View Full Version : خبر: برنامه نویسی اسمبلی در پایتون!

Mehdi Asgari
سه شنبه 13 اسفند 1387, 00:12 صبح
با این پکیج می تونید در پایتون در سطح اسمبلی کد بنویسید. (یه جور inline assembly)
با این کار پرفورمنس اجرای برنامه ها خیلی بالا خواهد رفت (می تونید از چند هسته استفاده کنید؛ حتی می تونید مستقیما به SSE و ... دسترسی داشته باشید)
معماری : x86 ، PowerPC و Bell CE
سیستم عامل: Mac و لینوکس (هنوز پورت ویندوز نداره)

CorePy is a Python package for developing assembly-level applications on x86, Cell BE and PowerPC processors. Its simple APIs enable the creation of complex, high-performance applications that take advantage of advanced processor features, including multiple cores and vector instruction sets (SSE, VMX, SPU), usually inaccessible from high-level languages.

Based on an advanced run-time system, CorePy lets developers build and execute assembly-level programs interactively from the Python command prompt or embed them directly in Python applications. By shortening the tool-chain for developing assembly code, CorePy dramatically lowers the barrier for machine-level programming.

CorePy is a general purpose development tool applicable to a broad range of domains, including game development, multimedia systems, scientific and high-performance computing, and embedded applications. CorePy has been used to optimize applications for x86, PowerPC 970 and Cell BE systems and regularly outperforms compiled languages for common computational tasks

منبع: http://www.multicoreinfo.com/2009/03/corepy/