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دوشنبه 19 مرداد 1388, 14:39 عصر
اینم سورس کامل تمرین LINQ که تو تاپیک قبل بررسی شد:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ITCompany
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Create a list of Employees
List LEmp1 = new List();
LEmp1.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp01", Age = 24, salary = 40000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123451, City = "Bangalore" }});
LEmp1.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp02", Age = 25, salary = 35000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123452, City = "Delhi" } });
LEmp1.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp03", Age = 24, salary = 22000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123453, City = "Bombay" } });
LEmp1.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp04", Age = 25, salary = 14000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123454, City = "Chennai" } });
LEmp1.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp05", Age = 26, salary = 25000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123455, City = "Bangalore" } });
Company cmp1 = new Company() { Name = "Relyon", ListEmp = LEmp1};
List LEmp2 = new List();
LEmp2.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp07", Age = 25, salary = 35000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123456, City = "Bangalore" } });
LEmp2.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp08", Age = 24, salary = 15000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123457, City = "Bombay" } });
LEmp2.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp09", Age = 25, salary = 10000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123458, City = "Delhi" } });
LEmp2.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp10", Age = 26, salary = 25000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123459, City = "Bangalore" } });
Company cmp2 = new Company() { Name = "CellOn" , ListEmp = LEmp2};
Company[] ListCompany = { cmp1, cmp2 };
//Employee Details



Console.WriteLine("Employee Details");


Console.WriteLine("Company | Name | Age | Salary | Address |");


var EmpDetails = from comp in ListCompany

select new


Emp = (from emp in comp.ListEmp

select new { Company = comp.Name, emp })


foreach (var t in EmpDetails)


Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", t.Emp.Select(emp => emp.Company + " |" + emp.emp.Name + " |" + emp.emp.Age + " |" + emp.emp.salary + " |" + emp.emp.Address.City + "-" + emp.emp.Address.PinCode).ToArray()));





//company with Employee count



Console.WriteLine("Nos of employees");


var LessEmp = from Comp in ListCompany

select new



EmpCount = Comp.ListEmp.Count


foreach(var t in LessEmp)


Console.WriteLine("Company Name : " + t.Name + ", Nos Of Employees : " + t.EmpCount);


Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();


//Employees who are staying in BANGALORE



Console.WriteLine("Employees statying in bangalore");


var EmpInACity = from comp in ListCompany

from emplist in comp.ListEmp

where emplist.Address.City.ToUpper().Contains("BAN")

select new { CompName = comp.Name, EmployeeName = emplist.Name };

foreach (var t in EmpInACity)


Console.WriteLine("Company Name : " + t.CompName + ", Employee Name : " + t.EmployeeName);


Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();


//Employee with Hightest salary in each company



Console.WriteLine("Highest paid employee in each company");


var EmpHighSalEachComp = from comp in ListCompany

from empHigh in comp.ListEmp

where empHigh.salary == comp.ListEmp.Max(HighEmp => HighEmp.salary)

select new { CompanyName = comp.Name, EmpHighName = empHigh.Name, EmpHighSal = empHigh.salary};

foreach (var t in EmpHighSalEachComp)


Console.WriteLine("Company : " + t.CompanyName + ", Employee : " + t.EmpHighName + ", Salary : " + t.EmpHighSal);


Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();


//Employee with Hightest salary



Console.WriteLine("Highest paid employee from all companies");


var EmpHighSal = from comp in ListCompany

from emp in comp.ListEmp

where emp.salary == ListCompany.Max(TComp => TComp.ListEmp.Max(HighEmp => HighEmp.salary))

select new { CompanyName = comp.Name , EmployeeName = emp.Name, EmpSal = emp.salary};

foreach (var t in EmpHighSal)


Console.WriteLine("Company : " + t.CompanyName + ", Employee : " + t.EmployeeName + ", Salary : " + t.EmpSal);


Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();


//Salary Paid in Each City together by all companies



Console.WriteLine("Payment done in cities together by all companies");


var CompanyCityWise = from comp in ListCompany

from emp in comp.ListEmp

group emp by emp.Address.City into CityWiseEmp

select new { State = CityWiseEmp.Key, TotalSalary = CityWiseEmp.Sum(emp => emp.salary) };

foreach (var t in CompanyCityWise)


Console.WriteLine("City : " + t.State + ", " + "Total Salary : " + t.TotalSalary);


Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();


//Salary Paid in Each City by each company



Console.WriteLine("Payment done in cities by each company");


var CityWiseSalary = from comp in ListCompany

select new



Emp =(

from emp in comp.ListEmp

group emp by emp.Address.City into CityWiseEmp

select new { State = CityWiseEmp.Key, TotalSalary = CityWiseEmp.Sum(emp => emp.salary) })


foreach (var t in CityWiseSalary)


//t.emp comes as a structure so to easy the printing

//we will use string.join to join all the values in a single string

//It can also be done by looping through t.emp and

//printing t.emp.state and t.emp.totalsalary separately

Console.WriteLine("company : " + t.Name + "\n" + string.Join("\n", t.Emp.Select(emp => emp.State + " : " + emp.TotalSalary).ToArray()));

Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();


Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();




public class Company


public string Name

{ get; set; }

public List ListEmp

{ get; set; }


public class Employee


public string Name

{ get; set; }

public Address Address

{ get; set; }

public int Age

{ get; set; }

public double salary

{ get; set; }


public struct Address


public int PinCode

{ get; set; }

public string City

{ get; set; }

