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white fox
پنج شنبه 19 شهریور 1383, 04:50 صبح
سلام...میخوام کد یک بازی که با پرل نوشته شده است رو براتون بزارم.....احتیاج به هیچ چیزی هم نداره....نه ماجولی نه چیزی.... :lol:
خوب جریان إازی اینکه شما اسم یک حیوونی رو پیش خودت نگه میداری و برنامه سعی میکنه که اونو حدس بزنه اگر تونست که هیچ اگر هم نشد....ازتون میپرسه جواب چیه؟
و بعدش میخواد که با یه سوال فرقش رو با فلان حیوون بگی ...خلاصه اینارو نیگه میداره تو حافظه دفعه بعد ازش سوال کنی اسم اون حیوونهای قبلی که شما بهش دادید هم بلده.....
خوب این برنامه رو من یه جایی قبلا برداشتم الان یادم نیست...کلا در مورد کدش هم زیاد سخت نگیرید به هر حال پیشرفته است تقریبا...
اجرا کنید و لذت ببرید :)

#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use strict;
use AnyDBM_File;
use Fcntl;

my $dbfile = "animals";
tie (my %brain, "AnyDBM_File", $dbfile, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600) or die "
+Can't open $dbfile: $!\n";
&create_new unless keys %brain;

my $loop;
until ($loop) {
print "Hello, my name is AI! I love animals and guessing games.\n";
print "I have currently learned " . &animals_learned . " animals.\n";
print "\nPlease think of an animal and I will try to guess it - press
+ enter when ready\n";
my $x = my $y = my $found = 1;
while ($found) {
my $entry = my $response = my $animal = my $question = my $answer =
($entry = $brain{$x,$y}) =~ s/(^[QG]): //;
if ( $1 eq "Q" ) {
until ( $response =~ /^y/i || $response =~ /^n/i ) {
print "$entry\n";
chomp ($response = <>);
if ( $response =~ /^y/i ) {
$y = $y * 2 - 1;
elsif ($response =~ /^n/i) {
$y *= 2;
elsif ( $1 eq "G" ) {
$found = 0;
until ( $response =~ /^y/i || $response =~ /^n/i ) {
print "Is your animal a(n) $entry?\n";
chomp ($response = <>);
if ( $response =~ /^y/i ) {
print "\nYeah, I got it right!\n";
elsif ($response =~ /^n/i) {
until ( $animal ) {
print "OK, I give up, what animal were you thinking of?\n";
chomp ($animal = <>);
$animal =~ s/a[n]* //i;
until ( $question ) {
print "\nEnter a yes/no question to tell the difference between a
+(n) $animal and a(n) $entry?\n";
chomp ($question = <>);
$question .= "?" unless $question =~ /^.*\?$/;
until ( $answer =~ /^y/i || $answer =~ /^n/i ) {
print "\nWhat would the correct answer be for a(n) $animal?\n";
chomp ($answer = <>);
if ( $answer =~ /^y/i ) {
$brain{$x + 1,$y * 2 - 1} = "G: " . $animal;
$brain{$x + 1,$y * 2} = "G: " . $entry;
elsif ( $answer =~ /^n/i ) {
$brain{$x + 1,$y * 2} = "G: " . $animal;
$brain{$x + 1,$y * 2 - 1} = "G: " . $entry;
$brain{$x,$y} = "Q: " . $question;
$response = "";
until ( $response =~ /^y/i || $response =~ /^n/i ) {
print "Would you like to play again?\n";
chomp ($response = <>);
$loop = 1 if $response =~ /^n/i;
untie %brain;

sub animals_learned {
return grep /^G: / , %brain;

sub create_new {
$brain{1,1} = "Q: Does your animal live in the water";
$brain{2,1} = "Q: Is your animal a mammal?";
$brain{2,2} = "Q: Can your animal fly?";
$brain{3,1} = "Q: Does your animal get caught in Tuna nets?";
$brain{3,2} = "Q: Does your animal have tentacles?";
$brain{3,3} = "Q: Is your animal nocturnal?";
$brain{3,4} = "Q: Can your animal be domesticated as a house pet?";
$brain{4,1} = "G: dolphin";
$brain{4,2} = "G: whale";
$brain{4,3} = "G: octapus";
$brain{4,4} = "G: shark";
$brain{4,5} = "G: bat";
$brain{4,6} = "G: parrot";
$brain{4,7} = "G: dog";
$brain{4,8} = "G: lion";

پنج شنبه 19 شهریور 1383, 12:12 عصر
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