View Full Version : ابزاری جدید از CERT برای تست ActiveX

Mehdi Asgari
پنج شنبه 27 فروردین 1388, 16:47 عصر
اپن سورس ، مالتی پلتفرم ، برای تست ActiveX های IE با استفاده از fuzz testing

We have developed Dranzer, a tool that enables users to examine effective techniques for fuzz testing ActiveX controls. By testing a large number of ActiveX controls, we can provide some insight into the current state of ActiveX security. When we discover new vulnerabilities, we practice responsible disclosure principles and perform the necessary remediation steps.

We have released Dranzer as an open source project on SourceForge to help developers of ActiveX test their controls in their development processes and to invite community participation in making Dranzer a more effective tool.
