View Full Version : سوال: چگونه از داخل یک صفحه aspx در داخل web.sitemap نود اضافه کنیم؟

شنبه 25 مهر 1388, 06:13 صبح
دوستان من می خواهم از درون فایل aspx خود بتوانم محتویات فایل web.sitemap خود را edit کنم یا به عبارت دیگر نود بهش اضافه کنم.
لطفا راهنمایی کنید

شنبه 25 مهر 1388, 22:35 عصر
کسی جوابی نداره؟
خواهش میکنم راهنمایی کنید
من یک وب سایت دارم که قابلیت ایجاد صفحه دارد. حالا می خواهم برای نشان دادن آن صفحات از tree استفاده کنم ((برای نشاندادن صفحات مجازی که چند سطحی هم هستند))
و نیاز به اضافه کردن نود به sitemap.web دارم

یک شنبه 26 مهر 1388, 12:10 عصر
با xmldoucment بخونش و بهش نود اضافه کن
با دیتا ست هم میشه
dataset ds=new dataset();

یک شنبه 26 مهر 1388, 14:25 عصر
public class DynamicSiteMapProvider : StaticSiteMapProvider
public DynamicSiteMapProvider() : base()


private String _siteMapFileName;
private SiteMapNode _rootNode = null;

// Return the root node of the current site map.
public override SiteMapNode RootNode
return BuildSiteMap();

/// <summary>
/// Pull out the filename of the site map xml.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <param name="attributes"></param>
public override void Initialize(string name, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection attributes)
base.Initialize(name, attributes);
_siteMapFileName = attributes["siteMapFile"];

private const String SiteMapNodeName = "siteMapNode";

public override SiteMapNode BuildSiteMap()
lock (this)
if (null == _rootNode)

// Load the sitemap's xml from the file.
XmlDocument siteMapXml = LoadSiteMapXml();

// Create the first site map item from the top node in the xml.
XmlElement rootElement =

// This is the key method - add the dynamic nodes to the xml

// Now build up the site map structure from the xml
return _rootNode;

/// <summary>
/// Open the site map file as an xml document.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The contents of the site map file.</returns>
private XmlDocument LoadSiteMapXml()
XmlDocument siteMapXml = new XmlDocument();
siteMapXml.Load(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirect ory + _siteMapFileName);
return siteMapXml;

/// <summary>
/// Creates the site map nodes from the root of
/// the xml document.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootElement">The top-level sitemap element from the XmlDocument loaded with the site map xml.</param>
private void GenerateSiteMapNodes(XmlElement rootElement)
_rootNode = GetSiteMapNodeFromElement(rootElement);
CreateChildNodes(rootElement, _rootNode);

/// <summary>
/// Recursive method! This finds all the site map elements
/// under the current element, and creates a SiteMapNode for
/// them. On each of these, it calls this method again to
/// create it's new children, and so on.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentElement">The xml element to iterate through.</param>
/// <param name="parentNode">The site map node to add the new children to.</param>
private void CreateChildNodes(XmlElement parentElement, SiteMapNode parentNode)
foreach (XmlNode xmlElement in parentElement.ChildNodes)
if (xmlElement.Name == SiteMapNodeName)
SiteMapNode childNode = GetSiteMapNodeFromElement((XmlElement)xmlElement);
AddNode(childNode, parentNode);
CreateChildNodes((XmlElement)xmlElement, childNode);

/// <summary>
/// The key method. You can add your own code in here
/// to add xml nodes to the structure, from a
/// database, file on disk, or just from code.
/// To keep the example short, I'm just adding from code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootElement"></param>
private void AddDynamicNodes(XmlElement rootElement)
// Add some football teams
XmlElement teams = AddDynamicChildElement(rootElement, "", "Football Teams", "List of football teams created dynamically");
AddDynamicChildElement(teams, "~/teams.aspx?name=Watford", "Watford", "Watford's team details");
AddDynamicChildElement(teams, "~/teams.aspx?name=Reading", "Reading", "Reading's team details");
AddDynamicChildElement(teams, "~/teams.aspx?name=Liverpool", "Liverpool", "Liverpool's team details");

XmlElement sheffield = AddDynamicChildElement(teams, "", "Sheffield", "There is more than one team in Sheffield");
AddDynamicChildElement(sheffield, "~/teams.aspx?name=SheffieldUnited", "Sheffield United", "Sheffield United's team details");
AddDynamicChildElement(sheffield, "~/teams.aspx?name=SheffieldWednesday", "Sheffield Wednesday", "Sheffield Wednesday's team details");

XmlElement manchester = AddDynamicChildElement(teams, "", "Manchester", "There is more than one team in Manchester");
AddDynamicChildElement(manchester, "~/teams.aspx?name=ManchesterUnited", "Manchester United", "Manchester United's team details");
AddDynamicChildElement(manchester, "~/teams.aspx?name=ManchesterCity", "Manchester City", "Manchester City's team details");

private static XmlElement AddDynamicChildElement(XmlElement parentElement, String url, String title, String description)
// Create new element from the parameters
XmlElement childElement = parentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(SiteMapN odeName);
childElement.SetAttribute("url", url);
childElement.SetAttribute("title", title);
childElement.SetAttribute("description", description);

// Add it to the parent
return childElement;

private SiteMapNode GetSiteMapNodeFromElement(XmlElement rootElement)
SiteMapNode newSiteMapNode;
String url = rootElement.GetAttribute("url");
String title = rootElement.GetAttribute("title");
String description = rootElement.GetAttribute("description");

// The key needs to be unique, so hash the url and title.
newSiteMapNode = new SiteMapNode(this,
(url + title).GetHashCode().ToString(), url, title, description);

return newSiteMapNode;

protected override SiteMapNode GetRootNodeCore()
return RootNode;

// Empty out the existing items.
protected override void Clear()
lock (this)
_rootNode = null;