View Full Version : این ارور چیست ؟ winsock 10053

سه شنبه 01 بهمن 1387, 23:15 عصر

چهارشنبه 02 بهمن 1387, 08:43 صبح
متن ارور رو بذارید

چهارشنبه 02 بهمن 1387, 10:59 صبح
Question/Problem: WSAECONNABORTED (10053) Software caused connection abort.

Answer/Solution:A connection abort was caused internal to your host machine. The software caused a connection abort because there is no space on the socket's queue and the socket cannot receive further connections.
WinSock description: The error can occur when the local network system aborts a connection. This would occur if WinSock aborts an established connection after data retransmission fails (receiver never acknowledges data sent on a datastream socket).
TCP/IP scenario: A connection will timeout if the local system doesn't receive an (ACK)nowledgement for data sent. It would also timeout if a (FIN)ish TCP packet is not ACK'd (and even if the FIN is ACK'd, it will eventually timeout if a FIN is not returned).


چهارشنبه 13 مرداد 1389, 00:29 صبح
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