View Full Version : ضبط صدا

پنج شنبه 09 آبان 1387, 09:47 صبح
سلام دوستان من می خوام از داخل برنامه صدا ضبط کنم اصلا هم اطلاعی در این مورد ندارم و نیاز فوری هم دارم از دوستان هر کسی می دونه لطف کنه و راهنمایی کنه

پنج شنبه 09 آبان 1387, 11:30 صبح
این روز فرصت نوشتن کد ندارم ام تجربه 4 ساله من را در نظر بگیر :
با MCI میشه
با توابع API میشه
اکتیو ایکسش هم هست -
سایت :

نمونه های عالی داره ...
اونجا فقط باید انگلیسی تایپ کنی و قسمت ویژوال بیسیک را هم انتخاب کنی ...

Record Sound یا Rec


پنج شنبه 09 آبان 1387, 12:01 عصر
بوسیله این ماژول

Option Explicit

Public Rate As Long

Public Channels As Integer

Public Resolution As Integer

Public WaveStatusMsg As String * 255

Public WaveStatisticsMsg As String

Public WaveRecordingImmediate As Boolean

Public WaveRecordingStartTime As Date

Public WaveRecordingStopTime As Date

Public WaveRecordingReady As Boolean

Public WaveRecording As Boolean

Public WavePlaying As Boolean

Public WaveAutomaticSave As Boolean

Public WaveFileName As String

Public WaveMidiFileName As String

Public WaveLongFileName As String
Public WaveShortFileName As String
Public WaveRenameNecessary As Boolean

'These were the public variables
'================================================= ==============================
Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrrtning As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "GetShortPathNameA" (ByVal lpszLongPath As String, _
ByVal lpszShortPath As String, ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function FindFirstFile& Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "FindFirstFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, lpFindFileData _

Private Declare Function FindClose Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hFindFile As Long) As Long

Private Const MAX_PATH = 260

Private Type FILETIME ' 8 Bytes
dwLowDateTime As Long
dwHighDateTime As Long
End Type

Private Type WIN32_FIND_DATA ' 318 Bytes
dwFileAttributes As Long
ftCreationTime As FILETIME
ftLastAccessTime As FILETIME
ftLastWriteTime As FILETIME
nFileSizeHigh As Long
nFileSizeLow As Long
dwReserved¯ As Long
dwReserved1 As Long
cFileName As String * MAX_PATH
cAlternate As String * 14
End Type

Private Function FileExist(strFileName As String) As Boolean

Dim lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA
Dim hFindFirst As Long
hFindFirst = FindFirstFile(strFileName, lpFindFileData)
If hFindFirst > 0 Then
FindClose hFindFirst
FileExist = True
FileExist = False
End If
End Function

Public Function GetShortName(ByVal sLongFileName As String) As String
Dim lRetVal As Long, sShortPathName As String, iLen As Integer
'Set up buffer area for API function call return
sShortPathName = Space(255)
iLen = Len(sShortPathName)

'Call the function
lRetVal = GetShortPathName(sLongFileName, sShortPathName, iLen)
If lRetVal = 0 Then 'The file does not exist, first create it!
Open sLongFileName For Random As #1
Close #1
lRetVal = GetShortPathName(sLongFileName, sShortPathName, iLen)
'Now another try!
Kill (sLongFileName)
'Delete file now!
End If
'Strip away unwanted characters.
GetShortName = Left(sShortPathName, lRetVal)
End Function

Private Function Has_Space(sName As String) As Boolean
Dim b As Boolean
Dim i As Long

b = False 'not yet any spaces found
i = InStr(sName, " ")
If i <> 0 Then b = True
Has_Space = b
End Function

Public Sub WaveReset()
Dim rtn As String
Dim i As Long

rtn = Space$(260)
'Close any MCI operations from previous VB programs
i = mciSendString("close all", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Closing all MCI operations failed!")
'Open a new WAV with MCI Command...
i = mciSendString("open new type waveaudio alias capture", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Opening new wave failed!")
End Sub

Public Sub WaveSet()
Dim rtn As String
Dim i As Long
Dim settings As String
Dim Alignment As Integer

rtn = Space$(260)

Alignment = Channels * Resolution / 8

settings = "set capture alignment " & CStr(Alignment) & " bitspersample " & CStr(Resolution) & " samplespersec " & CStr(Rate) & " channels " & CStr(Channels) & " bytespersec " & CStr(Alignment * Rate)

'Samples Per Second that are supported:
'11025 low quality
'22050 medium quality
'44100 high quality (CD music quality)
'Bits per sample is 16 or 8
'Channels are 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo)

i = mciSendString("seek capture to start", rtn, Len(rtn), 0) 'Always start at the beginning
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Starting recording failed!")
'You can use at least the following combinations

i = mciSendString("set capture alignment 4 bitspersample 16 samplespersec 44100 channels 2 bytespersec 176400", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
' i = mciSendString("set capture alignment 2 bitspersample 16 samplespersec 44100 channels 1 bytespersec 88200", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
' i = mciSendString("set capture alignment 4 bitspersample 16 samplespersec 22050 channels 2 bytespersec 88200", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
' i = mciSendString("set capture alignment 2 bitspersample 16 samplespersec 22050 channels 1 bytespersec 44100", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
' i = mciSendString("set capture alignment 4 bitspersample 16 samplespersec 11025 channels 2 bytespersec 44100", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
' i = mciSendString("set capture alignment 2 bitspersample 16 samplespersec 11025 channels 1 bytespersec 22050", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
' i = mciSendString("set capture alignment 2 bitspersample 8 samplespersec 11025 channels 2 bytespersec 22050", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
' i = mciSendString("set capture alignment 1 bitspersample 8 samplespersec 11025 channels 1 bytespersec 11025", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
' i = mciSendString("set capture alignment 2 bitspersample 8 samplespersec 8000 channels 2 bytespersec 16000", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
' i = mciSendString("set capture alignment 1 bitspersample 8 samplespersec 8000 channels 1 bytespersec 8000", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
' i = mciSendString("set capture alignment 2 bitspersample 8 samplespersec 6000 channels 2 bytespersec 12000", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
' i = mciSendString("set capture alignment 1 bitspersample 8 samplespersec 6000 channels 1 bytespersec 6000", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)

'i = mciSendString(settings, rtn, Len(rtn), 0)

If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Settings for recording not consistent")
' If the combination is not supported you get an error!
End Sub

Public Sub WaveRecord()
Dim rtn As String
Dim i As Long
Dim msg As String

rtn = Space$(260)

If WaveMidiFileName <> "" Then

If WaveRecordingImmediate Then MsgBox ("Midi file " & WaveMidiFileName & " will be recorded")
i = mciSendString("open " & WaveMidiFileName & " type sequencer alias midi", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Opening midi file failed!")

i = mciSendString("play midi", rtn, Len(rtn), 0) 'Start the recording
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Playing midi file failed!")
End If

i = mciSendString("record capture", rtn, Len(rtn), 0) 'Start the recording
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Recording not possible, please restart your computer...")
End Sub

Public Sub WaveSaveAs(sName As String)
Dim rtn As String
Dim i As Long

'If file already exists then remove it

If FileExist(sName) Then
Kill (sName)
End If

'The mciSendString API call doesn't seem to like'
'long filenames that have spaces in them, so we
'will make another API call to get the short
'filename version.
'This is accomplished by the function GetShortName

'MCI command to save the WAV file
If Has_Space(sName) Then
WaveShortFileName = GetShortName(sName)
WaveLongFileName = sName
WaveRenameNecessary = True
' These are necessary in order to be able to rename file
i = mciSendString("save capture " & WaveShortFileName, rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
i = mciSendString("save capture " & sName, rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
End If
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Saving file failed, file name was: " & sName)
End Sub

Public Sub WaveStop()
Dim rtn As String
Dim i As Long
i = mciSendString("stop capture", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Stopping recording failed!")
If WaveMidiFileName <> "" Then
i = mciSendString("stop midi", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Stopping playing midi file failed!")
End If
End Sub

Public Sub WavePlay()
Dim rtn As String
Dim i As Long
i = mciSendString("play capture from 0", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Start playing failed!")
End Sub

Public Sub WaveStatus()
Dim i As Long
WaveStatusMsg = Space(255)
i = mciSendString("status capture mode", WaveStatusMsg, 255, 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Failure getting wave status...")
WaveStatusMsg = "AudioRecorder: " & WaveStatusMsg
End Sub

Public Sub WaveStatistics()
Dim mssg As String * 255
Dim i As Long
i = mciSendString("set capture time format ms", 0&, 0, 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Setting time format in milliseconds failed!")
i = mciSendString("status capture length", mssg, 255, 0)
mssg = CStr(CLng(mssg) / 1000)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Finding length recording in milliseconds failed!")
WaveStatisticsMsg = "Length recording " & Str$(mssg) & " s"

i = mciSendString("set capture time format bytes", 0&, 0, 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Setting time format in bytes failed!")
i = mciSendString("status capture length", mssg, 255, 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Finding length recording in bytes failed!")
WaveStatisticsMsg = WaveStatisticsMsg & " (" & Str$(mssg) & " bytes)" & vbCrLf

i = mciSendString("status capture channels", mssg, 255, 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Finding number of channels failed!")
If Str$(mssg) = 1 Then
WaveStatisticsMsg = WaveStatisticsMsg & "Mono - "
ElseIf Str$(mssg) = 2 Then
WaveStatisticsMsg = WaveStatisticsMsg & "Stereo - "
End If

i = mciSendString("status capture bitspersample", mssg, 255, 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Finding resolution failed!")
WaveStatisticsMsg = WaveStatisticsMsg & Str$(mssg) & " bits - "

i = mciSendString("status capture samplespersec", mssg, 255, 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Finding sample rate failed!")
WaveStatisticsMsg = WaveStatisticsMsg & Str$(mssg) & " samples per second " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
End Sub

Public Sub WaveClose()
Dim rtn As String
Dim i As Long
i = mciSendString("close capture", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Closing MCI failed!")
End Sub

Public Function WavePosition() As Long
Dim rtn As String
Dim i As Long
Dim pos As String
rtn = Space(255)
pos = Space(255)

i = mciSendString("set capture time format ms", rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Setting format in milliseconds failed!")
i = mciSendString("status capture position", pos, 255, 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Finding position failed!")
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Error in position")
WavePosition = CLng(pos)
End Function

Public Sub WavePlayFrom(Position As Long)
Dim rtn As String
Dim i As Long
Dim pos As String
pos = CStr(Position)
i = mciSendString("set capture time format ms", 0&, 0, 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Setting format in milliseconds failed!")
i = mciSendString("play capture from " & pos, rtn, Len(rtn), 0)
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Playing from indicated position failed!")
If i <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Play from position doesn't work....")
End Sub

پنج شنبه 09 آبان 1387, 13:10 عصر
با سلام
برنامه هاي زيادي در اين زمينه هست
براي نمونه يكي از اين برنامه ها رو برات ميزارم
اميدوارم بدردت بخوره
لينك :
http://users5.titanichost.com/3dboy/sorce/Audiorecorder 2.0.zip (http://users5.titanichost.com/3dboy/sorce/Audiorecorder 2.0.zip)