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shina jun
چهارشنبه 27 آبان 1388, 20:21 عصر
سلام دوستان
کسی در مورد 8function اطلاعاتی دارد در واقع من فقط اسمش را میدانم و با این اسم هم هر چه search میکنم چیزی یافت نمیکنم وخیلی نیاز دارم حداقل یه کلید واژه برای serch یا مطلب خاصی برای اشنایی خواهش میکنم ممنون

shina jun
شنبه 30 آبان 1388, 23:53 عصر
یعنی هیچکس واقعا هیچی نمیدونه حتی اینکه چی هست؟ خواهش میکنم من خیلی بهش نیاز دارم.

یک شنبه 01 آذر 1388, 19:24 عصر
سلام دوست عزیز
فکر میکنم شما در سایت http://forum.persiannetworks.com هم با نام shina عضو هستید و در این صفحه تاپیک زده باشی : http://forum.persiannetworks.com/f105/t29751.html

دوست عزیز شما باید به سایت های زیر مراجعه کنید:

8 function یک سرویس در شبکه هست و جزو یک سرویس محسوب می شود ، به نظرم یک سرویس برای تماس تلفنی مانند سرویس voip یاهو هست . از این تکنولوژی برای ساخت موبایل ها و سایر وسایل ارتباطی استفاده می شه که بدون نیاز به مخابرات و مصرف کردن هزینه ای به صورت رایگان با سراسر دنیا با کیفیت عالی می تونیم صحبت کنیم . با به وجود اومدن این سرویس ، ممکنه به کلی تلفن های همراه کنار گذاشته بشن .

دوست عزیز اگه می خوای اطلاعات بیشتری بدست بیاری و در گوگل سرچ کنی این کلمه رو سرچ کن

8 function service+voip+
به اینجا مراجعه کن


Earn More With VoIP Reseller Services (http://ikc-info.com/earn-more-with-voip-reseller-services)

Aug 12

Do you want to expand your business without making substantial investment or want to increase your product or service line with minimum risk and surety of increased revenue generation? Even though a tempting thought at first, this is soon followed by a realization that this is not really possible. This perfect dream can come true by migrating to VoIP termination service.
It is the VoIP resellers who provide this promising and next Gen mode of communication to the end users. They form an indispensable link between the wholesale carrier service providers and end users or residentials. With growing acknowledgment of VoIP as the contemporary, effective and more efficient mode of communication there is a growing need for voice over IP resellers.
How to Score From VoIP?
VoIP branded resellers can earn profits in two ways depending upon their service provider. There are several voice over IP providers who give their resellers a certain commission on their customers calling revenue. The second option is definitely a better way to increase the profits. You would come across certain VoIP service providers who allow you to charge whatever rates you want from your clients while you pay a fixed per minute calling charges to the provider.
Yes! Thats true. You can charge whatever rates you wish from your clients. These rates can be easily set up in the control panel allotted to you. You can increase or decrease these rates as and when you prefer without any interference from the provider.
Who Can Benefit By Becoming Voice over IP Reseller?
Almost anyone who has an expansive client circle can venture into this field to get the most out their existing clients. For instance, call shops, system integrators, Internet service providers, Internet telephony providers, calling card companies can take up this new technology to provide calling service at a much reduced rate thereby attracting more customers than just their existing ones.
Ensuring a Smooth Run
You sure that you inquire can safeguard your future in this field by taking the services from the best VoIP service provider. Make about the following pointers for a smooth run.
1.Quality - Quality of service should be premium since you will be providing telephony service which is judged primarily on this basis of clarity of voice and latency.
2.Rates - Opt for the provider offering minimum call tariff to increase your profit margin.
3.Technical Support - A responsive customer service offering round the clock service would ensure that you get an uninterrupted service.
VoIP Reseller solution is undoubtedly the best way to diversify your organizations function with almost no capital and the needs you to only focus on the marketing aspect without worrying about the technicalities of this new Gen technology.


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امیدوارم موفق باشی.

یک شنبه 01 آذر 1388, 19:27 عصر
مقاله تا آخر هفته تحویلت داده می شه. تو فکر نباش.