View Full Version : سوال: Multi Column with one Header

پنج شنبه 09 آبان 1387, 05:02 صبح
ba salam man chetori mitoonam chand sotoon ba yek header dashte basham, be soorati ke vaghti item daroone sotoonharo Invisible mikonam jaye item ha taghir nakone dar hale hazer code man be in shekle:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Actions">


<asp:Button ID="btnSelfAsssessment" runat="server" Height="23" Text="Self Assessment" Width="120" />

<asp:Button ID="btnViewDetails" runat="server" Text="View Detail" Height="23" Width="120" />

<asp:Button ID="btnScenario" runat="server" Text="Scenario" Height="23" Width="120" />

<ItemStyle Width="370"/>