View Full Version : خبر: Phantom، سیستم عامل روسی

Mehdi Asgari
سه شنبه 15 بهمن 1387, 21:57 عصر
بنا به ادعای سازنده اش این سیستم عامل عیچ وقت نمی میره (به معنای shutdown)
کامپیوتر رو خاموش کنید و دوباره روشنش کنید می بینید همه چیز همونطوره که قبل از خاموش کردن بود.
سیستم فایل (و اصلا فایل) به اون معنا که ما شناختیم نداره

Phantom OS has a mechanism that allows it to never really die; applications running on Phantom OS never lose their state, even when the machine is turned off - turn the machine back on and they will simply pick up where they left off.

Phantom doesn't have files. Well, there are no files in the sense that a developer opens a file handle, writes to it, and closes the file handle. From the user's perspective, things still look familiar – a desktop, directories, and file icons. But a file in Phantom is simply an object whose state is persisted. You don't have to explicitly open it. As long as your program has some kind of reference to that object, all you need to do is call methods on it, and the data is there as you would expect.

آدرس سایت: http://www.dz.ru/en/home/
لینک خبر مصاحبه: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/02/03/phantom_russian_os/
منبع خبر: http://osnews.com/story/20899/Russian_Phantom_OS_Never_Dies