View Full Version : IDA to SoftIce

سه شنبه 18 اسفند 1383, 03:48 صبح

اگر اهل IDA Pro هستید نسخهء جدید IDA2SICE خیلی بهتون کمک خواهد کرد . این پلاگین IDA براحتی Symbol های IDA رو به SICE منتقل میکنه و براحتی - گاهی اوقات - باعث چند ساعت صرفه جوئی در وقت میشه . آخرین نسخه رو از " اینجا (http://mostek.subcultural.com/IDA/ida2sice_406.rar) " بگیرید .

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IDA to SoftIce is an IDA plugIn which loades IDA symbols to SoftIce. It can export them as nms file too.
To get the last version go to News page.

I started the project in May 2000 and it took me almost 9 months to reverse everything needed to make the plugIn (well around 4 month of real work).
The main reason for the plug was that at that time, you could only see global procedures and variables.
And because there was no local variables in SIce, reversing was really a pain in the .... So this plugIn solves that. :)

Some info:
Currently PE and LE file types are suported.
Use map2sice utilitie for all other types ( included in the package ).

One of the nicest feature of the plug is that you can see structures in SIce.
ex.: In IDA you set local/global structure and when in SIce you can use command '? myStructure' or '? myStructure.element.element', .....
PlugIn suports structure(union) in structure(union)).</span>


سه شنبه 18 اسفند 1383, 10:33 صبح
بهتره یه توضیح مختصر در باره هر یک از برنامه ها بفرمایید تا اساتید بی دانش هم صاحب فن شوند
(چی گفتم!!!) :strange:

چهارشنبه 19 اسفند 1383, 02:22 صبح
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<span dir=ltr>http://www.barnamenevis.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=22173</span>