View Full Version : Stay with Delphi just because its still the best

یک شنبه 10 فروردین 1382, 20:52 عصر
چون عشق دلفی باشد سهل است مشکلات (شاعر گمنام)
مقاله زیر را برای تمام عاشقان دلفی که در یک سایت دیدم ارسال می کنم به امید آنکه مورد رضایت قرار گیرد در ضمن آقای اینپرایز اگر ما عاشقان دلفی هوای هم را نداشته باشیم چه توقعی از دیگران می توان داشت :wink:

Stay with Delphi just because its still the best.
Delphi is definetively not dying.

What is going on is a change of course.
Delphi was never an actrative tool for the so-ho market,I know several VB programmers in Brasil who doesn’t no what a class is.

I had a superficial look at C# Sharp,there is nothing there that could not be implemented in Delphi,but sincerely if i was a beginner and had to choose between C# and Delphi i would choose Delphi just because it seems easier to learn,Clipper was a success because of this.

C# is a RAD with a more flexible C language,But it is still C and have all its complicated syntax.I don’t want to make a Robot or win the Nobel Award,all i want is to make a state of the art Database System that runs on several plataforms and works with every Sql Server in the Market.This tool should have a big users base.Does anyone know one tool like this?
I know only one, Delphi!!!

Unfornutatelly Borland had always had a great technical departament but a very confused marketing one.

They should make Interbase free or throw it in the garbage,if i have to pay one dollar for interbase i would prefer to use MySql.

IbConsole is a joke.
The same company that produces Delphi and Jbuilder just can’t do something like that.

So Why Borland didn’t gave us a native DbExpress driver for SQL Server or Oracle with Delphi 6,Did they think that anybody would choose Interbase because of this?
The only thing that happened was that many proggramers continued with ADO.

WebSnap was another bad shot.

But I really think that Borland has finally wake up in D7 by introducing IntraWeb,Rave and finally seeing that Oracle and Sql Server just can’t be ignored.

We the Delphi comunity are responsible for the small growth of the users base too.

Bill and his Guys were supposed to confuse a layman but not us,they allways said that VB was superior to Delphi,this is ridiculous for me and you but not for a company owner .

I think every Delphi proggramer should promote Linux and all its advantages

I really don’t know where Borland found the name Kylix and not just Delphi for Linux.
You can proggram in Windows and Linux with Java,Php,XML,but Borland think they gain something by dividing the community in two.

What i’m trying to say is :
1-Being the best is not sufficient you have to show that.
2-Borland Marketing has already done all stupid things they could have done,Now they are problably thinking twice .

I think this agreement with IBM is really a great notice.

I’ll stay with Delphi not because i already know it but because i think its still the best option for me.

Every beginner that read something like Delphi is Dying,would not start to learn Delphi,Even Bill Gates would not do a better marketing for C# than that.

Let’s code more and worry less.

Best Regards,
. Marcello Dias
رونالدوی برزیلی 8)

یک شنبه 10 فروردین 1382, 22:00 عصر

دوشنبه 11 فروردین 1382, 11:23 صبح
دوستان عزیز لطفا کپی کردن مطالب انگلیسی را در سایت باب نکنید که دیگه انوقت Forum پر میشه از مطالب انگلیسی که دوستان از اینور و انور پیدا کرده و کپی میکنند و ............... :x

سه شنبه 12 فروردین 1382, 12:44 عصر
چشم من می خواستم آدرس مقاله را ذکر کنم ولی چون احتیاج به عضویت جهت دسترسی در سایت را دارد لذا کپی کردم که منبعد این کار را نمی کنم :cry:

رونالدو 8)