View Full Version : exception عمل نمیکنه

Developer Programmer
دوشنبه 09 دی 1387, 02:54 صبح
میخوام زمانی که خطای "تقسیم بر صفر" اتفاق افتاد با خبر بشم. منتها، exception عمل نمیکنه

private char ExOperator = ' ';
private Single Operand = 0;
private string Result
return edtResult.Text;
private void OperatorPressed(Char op)
switch (ExOperator)
case '+':
Result = Convert.ToString( Operand + Convert.ToSingle( Result) );
case '-' :
Result = Convert.ToString( Operand - Convert.ToSingle( Result) );
case '/':
Result = Convert.ToString( Operand / Convert.ToSingle( Result) );
case '*':
Result = Convert.ToString(Operand * Convert.ToSingle( Result) );
case '=' :
// Do nothing !!!
catch( DivideByZeroException dx)
MessageBox.Show( "Divided by zero" + "\n\r" + " result lost" ," ");
Result = "0";
ExOperator = ' ';
catch (OverflowException ox)
MessageBox.Show("Overflow!" + "\n\r" + " result lost", " ");
Result = "0";
ExOperator = ' ';
catch (ArithmeticException ax)
MessageBox.Show("ArithmeticException!" + "\n\r" + " result lost", " ");
Result = "0";
ExOperator = ' ';

Operand = Convert.ToSingle(Result);
ExOperator = op;

Developer Programmer
دوشنبه 09 دی 1387, 10:56 صبح
چه جالب !! خطای DeiveByZero فقط در مورد اعداد Integer اتفاق می افته ! یعنی اگه در مورد دو تا عدد اعشاری این خطا رخ بده، کنترل به Exception داده نمی شه !

این یه شوخیه یا یه باگ ؟!

Amir Oveisi
دوشنبه 09 دی 1387, 20:50 عصر
برگرفته از MSDN:

DivideByZeroException Class
The exception that is thrown when there is an attempt to divide an integral or decimal value by zero.
Dividing a floating-point value by zero will result in either positive infinity, negative infinity, or Not-a-Number (NaN) according to the rules of IEEE 754 arithmetic. Floating-point operations never throw an exception.

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