View Full Version : خبر: LosThos ، یک سیستم عامل 64 بیتی اپن سورس

Mehdi Asgari
چهارشنبه 29 آبان 1387, 15:49 عصر
منبع: http://osnews.com/story/20488/LoseThos_A_64-Bit_Operating_System

LoseThos is for programming as entertainment. It empowers programmers with kernel privilege because it's
fun. It allows full access to everything because it's fun. It has no bureaucracy because it's fun. It's the way it is
by choice because it's fun. LoseThos is in no way a Windows or Linux wannabe -- that would be pointless.
LoseThos is not trying to win a prize for low resource usage or run on pathetic hardware. Low line count is a
goal, though. It's 100,000 lines of code including a 64-bit compiler, tools and a graphics library. It's strictly 64-
bit and could be configured to function with 32 Meg or less RAM, but who cares! Where do you get a x86_64
machine with less than 32 Meg RAM? With no multimedia, it's hard to run out of memory on a modern home

It reboots in 2 seconds plus BIOS time