View Full Version : خبر: IronClad

Mehdi Asgari
شنبه 12 بهمن 1387, 11:31 صبح
با استفاده از Ironclad می تونید از داخل IronPython ماژول های کامپایل شده برای CPython (همون پایتون معمولی خودمون) رو import و استفاده کنید.
نقل قول از سایت:

Ironclad aims, in the long term, to allow IronPython users to transparently import and use any compiled CPython extension.
Ironclad works with IronPython 2 and targets CPython 2.5.
At the moment, it is possible to use all of Python 2.5's bz2 library, and quite a lot of numpy 1.2.
See the wiki FrontPage for instructions.
Ironclad basically works by reimplementing the CPython C API in C#, and performing a little bit of underhanded trickery to convince .pyd files to talk to our version of the API. The source distribution includes full tests and pretty good docs explaining how it works.
Ironclad is fully open source, but development is sponsored by Resolver Systems

منبع: http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2009/Jan-30.html