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دوشنبه 13 مهر 1388, 07:05 صبح
با سلام

كسي از دوستان ميتونه كمك كنه و اين ماژول دات نت رو به وي بي تبديلش كنه و يا راهنمايي كنه خودم تبديلش كنم

Namespace SMS
Namespace Encoder
Public Class SMS
#Region "Enums"
Public Enum ENUM_TP_VPF
Relative_Format = 16 'b4=1 b3=0
End Enum

Public Enum ENUM_TP_SRI
Request_SMS_Report = 32
No_SMS_Report = 0
End Enum

Public Enum ENUM_TP_DCS
DefaultAlphabet = 0
UCS2 = 8
End Enum

OneHour = 11 '0 to 143:(TP-VP+1)*5Min
ThreeHours = 29
SixHours = 71
TwelveHours = 143
OneDay = 167
OneWeek = 196
Maximum = 255
End Enum
#End Region

#Region "Protected Data"
Protected SC_Number As String 'Note the plus!
Protected TP_MTI As Byte = 1
Protected TP_RD As Byte = 0
Protected TP_VPF As Byte = 16
Protected TP_UDHI As Byte
Protected TP_SRR As Byte
Protected TP_MR As Integer
Protected TP_DA As String
Protected TP_PID As Byte
Protected TP_DCS As Byte
Protected TP_VP As Byte
Protected TP_UDL As Integer
Protected TP_UD As String
#End Region

#Region "Properties"

Public Property ServiceCenterNumber() As String
Return SC_Number
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
'Convert an ServiceCenterNumber to PDU Code
If InStr(Value, "+") Then
SC_Number = "91"
SC_Number = "81"
End If

Value = Mid(Value, 2)
Dim i As Integer
If (Value.Length Mod 2) = 1 Then
Value += "F"
End If
For i = 1 To Value.Length Step 2
SC_Number += Swap(Mid(Value, i, 2))
SC_Number = ByteToHex((SC_Number.Length - 2) / 2 + 1) + SC_Number
End Set

End Property

Public Property TP_Status_Report_Request() As ENUM_TP_SRI
Return TP_SRR
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As ENUM_TP_SRI)
TP_SRR = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property TP_Message_Reference() As Integer
Return TP_MR
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
TP_MR = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property TP_Destination_Address() As String
Return TP_DA
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
TP_DA = ""

If InStr(Value, "+") Then
TP_DA += "91"
TP_DA += "81"
End If
Value = Value.Replace("+", "")
TP_DA = Format(Value.Length, "X2") + TP_DA
Dim i As Integer
If (Value.Length Mod 2) = 1 Then
Value += "F"
End If
For i = 1 To Value.Length Step 2
TP_DA += Swap(Mid(Value, i, 2))
End Set
End Property

Public Property TP_Data_Coding_Scheme() As ENUM_TP_DCS
Return TP_DCS
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As ENUM_TP_DCS)
TP_DCS = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property TP_Validity_Period() As ENUM_TP_VALID_PERIOD
Return TP_VP
End Get
TP_VP = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Overridable Property TP_User_Data() As String
Return TP_UD
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
Select Case TP_DCS
Case Is = ENUM_TP_DCS.DefaultAlphabet
TP_UDL = Value.Length
TP_UD = Encode7Bit(Value)
TP_UDL = Value.Length * 2
TP_UD = EncodeUCS2(Value)
Case Else
TP_UD = Value
End Select
End Set
End Property
#End Region

#Region "Functions"
Public Shared Function CheckForEncoding(ByVal Content As String) As SMS.ENUM_TP_DCS
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Content.Length
If Asc(Mid(Content, i, 1)) < 0 Then
End If
Return SMS.ENUM_TP_DCS.DefaultAlphabet
End Function

Public Overridable Function GetSMSPDUCode() As String
Dim PDUCode As String
'Check User Data Length
If TP_DCS = ENUM_TP_DCS.DefaultAlphabet Then
If TP_UD.Length > 280 Then Throw New Exception("User Data is TOO LONG for SMS")
End If
If TP_UD.Length > 280 Then Throw New Exception("User Data is TOO LONG for SMS")
End If
'Make PDUCode
PDUCode = SC_Number
PDUCode += FirstOctet()
PDUCode += Format(TP_MR, "X2")
PDUCode += TP_DA
PDUCode += Format(TP_PID, "X2")
PDUCode += Format(TP_DCS, "X2")
PDUCode += Format(TP_VP, "X2")
PDUCode += Format(TP_UDL, "X2")
PDUCode += TP_UD
Return PDUCode
End Function

Public Overridable Function FirstOctet() As String
Return ByteToHex(TP_MTI + TP_VPF + TP_SRR + TP_UDHI)
End Function

Shared Function ByteToHex(ByVal aByte As Byte) As String
Dim Result As String
Result = Format(aByte, "X2")
Return result
End Function

#Region "Encode7Bit"
Shared Function Encode7Bit(ByVal Content As String) As String
Dim CharArray As Char() = Content.ToCharArray
Dim c As Char
Dim t As String
For Each c In CharArray
t = CharTo7Bits(c) + t
'Add "0"
Dim i As Integer
If (t.Length Mod 8) <> 0 Then
For i = 1 To 8 - (t.Length Mod 8)
t = "0" + t
End If
'Split into 8bits
Dim Result As String
For i = t.Length - 8 To 0 Step -8
Result = Result + BitsToHex(Mid(t, i + 1, 8))
Return result
End Function

Shared Function BitsToHex(ByVal Bits As String) As String
'Convert 8Bits to Hex String
Dim i, v As Integer
For i = 0 To Bits.Length - 1
v = v + Val(Mid(Bits, i + 1, 1)) * 2 ^ (7 - i)
Dim Result As String
Result = Format(v, "X2")
Return result
End Function

Shared Function CharTo7Bits(ByVal c As Char) As String
If c = "@" Then Return "0000000"
Dim Result As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 6
If (Asc(c) And 2 ^ i) > 0 Then
Result = "1" + Result
Result = "0" + Result
End If
Return Result
End Function
#End Region

Shared Function EncodeUCS2(ByVal Content As String) As String
Dim i, j, v As Integer
Dim Result, t As String
For i = 1 To Content.Length
v = AscW(Mid(Content, i, 4))
t = Format(v, "X4")
Result += t
Return Result
End Function

Shared Function Swap(ByRef TwoBitStr As String) As String
'Swap two bit like "EF" TO "FE"
Dim c() As Char = TwoBitStr.ToCharArray
Dim t As Char
t = c(0)
c(0) = c(1)
c(1) = t
Return (c(0) + c(1)).ToString
End Function
#End Region
End Class

Public Class ConcatenatedShortMessage
Inherits SMS
Private TotalMessages As Integer

Public Function GetEMSPDUCode() As String()
Select Case TP_DCS
TotalMessages = (TP_UD.Length / 4) \ 66 + ((TP_UD.Length / 4 Mod 66) = 0)
Case ENUM_TP_DCS.DefaultAlphabet
TotalMessages = (TP_UD.Length \ 266) - ((TP_UD.Length Mod 266) = 0)
End Select

Dim Result(TotalMessages) As String
Dim tmpTP_UD As String
Dim i As Integer
TP_UDHI = 2 ^ 6
Dim Reference As Integer = Rnd(1) * 65536 '16bit Reference Number 'See 3GPP Document
For i = 0 To TotalMessages
Select Case TP_DCS
tmpTP_UD = Mid(TP_UD, i * 66 * 4 + 1, 66 * 4)
'When TP_UDL is odd, the max length of an Unicode string in PDU code is 66 Charactor.See [3GPP TS 23.040 V6.5.0 (2004-09]
Case ENUM_TP_DCS.DefaultAlphabet
tmpTP_UD = Mid(TP_UD, i * 133 * 2 + 1, 133 * 2)
End Select
Result(i) = SC_Number
Result(i) += FirstOctet()
Result(i) += Format(TP_MR, "X2")
'Next segement TP_MR must be increased
'TP_MR += 1
Result(i) += TP_DA
Result(i) += Format(TP_PID, "X2")
Result(i) += Format(TP_DCS, "X2")
Result(i) += Format(TP_VP, "X2")
TP_UDL = tmpTP_UD.Length / 2 + 6 + 1 '6:IE
End If
If TP_DCS = ENUM_TP_DCS.DefaultAlphabet Then
TP_UDL = Fix((tmpTP_UD.Length + 7 * 2) * 4 / 7) '6:length of IE
''still problem here:
''when the charcter is several times of 7 of the last message, tp_udl will not correct!
''to correct this problem i write some code below. that's may not perfect solution.
'If i = TotalMessages And ((tmpTP_UD.Length Mod 14) = 0) Then
' tp_udl -= 1
'End If
End If
Result(i) += Format(TP_UDL, "X2")
Result(i) += "060804" 'TP_UDHL and some of Concatenated message
Result(i) += Format(Reference, "X4")
Result(i) += Format(TotalMessages + 1, "X2")
Result(i) += Format(i + 1, "X2")
Result(i) += tmpTP_UD
Return Result
End Function

Public Overrides Function FirstOctet() As String
Return ByteToHex(TP_MTI + TP_VPF + TP_SRR + TP_UDHI)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
End Namespace

دوشنبه 13 مهر 1388, 12:40 عصر
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