View Full Version : assembly ADODB version 7.0.330?

یک شنبه 27 اردیبهشت 1388, 13:25 عصر
سلام میگم به همه اساتید محترم
من یه برنامه پایگاه داده ای با سی شارپ 2008 نوشتم و اونو پابلیش کردم و همه نیازمندیهاشو تیک زدم و همه رو همراه داره در برنامم از ReportViewer استفاده کردم اما بعد از پابلیش موقع نصب ارور میده از ارورش چیزی سر در نیاوردم اینجا میزارم هرکدوم از اساتید که حوصله داشتند کمک کنن.

requires that assembly ADODB version 7.0.330 be installed in the global assembly cache (gac) first:عصبانی++::گریه:
ممنون میشم اگه کمک کنید

یک شنبه 27 اردیبهشت 1388, 14:25 عصر
شما باید به قسمت global در پنجره Solution خود بروید و ADODB را بش بفهمونین فکر کنم یه خط کد از اون حذف شده باشه که این پیغام را داده

دوشنبه 28 اردیبهشت 1388, 21:21 عصر
آقا خودم گوگل کردم و جوابشو پیدا کردم DOWN WITH microsoft :قهقهه:
کل اون مطلب رو قرار میدم
ClickOnce Installs fail, ADODB 7.0.3300 required?!
Do you have experience of click once deployment? It is very painful tools for me since i found a new problem again. Let’s me state it out 1st.
The problem is when your application add “Report Viewer” for your prerequisite. You may got fail for installation when your client computer visit the deployment site and click the “Install” button. It will warns you that
“Unable to install or run the application. The application requies the assembly ADODB 7.0.3300 to be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first.“.
Therefore, you never success to install the application to client if you checked the “Report Viewer” for a prerequisite of an application.
Is it a BUG ???
I think it is a bug because VS.NET falsely calculates that it needs the adodb.dll file. Therefore, it adds the adodb.dll file into the prerequisite list.
How to solve the problem??
OH!!!It is quite easy way to solve the problem. The steps will show in the following:
1. Right click your “Windows Application” project and click the “Propertise”
2. Go to the “Publish” Tag
3. Click the “Application Files…” button.
4. There should be a File Name “adodb.dll” and the publish status should be selected as “Prerequisite(Auto)”
5. Change the public status to “Include”. (I suggest to select the include because I am not sure the report viewer requests it or not)
That’s all. You can publish your application, and success to install it to your clients.
