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یک شنبه 19 خرداد 1387, 17:35 عصر
سلام دوستان در مورد کدهای زیر که درمورد فیلتر پردازش تصویر است یه توضیحی به من بدین. دقیق نمیدونم چیکار میکنن. اگه حوصلتون نکشید اینجا بخونین فایلرو گذاشتم. با تشکر

Option Explicit
Public Enum enmFilter
conFltBlacknWhite = 0
conFltBlur = 1
conFltBrightness = 2
conFltCrease = 3
conFltDarkness = 4
conFltDiffuse = 5
conFltEmboss = 6
conFltGrayBlacknWhite = 7
conFltGrayscale = 8
conFltInvertColors = 9
conFltReplaceColors = 10
conFltSharpen = 11
conFltSnow = 12
conFltWave = 13
End Enum
'Properties for "replace color" filter
Public lngReplacedColor As Long
Public lngReplaceWithColor As Long
Public Sub ApplyFilter(intFilter As enmFilter, ByRef pic As PictureBox, _
Optional X1 As Long = -1, Optional Y1 As Long = -1, _
Optional X2 As Long = -1, Optional Y2 As Long = -1)
Dim blnSmallArea As Boolean 'Condition whether the filter operation
' only be applied to small area
Dim intDrawMode As Integer 'to keep current draw mode value
Dim lngColor() As Long 'three dimensions array to save RGB color (first
' dimension: R = 0, G = 1, B = 2) of
' (X,Y) coordinate (second and third dimensions)
Dim lngReadColor As Long 'current color readed
Dim lngTransColor As Long 'color transformation factor
Dim lngWriteColor As Long 'current color written
Dim R As Long 'current RGB
Dim G As Long ' color
Dim B As Long 'information
Dim sngFilterFactor As Single
Dim X As Long 'current coordinate
Dim Y As Long ' pixel processed

If (X1 = -1) And (Y1 = -1) And (X2 = -1) And (Y2 = -1) Then
X1 = 0
Y1 = 0
X2 = pic.ScaleWidth
Y2 = pic.ScaleHeight
End If
blnSmallArea = (((X2 - X1) * (Y2 - Y1)) < (16 * 16))
With pic
intDrawMode = .DrawMode
.DrawMode = vbCopyPen
Select Case intFilter
Case conFltBlacknWhite
sngFilterFactor = 192 'increase this value to get more black colors
' than white colors or decrease it to get
' more white colors than black colors
' 0 for total white and 256 for total black)
For X = X1 To X2
For Y = Y1 To Y2
lngReadColor = mdlAPI.GetPixel(hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y)
R = lngReadColor Mod 256
If (R >= sngFilterFactor) Then
lngWriteColor = vbWhite
G = (lngReadColor \ 256) Mod 256
If (G >= sngFilterFactor) Then
lngWriteColor = vbWhite
B = (lngReadColor \ 256) \ 256
If (B >= sngFilterFactor) Then
lngWriteColor = vbWhite
lngWriteColor = vbBlack
End If
End If
End If
mdlAPI.SetPixel hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y, crColor:=lngWriteColor
If Not blnSmallArea Then

End If
Case conFltBlur
sngFilterFactor = 10 'decrease this value to get more bright blur
' or increase it to get more dark blur
' (limit to 0 for total white and
' 256 for total black
RetrieveColorInformation pic:=pic, lngColor:=lngColor, _
X1:=X1, Y1:=Y1, X2:=X2, Y2:=Y2, _
blnShowProgress:=(Not blnSmallArea)
For X = X1 + 1 To X2 - 1
For Y = Y1 + 1 To Y2 - 1
R = lngColor(0, X - 1, Y - 1) + lngColor(0, X, Y - 1) + _
lngColor(0, X + 1, Y - 1) + lngColor(0, X - 1, Y) + _
lngColor(0, X, Y) + lngColor(0, X + 1, Y) + _
lngColor(0, X - 1, Y + 1) + lngColor(0, X, Y + 1) + _
lngColor(0, X + 1, Y + 1)
G = lngColor(1, X - 1, Y - 1) + lngColor(1, X, Y - 1) + _
lngColor(1, X + 1, Y - 1) + lngColor(1, X - 1, Y) + _
lngColor(1, X, Y) + lngColor(1, X + 1, Y) + _
lngColor(1, X - 1, Y + 1) + lngColor(1, X, Y + 1) + _
lngColor(1, X + 1, Y + 1)
B = lngColor(2, X - 1, Y - 1) + lngColor(2, X, Y - 1) + _
lngColor(2, X + 1, Y - 1) + lngColor(2, X - 1, Y) + _
lngColor(2, X, Y) + lngColor(2, X + 1, Y) + _
lngColor(2, X - 1, Y + 1) + lngColor(2, X, Y + 1) + _
lngColor(2, X + 1, Y + 1)
lngWriteColor = RGB(Abs(R / sngFilterFactor), _
Abs(G / sngFilterFactor), _
Abs(B / sngFilterFactor))
mdlAPI.SetPixel hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y, crColor:=lngWriteColor
If Not blnSmallArea Then

End If
Case conFltBrightness, conFltDarkness
Select Case intFilter
Case conFltBrightness
If Not blnSmallArea Then
sngFilterFactor = 32 'decrease this value to make more bright or
' increase it to make less bright
' (limit to 0 for total white and
' 256 for no brightness)
sngFilterFactor = 2
End If
Case conFltDarkness
If Not blnSmallArea Then
sngFilterFactor = -32 'decrease this value to make more dark or
' increase it to make less dark
' (-256 for inverting colors and
' limit to for no darkness)
sngFilterFactor = -2
End If
End Select
For X = X1 To X2
For Y = Y1 To Y2
lngReadColor = mdlAPI.GetPixel(hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y)
GetRGBColor lngColor:=lngReadColor, R:=R, G:=G, B:=B
lngWriteColor = RGB(Abs(R + sngFilterFactor), _
Abs(G + sngFilterFactor), _
Abs(B + sngFilterFactor))
mdlAPI.SetPixel hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y, crColor:=lngWriteColor

If Not blnSmallArea Then

End If
Case conFltCrease, conFltWave
Select Case intFilter
Case conFltCrease
sngFilterFactor = 512 'decrease this value to get more crease or
' increase it to get less crease
' (64 for maximum crease and
' 65536 for no crease)
Case conFltWave
sngFilterFactor = 4 'increase this value to get more wave or
' decrease it to get less wave
' (0 for no wave and 16 for maximum wave)
End Select
RetrieveColorInformation pic:=pic, lngColor:=lngColor, _
X1:=X1, Y1:=Y1, X2:=X2, Y2:=Y2, blnAll:=True, _
blnShowProgress:=(Not blnSmallArea)
For X = X1 To X2
For Y = Y1 To Y2
lngWriteColor = lngColor(3, X, Y)
mdlAPI.SetPixel hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, _
Y:=(Sin(X) * sngFilterFactor) + (Y), _
If Not blnSmallArea Then

End If
Case conFltDiffuse
sngFilterFactor = 5
RetrieveColorInformation pic:=pic, lngColor:=lngColor, _
X1:=X1, Y1:=Y1, X2:=X2, Y2:=Y2, blnAll:=True, _
blnShowProgress:=(Not blnSmallArea)
For X = X1 + 2 To X2 - 3
For Y = Y1 + 2 To Y2 - 3
lngReadColor = lngColor(3, X, Y + Int((Rnd * sngFilterFactor) - 2))
R = Abs(lngReadColor Mod 256)
lngReadColor = lngColor(3, X + Int((Rnd * sngFilterFactor) - 2), Y)
G = Abs((lngReadColor \ 256) Mod 256)
lngReadColor = lngColor(3, X + Int((Rnd * sngFilterFactor) - 2), _
Y + Int((Rnd * sngFilterFactor) - 2))
B = Abs((lngReadColor \ 256) \ 256)
lngWriteColor = RGB(Red:=R, Green:=G, Blue:=B)
mdlAPI.SetPixel hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y, crColor:=lngWriteColor
If Not blnSmallArea Then

End If
Case conFltEmboss
sngFilterFactor = -128 'increase this abs(value) to get more bright
' emboss decrease it to get more dark emboss
' (0 for maximum dark emboss and
' 256 for maximum bright emboss
RetrieveColorInformation pic:=pic, lngColor:=lngColor, _
X1:=X1, Y1:=Y1, X2:=X2, Y2:=Y2, _
blnShowProgress:=(Not blnSmallArea)
For X = X1 To X2 - 1
For Y = Y1 To Y2 - 1
R = Abs(lngColor(0, X, Y) - lngColor(0, X + 1, Y + 1) + _
G = Abs(lngColor(1, X, Y) - lngColor(1, X + 1, Y + 1) + _
B = Abs(lngColor(2, X, Y) - lngColor(2, X + 1, Y + 1) + _
lngWriteColor = RGB(Red:=R, Green:=G, Blue:=B)
mdlAPI.SetPixel hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y, crColor:=lngWriteColor
If Not blnSmallArea Then

End If
Case conFltGrayBlacknWhite
sngFilterFactor = 3 'increase this value to get more black colors
' or decrase it to get more white colors
' (limit to 0 for total white
' and 32 for total black)
For X = X1 To X2
For Y = Y1 To Y2
lngReadColor = mdlAPI.GetPixel(hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y)
GetRGBColor lngColor:=lngReadColor, R:=R, G:=G, B:=B
R = Abs(R * (G - B + G + R)) / 256
G = Abs(R * (B - G + B + R)) / 256
B = Abs(G * (B - G + B + R)) / 256
lngReadColor = RGB(Red:=R, Green:=G, Blue:=B)
GetRGBColor lngColor:=lngReadColor, R:=R, G:=G, B:=B
lngReadColor = (R + G + B) / sngFilterFactor
lngWriteColor = RGB(Red:=lngReadColor, _
Green:=lngReadColor, Blue:=lngReadColor)
mdlAPI.SetPixel hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y, crColor:=lngWriteColor
If Not blnSmallArea Then

End If
Case conFltGrayscale
sngFilterFactor = 0.32 'increase this value to get more bright grayscale
' or decrease it to get more dark grayscale
' (0 for total black and (256 / 6)
' for almost total white
For X = X1 To X2
For Y = Y1 To Y2
lngReadColor = mdlAPI.GetPixel(hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y)
GetRGBColor lngColor:=lngReadColor, R:=R, G:=G, B:=B
lngTransColor = Abs((R * sngFilterFactor) + _
(G * sngFilterFactor) + (B * sngFilterFactor))
lngWriteColor = RGB(Red:=lngTransColor, _
Green:=lngTransColor, Blue:=lngTransColor)
mdlAPI.SetPixel hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y, crColor:=lngWriteColor
If Not blnSmallArea Then

End If
Case conFltReplaceColors
For X = X1 To X2
For Y = Y1 To Y2
lngReadColor = mdlAPI.GetPixel(hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y)
If lngReadColor = lngReplacedColor Then
lngWriteColor = lngReplaceWithColor
mdlAPI.SetPixel hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y, crColor:=lngWriteColor
End If
If Not blnSmallArea Then

End If
Case conFltSharpen, conFltSnow
Select Case intFilter
Case conFltSharpen
sngFilterFactor = 0.5 'increase this value to get more sharp
' or decrease it to get less sharp
' (0 for no sharpen and
' 2 for maximum sharpen)
Case conFltSnow
sngFilterFactor = 24 'increase this value to get more snow
' or decrease it to get less snow
' (4 for minimum snowy and
' 64 for maximum snowy)
End Select
RetrieveColorInformation pic:=pic, lngColor:=lngColor, _
X1:=X1, Y1:=Y1, X2:=X2, Y2:=Y2, _
blnShowProgress:=(Not blnSmallArea)
For X = X1 + 1 To X2
For Y = Y1 + 1 To Y2
R = lngColor(0, X, Y) + _
(sngFilterFactor * _
(lngColor(0, X, Y) - lngColor(0, X - 1, Y - 1)))
G = lngColor(1, X, Y) + _
(sngFilterFactor * _
(lngColor(1, X, Y) - lngColor(1, X - 1, Y - 1)))
B = lngColor(2, X, Y) + _
(sngFilterFactor * _
(lngColor(2, X, Y) - lngColor(2, X - 1, Y - 1)))
lngWriteColor = RGB(Abs(R), Abs(G), Abs(B))
mdlAPI.SetPixel hDC:=.hDC, X:=X, Y:=Y, crColor:=lngWriteColor
If Not blnSmallArea Then

End If
End Select
.DrawMode = intDrawMode
End With
Exit Sub
End Sub

' Purpose : Get each R (red), G (green), B (blue) information color from RGB
' color lngColor
' Assumptions: -
' Effects : -
' Inputs : lngColor
' Return : R, G, B
Private Sub GetRGBColor(lngColor As Long, ByRef R As Long, _
ByRef G As Long, ByRef B As Long)

R = lngColor Mod 256
G = (lngColor \ 256) Mod 256
B = (lngColor \ 256) \ 256
Exit Sub
End Sub

' Purpose : Retrieve every pixels color information in region (X1,Y1)-(X2,Y2)
' of picture box pic and save the result to lngColor()
' Assumptions: -
' Effects : -
' Input : * pic
' * X1, Y1, X2, Y2
' * blnAll (condition whether to retrieve all color in once
' or seperate it in Red, Green and Blue color information
' * blnShowProgress (condition whether it needs to refresh for
' every column filtered)
' Return : lngColor() (three dimensions array to save RGB color (first
' dimension: R = 0, G = 1, B = 2, All = 3) of (X,Y)
' coordinate (second and third dimensions))
Private Sub RetrieveColorInformation( _
pic As PictureBox, ByRef lngColor() As Long, _
Optional X1 As Long = -1, Optional Y1 As Long = -1, _
Optional X2 As Long = -1, Optional Y2 As Long = -1, _
Optional blnAll As Boolean = False, _
Optional blnShowProgress = True _
Dim R As Long 'current RGB
Dim G As Long ' color
Dim B As Long 'information
Dim X As Long 'current coordinate
Dim Y As Long ' pixel processed

If (X1 = -1) Or (Y1 = -1) Or (X2 = -1) Or (Y2 = -1) Then
X1 = 0
Y1 = 0
X2 = pic.ScaleWidth
Y2 = pic.ScaleHeight
End If
If blnAll Then
ReDim lngColor(3, X2, Y2)
ReDim lngColor(2, X2, Y2)
End If
For X = X1 To X2
For Y = Y1 To Y2
If blnAll Then
lngColor(3, X, Y) = mdlAPI.GetPixel(pic.hDC, X, Y)
GetRGBColor lngColor:=mdlAPI.GetPixel(pic.hDC, X, Y), R:=R, G:=G, B:=B
lngColor(0, X, Y) = R
lngColor(1, X, Y) = G
lngColor(2, X, Y) = B
End If
If blnShowProgress Then

End If
Exit Sub

End Sub