs collection.
3267 Property value only valid when Field is part of a recordset.
3268 Cannot set the property of an object which is part of a Database object.
3269 Append illegal - Index is part of a TableDefs collection.
3270 Property not found.
3271 Invalid property value.
3272 Object is not an array.
3273 Method not applicable for this object.
3274 External table isn't in the expected format.
3275 Unexpected error from external database driver ( ).
3276 Invalid database ID.
3277 Can't have more than 10 fields in an index.
3278 Database engine has not been initialized.
3279 Database engine has already been initialized.
3280 Can't delete a field that is part of an index.
3281 Can't delete an index that is used in a relationship.
3282 Can't perform operation on a nontable.
3283 Primary key already exists.
3284 Index already exists.
3285 Invalid index definition.
3286 Invalid type for Memo field.
3287 Can't create index on Memo field or Long Binary field.
3288 Invalid ODBC driver.
3289 Paradox: No primary index.
3290 Syntax error.
3291 Syntax error in CREATE TABLE statement.
3292 Syntax error in CREATE INDEX statement.
3293 Syntax error in column definition.
3294 Syntax error in ALTER TABLE statement.
3295 Syntax error in DROP INDEX statement.
3296 Syntax error in DROP statement.
3297 Operation not supported in version 1.1
3298 Couldn't import. No records found or all records contained errors.
3299 Several tables exist with that name; please specify owner, as in 'owner.table'.

سه شنبه 14 خرداد 1387, 12:30 عصر
اينم يك راه براي بدست آوردن خطاها
يك ليست باكس رو فرم بزار و كد زير رو بنويس

Dim i%

For i = 1 To 5000
If Error(i) <> "Application-defined or object-defined error" Then List1.AddItem i & " " & Error(i)