View Full Version : Toolkit for Apache

سه شنبه 17 شهریور 1383, 17:17 عصر


<span dir=ltr>features:

Launcher - main module. Start, restart and shutdown Apache. Spy for already running server. Automatic change contents of file called "hosts", where stored information about hosts/IP mapping. Testing configuration syntax. Opening hosts, described in server configuration in any, choosed by you, browser. Opening projects in a registered HTML editor (like HomeSite or DreamWeaver). More...
Options configurator - allow user to change TAWS and some Apache settings.
ConfEdit - Apache configuration editor. Some possibilities: customizable syntax higlighting and context help for Apache configuration keywords, check configuration syntax and(or) restart server after any changes.
LogViewer - show all logs, which described in Apache configuration and clear it contents.</span>


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