View Full Version : Eclips & Borland ALM

چهارشنبه 12 اسفند 1383, 14:56 عصر

<span dir=ltr>To the Borland Community:

In November 2001, Borland joined with other industry leaders to form the initial eclipse.org Board of Stewards and has since released many of our industry-leading products – from StarTeam and CaliberRM to our award-winning Together UML modeling solutions – with support for Eclipse.

Today, we are pleased to announce that Borland is significantly increasing its support for Eclipse by joining the organization’s Board of Directors as a Strategic Developer, and by expanding our use of the Eclipse platform across our ALM product line.

In the years since Borland introduced its first Integrated Development Environment (IDE), the IDE has evolved from a simple container of features and functions to a new kind of platform. Visual Studio and Eclipse have become the two leading instantiations of this new platform. As a champion of platform neutrality and customer choice, we will continue to invest in, support and help customers bridge these technologies.

Today, the Eclipse foundation promotes interoperability and provides a common framework that enables application deployment in all major environments, including Java, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X and Windows. We believe elevating Eclipse support in our products can help our customers manage their increasingly complex and heterogeneous environments. This investment will also make it easier for Eclipse users to take advantage of our enterprise-class software delivery capabilities and will allow our partners and customers to benefit from the rapidly growing Eclipse ecosystem.

Our customers will get the best solution for Java development, as we bring the Eclipse ecosystem to our flagship Java IDE, JBuilder, and further advance JBuilder's leading enterprise development functionality for both new and existing customers. We will also continue to invest in our support for the Microsoft Windows platform, .NET and Visual Studio. Our Eclipse investment will not diminish, in any way, our investments in Delphi, C++, C#, and Microsoft Windows.

We're looking forward to our new role within Eclipse and working with the community to expand the Eclipse platform in even more exciting ways. We are committed to helping our customers move to the future without abandoning their past.

David Intersimone "David I"
Vice President Developer Relations and Chief Evangelist
Borland Software Corporation</span>


پنج شنبه 13 اسفند 1383, 16:36 عصر
We're looking forward to our new role within Eclipse and working with the community to expand the Eclipse platform in even more exciting ways. We are committed to helping our customers move to the future without abandoning their past