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دوشنبه 24 اسفند 1383, 09:12 صبح
سلام :)
توی این بخش packer ها رو معرفی کنید


Yoda's Protector v1.03.2 Beta2
Yoda's Protector is a powerful EXE protector with some special advantages. It supports most Portable Executable files. It might be possible to support COM language runtime in next versions.

[b]Protection features:[/b]
* Compress Sections.
* Polymorphism encryption.
* Import Table encryption/destruction.
* Anti Debug API's.
* SoftICE detection.
* CRC checking.
* API Redirection.
* Anti Dumping.
* Erase PE Header.
* Anti Debugger.
* Destroy relocation information.
* Destroy debug information.
* Eliminate DOS header.
* Optimize DOS header.
* Support OCX, DLL, and SCR files.


* Support most PE format files.
* Built by Visual C++ 7.0.
* Small size.
* Open Source (only previous versions).

[b]What's Newin This Release:[/b]

* Cryptography API Bug fixed
* Cryptography bug related to administrator&limited privilege.
* Optimize some codes.

آدرس سایت : http://yodap.cjb.net/
در ضمن این برنامه کار یکی از ایرانی های آلمان نشین هستش که اینجا عکس اشون رو می تونید ببینید : http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/5782a3f2/bc/Yahoo!+Photo+Album/ME3.jpg?pfQvRNCBhqMXq0GZ

جمعه 28 اسفند 1383, 15:00 عصر
FSG جیغ آخرش خیلی جالبه! :mrgreen: