View Full Version : خبر: پیاده سازی گوگل از زبان پایتون

Mehdi Asgari
یک شنبه 09 فروردین 1388, 13:52 عصر
خب ، مثل این که مهندسین گوگل از پرفورمنس فعلی پایتون راضی نیستن! و تصمیم گرفتن خودشون دست به کار شده و بر اساس LLVM (http://llvm.org)یک VM برای این زبان بنویسن
(البته به قول خودشون قرار نیست مثل Jython و ... یک fork از پایتون باشن ، بلکه میخوان به عنوان یک branch برای CPython کار کنن که این بستگی شدید به پذیرش جامعۀ پایتون مخصوصا Guido داره)

We want to make Python faster, but we also want to make it easy for large, well-established applications to switch to Unladen Swallow.

1. Produce a version of Python at least 5x faster than CPython.
2. Python application performance should be stable.
3. Maintain source-level compatibility with CPython applications.
4. Maintain source-level compatibility with CPython extension modules.
5. We do not want to maintain a Python implementation forever; we view our work as a branch, not a fork.

In order to achieve our combination of performance and compatibility goals, we opt to modify CPython, rather than start our own implementation from scratch. In particular, we opt to start working on CPython 2.6.1: Python 2.6 nestles nicely between 2.4/2.5 (which most interesting applications are using) and 3.x (which is the eventual future). Starting from a CPython release allows us to avoid reimplementing a wealth of built-in functions, objects and standard library modules, and allows us to reuse the existing, well-used CPython C extension API. Starting from a 2.x CPython release allows us to more easily migrate existing applications; if we were to start with 3.x, and ask large application maintainers to first port their application, we feel this would be a non-starter for our intended audience.

The majority of our work will focus on speeding the execution of Python code, while spending comparatively little time on the Python runtime library. Our long-term proposal is to replace CPython's custom virtual machine with a JIT built on top of LLVM, while leaving the rest of the Python runtime relatively intact. We have observed that Python applications spend a large portion of their time in the main eval loop. In particular, even relatively minor changes to VM components such as opcode dispatch have a significant effect on Python application performance. We believe that compiling Python to machine code via LLVM's JIT engine will deliver large performance benefits.

مزایا (جالبه):

Some of the obvious benefits:

* Moving to a JIT will also allow us to move Python from a stack-based machine to a register machine, which has been shown to improve performance in other similar languages (Ierusalimschy et al, 2005; Shi et al, 2005).
* Eliminating the need to fetch and dispatch opcodes should alone be a win, even if we do nothing else. See http://bugs.python.org/issue4753 for a discussion of CPython's current sensitivity to opcode dispatch changes.
* The current CPython VM opcode fetch/dispatch overhead makes implementing additional optimizations prohibitive. For example, we would like to implement type feedback and dynamic recompilation ala SELF-93 (Hölzle, Chambers and Ungar, 1992), but we feel that implementing the polymorphic inline caches in terms of CPython bytecode would be unacceptably slow.
* LLVM in particular is interesting because of its easy-to-use codegen available for multiple platforms and its ability to compile C and C++ to the same intermediate representation we'll be targeting with Python. This will allows us to do inlining and analysis across what is currently a Python/C language barrier.

پروژه: http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/
منبع: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/03/google-launches-project-to-boost-python-performance-by-5x.ars

منتظر شنیدن نظرات بزرگان پایتون هستم (بعد اونا رو هم اینجا میذارم)
این اولیش http://morepypy.blogspot.com/2009/03/vm-summit-nice-to-see-friendly.html