View Full Version : Server.Transfer چیه و چه خاصیتی رو داره؟؟

دوشنبه 10 تیر 1387, 20:17 عصر
Server.Transfer چیه و چه خاصیتی داره ؟؟

من توی کد MQ.aspx پیداش کردم که آدرس بارش به این شکل بود :

http://----------- .ir/MQ.aspx?Page=AmozMsg.aspx (http://----------- .ir/Students/MQ.aspx?Page=AmozMsg.aspx)

دوشنبه 10 تیر 1387, 20:21 عصر
منظورت از سطر دومي كه نوشتي چيه؟

دوشنبه 10 تیر 1387, 23:42 عصر
توی کد پشت صفحه MQ.aspx از Server.Transfer استفاده شده

سه شنبه 11 تیر 1387, 00:02 صبح
Transfers execution to another web page in the current application.
This is similar to the Response.Redirect() method, but it’s faster. It
cannot be used to transfer the user to a site on another web server or
to a non-ASP.NET page (such as an HTML page or an ASP page).

The Transfer() method is the quickest way to redirect the user to another page in your application.
When you use this method, a round-trip is not involved. Instead, the ASP.NET engine simply
loads the new page and begins processing it. As a result, the URL that’s displayed in the client’s
browser won’t change.
// You can transfer to a file in the current web application.
// You can't redirect to another website.
// This attempt will cause an error.
Server.Transfer ("http://www.prosetech.com");