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پنج شنبه 21 شهریور 1387, 05:09 صبح
سلام خدمت همه اساتید.

فرض کنید یه برنامه دفعه ی اول که اجرا میشه یه پسورد از شما میگیره اون رو تبدیل به هاش

میکنه و بعدا در یه فایلی به اسم LP.pass ذخیره میکنه.حالا دفعه ی بعد که برنامه اجرا میشه

کاربر باید پسورد رو وارد کنه.اگر کد هاش این پسورد با اون کد هاشی که توی LP.pass ذخیره

کردیم یکی بود پسورد درسته و کاربر وارد برنامه میشه.

حالا این جا یه مشکل هست.برنامه ما در واقع فقط چک میکنه که اگر کد هاش ( HashCode )

پسوردی که کاربر وارد کرده با محتویات LP.pass یکی بود برنامه اجرا بشه.

خوب حالا کاربر میتونه بره LP.pass با NotePad باز کنه.معادل کد هاش هر کلمه ای رو که

دوست داره(مثلا A ) توی اون فایل ذخیره کنه و بعد برای پسورد برنامه هم از خود اون کلمه

استفاده کنه.اینجوری میتونه به راحتی از سد پسورد رد بشه.

راستی برای به دست اوردن کد هاش هم از Txt1.text.GetHashCode استفاده میکنم.تمام مشکل منم همین جاس.چون تابعGetHashCode مث گاو پیشونی

سفیده و همه میتونن ازش استفاده کنن.

خدا کنه که متوجه شده باشید.

کسی راهنمایی چیزی میتونه بکنه؟:عصبانی++:

پنج شنبه 21 شهریور 1387, 10:18 صبح
خوب حالا کاربر میتونه بره LP.pass با NotePad باز کنه.معادل کد هاش هر کلمه ای رو که

دوست داره(مثلا A ) توی اون فایل ذخیره کنه و بعد برای پسورد برنامه هم از خود اون کلمه

استفاده کنه.
شما پسوورد کاربر رو هم هش میکنید و با اون LP.Pass مقایسه میکنید. پس اگه Lp.pass رو A بزارید و توی لاگین از این پس استفاده کنید خود A هش میشه و با A مقایسه میشه ، یه چیزی شبیه این با هم مقایسه میشه(A=-2342354) که باهاش نمیشه لاگین کرد.
ولی هکر محترم کاری که میتونه بکنه اینکه ابتدا A رو خودش با همون الگوریتم دات نت هش کنه و بعد توی Lp.pass ذخیره کنه، که البته کار سختی هم نیست.
ولی شما هم اگه امنیت برنامت خیلی برات مهمه میتونی یه الگوریتم خودت واسه هش کردن بنویسی. و از اون استفاده کنی.
کار سختی هم نیست.

پنج شنبه 21 شهریور 1387, 15:46 عصر
میشه یه کم راهنمایی کنید؟

چه جوری باید الگوریتم هش نوشت؟

پنج شنبه 21 شهریور 1387, 21:15 عصر
خوب مثلا میتونی خودت یه متد واسه Hash کردن با فرمولهای ریاضی بنویسی .
یه چیزی تو این مایه ها .

Function Hash(ByVal str As String) As String
Dim sc As Integer = str.GetHashCode
sc = (Math.Abs(sc) / 2 * 3) / 4
sc += 1 * 3
sc = sc.GetHashCode
sc = sc.GetHashCode
Return sc
End Function
یا میتونه یه کلاس کامل باشه

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
' SAMPLE: Hashing data with salt using MD5 and several SHA algorithms.
' To run this sample, create a new Visual Basic.NET project using the Console
' Application template and replace the contents of the Module1.vb file with
' the code below.
' Copyright (C) 2002 Obviex(TM) (http://www.obviex.com/Legal.aspx#Samples). All rights reserved.
Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Module Module1

' <summary>
' This class generates and compares hashes using MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384,
' and SHA512 hashing algorithms. Before computing a hash, it appends a
' randomly generated salt to the plain text, and stores this salt appended
' to the result. To verify another plain text value against the given hash,
' this class will retrieve the salt value from the hash string and use it
' when computing a new hash of the plain text. Appending a salt value to
' the hash may not be the most efficient approach, so when using hashes in
' a real-life application, you may choose to store them separately. You may
' also opt to keep results as byte arrays instead of converting them into
' base64-encoded strings.
' </summary>
Public Class SimpleHash

' <summary>
' Generates a hash for the given plain text value and returns a
' base64-encoded result. Before the hash is computed, a random salt
' is generated and appended to the plain text. This salt is stored at
' the end of the hash value, so it can be used later for hash
' verification.
' </summary>
' <param name="plainText">
' Plaintext value to be hashed. The function does not check whether
' this parameter is null.
' </param>
' < name="hashAlgorithm">
' Name of the hash algorithm. Allowed values are: "MD5", "SHA1",
' "SHA256", "SHA384", and "SHA512" (if any other value is specified
' MD5 hashing algorithm will be used). This value is case-insensitive.
' </param>
' < name="saltBytes">
' Salt bytes. This parameter can be null, in which case a random salt
' value will be generated.
' </param>
' <returns>
' Hash value formatted as a base64-encoded string.
' </returns>
Public Shared Function ComputeHash(ByVal plainText As String, _
ByVal hashAlgorithm As String, _
ByVal saltBytes() As Byte) _
As String

' If salt is not specified, generate it on the fly.
If (saltBytes Is Nothing) Then

' Define min and max salt sizes.
Dim minSaltSize As Integer
Dim maxSaltSize As Integer

minSaltSize = 4
maxSaltSize = 8

' Generate a random number for the size of the salt.
Dim random As Random
random = New Random()

Dim saltSize As Integer
saltSize = random.Next(minSaltSize, maxSaltSize)

' Allocate a byte array, which will hold the salt.
saltBytes = New Byte(saltSize - 1){}

' Initialize a random number generator.
Dim rng As RNGCryptoServiceProvider
rng = New RNGCryptoServiceProvider()

' Fill the salt with cryptographically strong byte values.
End If

' Convert plain text into a byte array.
Dim plainTextBytes As Byte()
plainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText)

' Allocate array, which will hold plain text and salt.
Dim plainTextWithSaltBytes() As Byte = _
New Byte(plainTextBytes.Length + saltBytes.Length - 1){}

' Copy plain text bytes into resulting array.
Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 To plainTextBytes.Length - 1
plainTextWithSaltBytes(I) = plainTextBytes(I)
Next I

' Append salt bytes to the resulting array.
For I = 0 To saltBytes.Length - 1
plainTextWithSaltBytes(plainTextBytes.Length + I) = saltBytes(I)
Next I

' Because we support multiple hashing algorithms, we must define
' hash object as a common (abstract) base class. We will specify the
' actual hashing algorithm class later during object creation.
Dim hash As HashAlgorithm

' Make sure hashing algorithm name is specified.
If (hashAlgorithm Is Nothing) Then
hashAlgorithm = ""
End If

' Initialize appropriate hashing algorithm class.
Select hashAlgorithm.ToUpper()

Case "SHA1"
hash = New SHA1Managed()

Case "SHA256"
hash = New SHA256Managed()

Case "SHA384"
hash = New SHA384Managed()

Case "SHA512"
hash = New SHA512Managed()

Case Else
hash = New MD5CryptoServiceProvider()

End Select

' Compute hash value of our plain text with appended salt.
Dim hashBytes As Byte()
hashBytes = hash.ComputeHash(plainTextWithSaltBytes)

' Create array which will hold hash and original salt bytes.
Dim hashWithSaltBytes() As Byte = _
New Byte(hashBytes.Length + _
saltBytes.Length - 1) {}

' Copy hash bytes into resulting array.
For I = 0 To hashBytes.Length - 1
hashWithSaltBytes(I) = hashBytes(I)
Next I

' Append salt bytes to the result.
For I = 0 To saltBytes.Length - 1
hashWithSaltBytes(hashBytes.Length + I) = saltBytes(I)
Next I

' Convert result into a base64-encoded string.
Dim hashValue As String
hashValue = Convert.ToBase64String(hashWithSaltBytes)

' Return the result.
ComputeHash = hashValue
End Function

' <summary>
' Compares a hash of the specified plain text value to a given hash
' value. Plain text is hashed with the same salt value as the original
' hash.
' </summary>
' <param name="plainText">
' Plain text to be verified against the specified hash. The function
' does not check whether this parameter is null.
' </param>
' < name="hashAlgorithm">
' Name of the hash algorithm. Allowed values are: "MD5", "SHA1",
' "SHA256", "SHA384", and "SHA512" (if any other value is specified
' MD5 hashing algorithm will be used). This value is case-insensitive.
' </param>
' < name="hashValue">
' Base64-encoded hash value produced by ComputeHash function. This value
' includes the original salt appended to it.
' </param>
' <returns>
' If computed hash mathes the specified hash the function the return
' value is true; otherwise, the function returns false.
' </returns>
Public Shared Function VerifyHash(ByVal plainText As String, _
ByVal hashAlgorithm As String, _
ByVal hashValue As String) _
As Boolean

' Convert base64-encoded hash value into a byte array.
Dim hashWithSaltBytes As Byte()
hashWithSaltBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(hashValue)

' We must know size of hash (without salt).
Dim hashSizeInBits As Integer
Dim hashSizeInBytes As Integer

' Make sure that hashing algorithm name is specified.
If (hashAlgorithm Is Nothing) Then
hashAlgorithm = ""
End If

' Size of hash is based on the specified algorithm.
Select hashAlgorithm.ToUpper()

Case "SHA1"
hashSizeInBits = 160

Case "SHA256"
hashSizeInBits = 256

Case "SHA384"
hashSizeInBits = 384

Case "SHA512"
hashSizeInBits = 512

Case Else ' Must be MD5
hashSizeInBits = 128

End Select

' Convert size of hash from bits to bytes.
hashSizeInBytes = hashSizeInBits / 8

' Make sure that the specified hash value is long enough.
If (hashWithSaltBytes.Length < hashSizeInBytes) Then
VerifyHash = False
End If

' Allocate array to hold original salt bytes retrieved from hash.
Dim saltBytes() As Byte = New Byte(hashWithSaltBytes.Length - _
hashSizeInBytes - 1) {}

' Copy salt from the end of the hash to the new array.
Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 To saltBytes.Length - 1
saltBytes(I) = hashWithSaltBytes(hashSizeInBytes + I)
Next I

' Compute a new hash string.
Dim expectedHashString As String
expectedHashString = ComputeHash(plainText, hashAlgorithm, saltBytes)

' If the computed hash matches the specified hash,
' the plain text value must be correct.
VerifyHash = (hashValue = expectedHashString)
End Function
End Class

' <summary>
' The main entry point for the application.
' </summary>
Sub Main()

Dim password As String ' original password
Dim wrongPassword As String ' wrong password

password = "myP@5sw0rd"
wrongPassword = "password"

Dim passwordHashMD5 As String
Dim passwordHashSha1 As String
Dim passwordHashSha256 As String
Dim passwordHashSha384 As String
Dim passwordHashSha512 As String

passwordHashMD5 = _
SimpleHash.ComputeHash(password, "MD5", Nothing)
passwordHashSha1 = _
SimpleHash.ComputeHash(password, "SHA1", Nothing)
passwordHashSha256 = _
SimpleHash.ComputeHash(password, "SHA256", Nothing)
passwordHashSha384 = _
SimpleHash.ComputeHash(password, "SHA384", Nothing)
passwordHashSha512 = _
SimpleHash.ComputeHash(password, "SHA512", Nothing)

Console.WriteLine("MD5 : {0}", passwordHashMD5)
Console.WriteLine("SHA1 : {0}", passwordHashSha1)
Console.WriteLine("SHA256: {0}", passwordHashSha256)
Console.WriteLine("SHA384: {0}", passwordHashSha384)
Console.WriteLine("SHA512: {0}", passwordHashSha512)

Console.WriteLine("MD5 (good): {0}", _
SimpleHash.VerifyHash( _
password, "MD5", _
Console.WriteLine("MD5 (bad) : {0}", _
SimpleHash.VerifyHash( _
wrongPassword, "MD5", _
Console.WriteLine("SHA1 (good): {0}", _
SimpleHash.VerifyHash( _
password, "SHA1", _
Console.WriteLine("SHA1 (bad) : {0}", _
SimpleHash.VerifyHash( _
wrongPassword, "SHA1", _
Console.WriteLine("SHA256 (good): {0}", _
SimpleHash.VerifyHash( _
password, "SHA256", _
Console.WriteLine("SHA256 (bad) : {0}", _
SimpleHash.VerifyHash( _
wrongPassword, "SHA256", _
Console.WriteLine("SHA384 (good): {0}", _
SimpleHash.VerifyHash( _
password, "SHA384", _
Console.WriteLine("SHA384 (bad) : {0}", _
SimpleHash.VerifyHash( _
wrongPassword, "SHA384", _
Console.WriteLine("SHA512 (good): {0}", _
SimpleHash.VerifyHash( _
password, "SHA512", _
Console.WriteLine("SHA512 (bad) : {0}", _
SimpleHash.VerifyHash( _
wrongPassword, "SHA512", _
End Sub

End Module
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''