View Full Version : خبر: Singularity RDK 2.0 عرضه شد

Mehdi Asgari
سه شنبه 28 آبان 1387, 11:29 صبح

The 2.0 release of the Singularity RDK is based on the original release and features an extensive list of bug fixes and new features. Some of most notable are:

* Support for AMD64 64-bit platforms
* Updates to the Bartok MSIL-to-native compiler and the Sing# compiler
* A new, more modern and extensible bootloader
* Several new applications and application documentation
* Eventing support
* More extensive ACPI support
* A unit testing library
* A ramdisk device
* An SMB client service
* Can now check out the most recent version of the Singularity RDK directly from CodePlex source control

منبع: http://osnews.com/story/20547/Singularity_RDK_2_0_Initial_Release

سه شنبه 28 آبان 1387, 16:38 عصر
امیدوارم این دیگه قضیش مثله midori نشه .

Mehdi Asgari
سه شنبه 28 آبان 1387, 18:28 عصر
مگه قضیۀ midori چیه ؟
Singularity فقط یه پروژۀ تحقیقاتیه
(در کنار اون Cosmos (http://www.gocosmos.org/index.en.aspx)و SharpOS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SharpOS_(operating_system))هم هستن)

سه شنبه 28 آبان 1387, 18:44 عصر
midori هم یه پروژه تحقیقاتی بود . جفتشون ماله مایکروسافت بودند/هستند. اما مثله اینکه اون تعطیل شد.