View Full Version : میشه بگید WPF / WCF / WF مخفف چی هستند ؟

جمعه 05 مهر 1387, 05:42 صبح
سلام به همگی.
میشه بگید WPF / WCF / WF مخفف چی هستند ؟ http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/8/6/2037776/smiles/smiles1/013.gif
اگر ممکن هست کمی در مورد WCF و WF توضیح بدید یا مرجع مناسبی معرفی کنید .

جمعه 05 مهر 1387, 10:54 صبح
Windows Communication Foundation

Windows Presentation Foundation

Workflow Foundation

از امکانات سایت که مدیران زحمت کشیدند و در سایت گنجانده اند استفاده کنید
( جستجو)




محمدامین شریفی
شنبه 21 دی 1387, 22:50 عصر
دوست من همه اینها در دات نت 3 آمدند و همگی هم دید سرویس گرا دارند،به امید خدا بعد از کنکورم یعنی 27 یک مقاله میزارم واستون.
wf خیلی چیز جالبی هست مثل همون visio خودمون هست اما توی block هاش میشه کد نوشت.
WPF هم که آمده قسمت طراحیش رو بجای استفاده از کلاس های ثابت UI از XAML استفاده کرده که درواقع یکجورایی خلا طراحی را پر کند.
WCF هم پایه اش همون web service است.
اینم گزیده هایی از کتاب:

This chapter has given you an introduction to WCF and how it can be used to navigate
the murky seas of different connectivity technologies and standards without needing to
write thousands of lines of code.WCF is a critical component of .NET 3.0, and is something
that you will find invaluable as you build the next Web. Your need to build
applications that use standards around security, reliability, transactions, and more is only
going to grow over time, and this framework is your best friend in empowering this.
You’ve barely scratched the surface of what is possible in this chapter, but hopefully
you’ve gleaned enough to understand how it all works and hangs together. For further
resources, take a look through the SDK and more in-depth books like Pro WCF: Practical
Microsoft SOA Implementation

In this chapter, you took a first look at WPF and how it all hangs together. You spent a lot
of time with the new Expression Blend tool for designing WPF applications. However,
you’ve barely scratched the surface of what is possible with WPF—there’s a whole world
of possibilities with dozens of controls, sophisticated timeline- and key frame–based
animations, 3D, graphics APIs, multimedia, and more. If you want to look more into WPF,
it’s a good idea to check out Foundations of WPF: An Introduction to Windows Presentation
Foundation (Apress, 2006), which takes you through a primer in this development
API, and Applications = Code + Markup (Microsoft Press, 2006), which gives a very
detailed look at the XAML API, going into depth on each of the tags, from controls to
timelines and from layouts to multimedia.

WF is a powerful and flexible design and runtime environment that allows you to encapsulate
your business processes into a visual design and then compile and implement that
design into a working program. This can come in particularly handy for web development,
where you can neatly bundle up some very sophisticated functionality behind
redistributable libraries or hosted, sharable web services. As you design your web appli-
cation infrastructure, it’s a good idea to start thinking about it in terms of workflow—and
if complex systems and interactions can be designed as a workflow, you may save yourself
and your company a lot of time and money by implementing it in WF. As such, WF, as
one of the foundations of .NET 3.0, has a well-deserved place in the architecture of the
future Web, and is a resource well worth learning and understanding. The simple applications
that you learned in this chapter are but a taste of what is possible with WF. If you
want to learn more about WF, a terrific resource to begin with is Microsoft Windows
Workflow Foundation Step by Step, by Kenn Scribner

شنبه 21 دی 1387, 23:02 عصر
آخه من اگر انگلیسی می خواستم که تو web بود !!!

یک شنبه 22 دی 1387, 02:30 صبح
برای پاره ای از توضیحات، به تاپیک آموزش WPF (مقدماتی تا پیشرفته) (http://barnamenevis.org/forum/showthread.php?t=102127) مراجعه کن، راجع به همه ی این تکنولوژی ها توضیحات خوبی داده شده.

محمدامین شریفی
سه شنبه 25 فروردین 1388, 13:37 عصر
و برای آموزش Workflow (http://www.barnamenevis.org/forum/showthread.php?p=705206#post705206) به این تاپیک مراجعه کنید.