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دوشنبه 20 مهر 1383, 13:59 عصر
اگر از دوستان کسی بلده که با ADO از دیتابیس اوراکل به جای اکسس استفاده کنه یه خورده شرح بده . اگه کرم کنه یه نمونه پروژه ای هم upload کنه که دیگه خیلی با حاله .
با تشکر از همه بروبچه های با معرفت گروه .

دوشنبه 20 مهر 1383, 15:25 عصر
دلیل اینکه می خواهید از oracel به جای اکسس استفاده کنید چیه؟ آیا راحتره یا قابلیتش بیشتره؟ :متفکر: :?:

دوشنبه 20 مهر 1383, 16:05 عصر
vbprogrammer عزیز انقدر بهت بگم که اکسس و امثال اکسس در مقابل اوراکل دیتابیس نیستند . اوراکل قویترین دیتابیس دنیاست که فقط db2‌ یه کم تونسته خودشو بهش نزدیک کنه.

دوشنبه 20 مهر 1383, 16:16 عصر
:خیلی متعجب: :خیلی متعجب:

با با ای ول
یاد ما هم میدی؟ (:D)

سه شنبه 21 مهر 1383, 13:51 عصر
جناب vbprogrammer
من با کمک تعداد دیگری از دوستان مشغول تهیه یک جزوه آموزشی در این زمینه هستیم که پس از تکمیل آن را به روی سایت خواهم گذاشت .

سه شنبه 21 مهر 1383, 15:03 عصر
:تشویق: :تشویق: :تشویق:
آفرین به شما :flower:
دست شما درد نکنه
هرچند بلد نیستم ولی اگه کاری از دستم بر می آید بگید خوشحال می شم کمک کنم :موافق:

بابک زواری
سه شنبه 21 مهر 1383, 20:25 عصر
من دوتا پکیج دارم که میتونید با کمک اونا به اوراکل هم علاوه بر خیلی دیتابیس های
دیگه متصل بشید شرح اونا رو براتون میذارم اینجا فقط نکته اینکه حجمش خیلی زیاده
و قابل آپلود نیست و هر کسی که بخواد باید یه قراری بذاره تا بهش برسونم

DataDirect Connect ODBC v3.5

DataDirect Connect ODBC is a comprehensive set of cross-platform ODBC drivers that leverages existing DBMS vendor middleware to deliver high-performance, reliable connectivity to all major databases. DataDirect Connect ODBC are the only drivers to consistently support the latest ODBC specification, databases and operating systems, providing the most advanced functionality available. Optimized to perform in high-volume environments, DataDirect Connect ODBC ensures continuous connectivity from client, server and web-based applications.

Using DataDirect Connect ODBC with your business-critical applications enables faster deployment and reduced downtime, while minimizing maintenance and support costs. MERANT's expertise and ongoing commitment to the development of the ODBC specification have made DataDirect the de facto standard for data connectivity.

The industry standard for data connectivity:

More than 3 million customers and over 400 leading vendors - including IBM, Informix, JavaSoft, Microsoft, Oracle, Platinum Technology and Sybase -have established DataDirect as the standard for data connectivity. Choosing proven DataDirect ODBC technology ensures the reliability you need for business-critical systems.

DataDirect Connect ODBC is a comprehensive set of cross-platform ODBC drivers that leverages existing DBMS vendor middle ware to deliver high-performance, reliable connectivity to all major databases.

The industry standard for data connectivity Vendor of choice for more than 3 million customers and over 400 leading vendors worldwide Provides access to more than 30 leading databases on nine operating systems Flexible deployment options, with tuning for both client, server and web-based applications Flexible purchase and maintenance plans, including options to extend to server-based data connectivity for ODBC and OLE DB Quality, reliability and performance:

Certified with the most comprehensive ODBC testing facility in the industry--the MERANT ODBC Verification Suite Certified with latest commercial ODBC, ADO and OLE DB applications Tuned and tested for high-volume, high-load environments Multi-threaded implementation and thread-tuning options, where supported by the operating system and database Cursor, transaction, fetching and caching optimizations across most drivers BLOB data enablement and optimizations for increased demands of data-rich environments Windows NT connection caching support through ODBC 3.0 Most advanced functionality

Supports the latest operating system and DBMS versions and features, including Oracle8, INFORMIX 9 Dynamic Server, OpenIngres 2.0 and Sybase Adaptive Server 11.5 Conforms to the Microsoft ODBC 3.0 specification Supports consistent level of ODBC Core, Level 1 and Level 2 functions - the industry's only set of ODBC drivers to do so ADO enabled through certification with OLE DB provider for ODBC Driver-specific options for tuning to specific applications and usage scenarios

DataDirect Connect OLE DB v2.1

DataDirect Connect is a family of data connectivity components that leverage your existing DBMS vendor middleware to deliver ODBC, OLE DB and ADO access across a broad range of client platforms and data sources. Based on Microsoft's OLE DB standard for data access in the new DNA framework, Connect OLE DB is the premier suite of data connectivity components for distributed computing, delivering standards-based access to both relational and non-relational data.

DataDirect Connect OLE DB data providers enable easy and reliable access to business-critical data for client/server, distributed and Web-based applications. Developers can readily integrate data access and add functionality to next-generation solutions, easing the transition to a DNA-centric environment. Connect OLE DB components leverage the flexibility and services of the COM architecture so organizations can rapidly deploy modern, scalable, multi-tier business applications.


Access to ALL types of data - both SQL and non-SQL Connect OLE DB provides direct access to leading relational databases such as Oracle8, Informix 9 and Sybase Adaptive Server 11.9, extending to non-relational data such as Lotus Notes and leading e-mail packages like Microsoft Exchange. With Connect OLE DB, any ADO- or OLE DB-enabled application can access and combine data from multiple sources through a single standard interface - including access to non-SQL data through a standard SQL interface. This eliminates the complexity of supporting native proprietary interfaces, turning data connectivity components into reusable assets for distributed computing Quality, reliability and performance - Connect OLE DB providers are rigorously tested and certified using the MERANT OLE DB Verification Suite, Microsoft LTM and leading OLE DB consumers such as Microsoft ADO, Visual Studio and Internet Information Server. Our extensive testing ensures maximum performance and connection reliability, thereby minimizing downtime and support costs. Optimized for high-volume, high-load environments, Connect OLE DB data providers ensure high-performing, continuous connectivity for client, server or Web-based applications Most advanced functionality - As a close partner with Microsoft in the ongoing development of both the ODBC and OLE DB specifications, the DNA framework and COM+, MERANT is uniquely positioned to offer the most robust data connectivity available. Connect OLE DB data providers deliver consistent access to the latest OLE DB specification and are constantly tuned and enhanced to fully support the latest database and operating system features. This assures that your data access technology keeps pace with your evolving business and customer needs Features:

Feature-rich OLE DB support

Provides pure components for direct OLE DB connectivity to industry-leading relational databases Provides access to non-SQL data stores including Lotus Notes and any MAPI-based data store such as Microsoft Exchange or Lotus cc:Mail * Supports the latest DBMS versions including Oracle8, Informix 9 and Sybase Adaptive Server 11.9 Supports the latest operating systems such as Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 Strict adherence to the latest Microsoft OLE DB specification, including support for critical new features like session (connection) pooling Certified with latest Microsoft OLE DB-enabled tools including ADO, Visual Basic, Visual InterDev, Internet Information Server and the new Visual Studio Internet enabled through Microsoft IIS and Active Server Pages (ASP) Reflector ensures reliable SQL queries for all types of data

Connect OLE DB includes Reflector, a query processor engine designed as an OLE DB service component, for full SQL-based processing of non-SQL data sources Delivers consistent and robust SQL functionality across all data stores Delivers value-added services of global catalogs for user-friendly metadata, persistent views for reusable business logic and scrollable cursor capability for easy navigation across all types of data Connect ODBC/OLE DB Adapter leverages existing ODBC applications

Connect OLE DB includes the Connect ODBC/OLE DB Adapter, which allows existing ODBC applications to transparently use new OLE DB data providers to access new types of data_ with no code changes * Conforms to the latest Microsoft ODBC specification, supporting consistent level of ODBC Core, Level1 and Level 2 functions where available through OLE DB providers Provides ODBC data connectivity to SQL and non-SQL-based data providers Supported applications and data stores:

DataDirect Connect OLE DB for:

Industry-leading relational databases: Informix, Oracle, Sybase Adaptive Server, Sybase System 10/11, Lotus Notes

Leading e-mail systems: Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Mail, Lotus cc: Mail, Lotus Notes Mail

Includes DataDirect Reflector, which enables full SQL-based processing of relational and non-relational data

Includes DataDirect Connect ODBC/OLE DB Adapter, which allows existing ODBC applications to leverage new OLE DB data providers

چهارشنبه 22 مهر 1383, 10:51 صبح
سلام دوست عزیز
شما اگه اوراکل رو نصب کردید لابد cd مربوط به کلاینت اون رو هم دارید از اون cd فقط کافیه قسمت مربوط به net 80 رو نصب کنید (لازمه که روی هر کلاینت نصب بشه ) بعدش هم که راحته فقط provider رو تعیین کنید
من برای کار خودم tns دادم

در تایید گفته های آقا/خانم کد نویس هم بگم که من هم چند پک مربوط به این کار رو دیدم ولی زیاد با اونها کار نکردم هرچی باشه مال خود شرکت اوراکل از بقیه بهتره که

چهارشنبه 22 مهر 1383, 10:53 صبح
البته فکر کنم اگه mdac رو هم نصب کنید provider این کار رو هم نصب میکنه البته مطمئن نیستم

بابک زواری
چهارشنبه 22 مهر 1383, 17:37 عصر
یک نکته در ارتباط با حرفهای آقا یا خانم hmm
حرفهای ایشون کاملا درسته این پکیج ها جانبی هستند و بالطبع اون کارایی
محصولات خود اوراکل رو ندارن

گفته های آقا/خانم کد نویس هم بگم
و اینکه بنده بابک زواری هستم

دوشنبه 10 اسفند 1383, 12:44 عصر
من می خوام اوراکل رو شروع کنم
و می توانم بگم هیچی دربارش نمی دونم ممنون می شم کمکم کنید
با تشکر

دوشنبه 10 اسفند 1383, 20:58 عصر
vbprogrammer عزیز انقدر بهت بگم که اکسس و امثال اکسس در مقابل اوراکل دیتابیس نیستند . اوراکل قویترین دیتابیس دنیاست که فقط db2‌ یه کم تونسته خودشو بهش نزدیک کنه.

عجب من تازه میخواستم برم اکسس یاد بگیرم و بعدش هم اگه شد یه کم اواکل یاد بگیرم مشه بگید دیتابیس یعنی چی؟ و از کجا باید شروع کرد؟