View Full Version : vs ریستارت میشه !!!

یک شنبه 17 آبان 1388, 14:53 عصر
با سلام
من simulate report رو نصب کردم ولی وقتی میخوام choos item در toolbar را باز کنم و اون رو به لیستم اضافه کنم vs بسته میشه و دوباره باز-
علتش چیه؟ چی کارش کنم
با تشکر

یک شنبه 17 آبان 1388, 19:34 عصر
من خودم یه dll نوشته بودم و همین بلا سر من هم میامد که بعدا فهمیدم که dll من در constractor چند تا error داشت اما چون simulate report است قضیه فرق می کنه کرک کردی یا نه ؟
اگه کرک کردی احتمالا کرک شما مشکل داره

یک شنبه 24 آبان 1388, 15:31 عصر
راه حل این مشکل:

It may help if you provide us with a dump file

You can get the dump file with the following steps:
1. Download the Debugging Tools from Windows from http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/installx86.mspx and install. Assume that you copy it to “C:\Debuggers”.

2. Open a command line prompt. Close all unnecessary applications.

3. Try to reproduce the problem.

4. Before VS IDE crashes , execute the following command at the command line prompt:

cscript C:\Debuggers\adplus.vbs -crash -FullOnFirst -pn devenv.exe –o C:\Dump

Dump file will be generated at “C:\Dump” and it usually takes several hundred MB. Make sure that you have sufficient disk space.

5. After VS IDE crash, please go to the folder “C:\Dump”. There can be multiple .DMP files. If their size are huge, please add the first .DMP file sorted by the timestamp (e.g. the first .DMP file captured) to a zip and upload it to the workspace:

Password: 24-FktTA_[n_L

It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide us with that information as quickly as possible. If we do not hear back from you within 7 days, we will close this issue.