View Full Version : سازگار کردن کامپوننت sobi با شتاب در جوملا

شنبه 05 دی 1388, 12:33 عصر

من از جوملا و کامپوننت sobi استفاده می کنم و بطور پیش فرض روش پرداخت در این کامپوننت از طریق paypal است.حال می خواهم با سیستم شتاب سازگارش کنم.داخل فایلهای کامپوننت sobi یک فایل به نام payment.class هست که فکر می کنم با تغییرات در ان بشه با شتاب سازگارش کرد.
ممنون میشم دوستان تو این زمینه منو راهنمایی کنند. هرکسی هم می تونه خودش انجام بده ، حاظرم هزینشو هم پرداخت کنم

* @version $Id: payment.class.php 5124 2009-05-15 08:54:16Z Sigrid Suski $
* @package: Sigsiu Online Business Index 2
* ================================================== =
* @author
* Name: Sigrid & Radek Suski, Sigsiu.NET
* Email: sobi@sigsiu.net
* Url: http://www.sigsiu.net
* ================================================== =
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 Sigsiu.NET (http://www.sigsiu.net). All rights reserved.
* @license see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL.
* You can use, redistribute this file and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.

// no direct access
defined( '_SOBI2_' ) || ( trigger_error("Restricted access", E_USER_ERROR) && exit() );

class payment {

var $feesOptions = array();
var $fees = null;
var $total = null;
var $sobi2Id = null;
var $msg = null;
var $action = null;
var $discount = 0;
* @var sobi2
var $sobi = null;
* default constructor
* @param sobi2 $Sobi
function payment( $Sobi, $action = "new" )
$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
if( isset( $Sobi ) && is_a( $Sobi, "sobi2") ) {
$this->action = $action;
$this->feesOptions = $Sobi->fees;
$this->sobi2Id = $Sobi->id;
$this->sobi = $Sobi;
if( $this->action != "renew") {
$db =& $config->getDb();
$values = array();
$now = $config->getTimeAndDate();
if( $this->action != "saverenew") {
$ren = "New: ";
else {
$ren = "Renew: ";
if( count( $this->feesOptions ) ) {
foreach($this->feesOptions as $option => $payment ) {
$payment = str_replace(",", ".", $payment);
$values[] = " ( NULL , {$Sobi->id}, '{$ren}{$option}', {$payment}, '{$now}', '1', '{$now}', '{$now}' )";
$query = "INSERT INTO `#__sobi2_payments` ( `pid` , `sid` , `reference` , `amount`, `date` , `payed` , `payed_date` , `email_send` ) VALUES ";
$query .= implode(" , ", $values);
$query .= " ; ";
if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
trigger_error("payment::payment(): DB reports: ".$db->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
else {
sobi2Config::redirect( $config->key( "redirects", "payment_no_sobi", "index.php" ), _SOBI2_NOT_AUTH );
* displaying all selected not free options
function showFees()
$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
if( $this->discount ) {
if( !is_numeric( $this->discount ) || $this->discount < 0 || $this->discount > 100 ) {
$this->discount = 0;
trigger_error( "payment::showFees(): Discount value is not valid |{$this->discount}| " );
$this->msg = $this->msg."\n\t <div class=\"sobi2PaymentContainer\"><h3>"._SOBI2_PAY_CHOSEN_OPTIONS."</h3>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t <table id=\"sobi2Payment\">";
foreach($this->feesOptions as $option => $payment ) {
$this->fees = $this->fees + $payment;
$payment = $config->getCurrencyFormat( $payment );
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t <tr> ";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t <td class=\"sobi2PayOption\">";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t {$option}";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t </td>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t <td class=\"sobi2PayFees\">";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t {$payment}";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t </td>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t </tr> ";
$this->total = $this->fees;
$total = $config->getCurrencyFormat($this->fees);
if( !$this->discount ) {
$class = "id=\"sobi2PayTotal\"";
else {
$class = null;
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t <tr> ";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t <td>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t\t "._SOBI2_PAY_TOTAL_AMOUNT;
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t </td>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t <td {$class}>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t\t {$total}";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t </td>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t </tr> ";

if( $this->discount ) {
$this->fees = $this->fees - ( ( $this->discount * $this->fees ) / 100) ;
$total = $config->getCurrencyFormat( $this->fees );
$class = "id=\"sobi2PayTotal\"";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t <tr> ";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t <td><br/>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t\t "._SOBI2_PAY_DISCOUNT;
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t </td>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t <td><br/>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t\t {$this->discount} %";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t </td>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t </tr> ";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t <tr> ";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t <td>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t\t "._SOBI2_PAY_TOTAL_AMOUNT;
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t </td>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t <td {$class}>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t\t {$total}";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t\t </td>";
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t\t </tr> ";
$this->total = $this->fees;
$this->msg = $this->msg. "\n\t</table>";

echo $this->msg;

if( $this->action == "renew" ) {
echo "</div>";
return null;

if($config->mailFees) {

if($config->useBankTransfer) {
echo "\n\t<table id=\"sobi2PaymentMethodBank\">";
echo "\n\t\t<tr>";
echo "\n\t\t\t<td>";
if($config->useBankTransfer == 1) {
echo "\n\t\t\t\t "._SOBI2_PAY_BANK_DATA_SEND_EMAIL;
else {
echo "\n\t\t\t\t<p class=\"sobi2PaymentMethodHeader\" >"._SOBI2_PAY_WITH_BANK."</p>"._SOBI2_PAY_BANK_DATA_JS_HEADER;
$config->bankData = str_replace(array( '\r', '\n' ), array( "\r", "\n" ),$config->bankData);
$config->bankData = stripslashes(stripslashes($config->bankData));
echo " <br/><br/>{$config->bankData}<br/>";
echo _SOBI2_PAY_BANK_DATA_JS_TITLE." ".$config->payTitle." "._SOBI2_NUMBER_H." ".$this->sobi2Id."<br/>";
echo _SOBI2_PAY_TOTAL_AMOUNT." ".$config->getCurrencyFormat( $this->fees );
echo "\n\t\t\t\t<br/>";
echo "\n\t\t\t</td>";
echo "\n\t\t</tr> ";
echo "\n\t</table>\n\t";

if($config->usePayPal) {
* paypal accept only point
$this->fees = str_replace(",",".",$this->fees);
$this->total = str_replace(",",".",$this->total);
$title = $config->payTitle." "._SOBI2_NUMBER_H." ".$this->sobi2Id;
$iso = explode( '=', _ISO );
$charset = $iso[1];
<table id="sobi2PaymentMethodPayPal">
<p class="sobi2PaymentMethodHeader"><?php echo _SOBI2_PAY_WITH_PAYPAL; ?></p>

<form action="<?php echo $config->payPalUrl;?>" method="post">
<input name="cmd" value="_xclick" type="hidden">
<input name="business" value="<?php echo $config->payPalMail;?>" type="hidden">
<input name="item_name" value="<?php echo $title;?>" type="hidden">
<input name="item_number" value="<?php echo $this->sobi2Id;?>" type="hidden">
<input name="no_shipping" value="1" type="hidden">
<input name="return" value="<?php echo $config->payPalReturnUrl ;?>" type="hidden">
<input name="no_note" value="1" type="hidden">
<input name="currency_code" value="<?php echo $config->payPalCurrency;?>" type="hidden">
<input name="tax" value="0" type="hidden">
<input name="bn" value="<?php echo $title;?>" type="hidden">
<input name="charset" value="<?php echo $charset;?>" type="hidden">
<input name="amount" value="<?php echo $this->total;?>" type="hidden">
<input src="<?php echo $config->liveSite;?>/components/com_sobi2/images/paypal.jpg" name="submit" alt="<?php echo _SOBI2_PAY_WITH_PAYPAL;?>" border="0" type="image">
if(!empty($config->S2_plugins)) {
foreach ($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
if(method_exists($plugin,"onPaymentScreen")) {
echo "</div>";
* sending emails
function mailFees()
$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
$database = &$config->getDb();
$mailMsg = null;
if ($config->mailfrom != '' && $config->fromname != '') {
$adminName2 = $config->fromname;
$adminEmail2 = $config->mailfrom;
} else {
// use email address and name of first superadmin for use in email sent to user
$query = "SELECT name, email"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE LOWER( usertype ) = 'superadministrator'"
. "\n OR LOWER( usertype ) = 'super administrator'"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$rows = $database->loadObjectList();
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
$row2 = $rows[0];
$adminName2 = $row2->name;
$adminEmail2 = $row2->email;
* getting client email
if( $config->mailSoJ == 0 ) {
$query = "SELECT `data_txt` FROM `#__sobi2_fields_data` WHERE `fieldid` = {$config->mailFieldId} AND `itemid` = {$this->sobi2Id}";
$database->setQuery( $query );
$email = $database->loadResult();
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
else {
$u =& sobi2bridge::jUser( $database );
$u->load( $this->sobi->owner );
$email = $u->email;
$e = array("<br>","<br/>","<br />");
$mailMsg = str_ireplace( $e, null, $this->replaceMarkers( $config->UserEmailPaymentsText ) );
$mailTitle = $this->replaceMarkers( $config->UserEmailPaymentsTitle );
$AdmMailMsg = null;
$AdmMailTitle = null;

if( $config->mailFeesAdm ){
$AdmMailMsg = $this->replaceMarkers($config->AdmEmailPaymentsText);
$AdmMailTitle = $this->replaceMarkers($config->AdmEmailPaymentsTitle);

if( !$email ) {
$email = $adminEmail2;
$u =& sobi2bridge::jUser( $database );
$mailMsg = "EMAIL ERROR: \n\n payment::mailFees(): Having no valid email address for user {$u->name} (Id:{$this->sobi->owner}). Entry {$this->sobi->title} (id:{$this->sobi->id}) \n\n =================================== \n\n".$mailMsg;
trigger_error("payment::mailFees(): Having no valid email address for user {$u->name} (Id:{$this->sobi->owner}). Entry {$this->sobi->title} (id:{$this->sobi->id}). Sending email to {$adminEmail2}", E_USER_WARNING);

* replacing selected option marker
$selected_options = null;
foreach( $this->feesOptions as $option => $payment ) {
$payment = $config->getCurrencyFormat( $payment );
$selected_options = $selected_options. "\n {$option}";
$selected_options = $selected_options. "\t\t {$payment}";
if( $this->discount ) {
$selected_options .= "\n "._SOBI2_PAY_DISCOUNT. "\t\t {$this->discount} %";
$mailMsg = str_replace( "{selected_options}", $selected_options, $mailMsg );
$AdmMailMsg = str_replace( "{selected_options}", $selected_options, $AdmMailMsg );

* replacing PayPal url
$iso = explode( '=', _ISO );
$charset = $iso[1];
if( $config->usePayPal ) {
$this->fees = str_replace( ",",".",$this->fees );
$this->total = str_replace( ",",".",$this->total );
$title = $config->payTitle." "._SOBI2_NUMBER_H." ".$this->sobi2Id;
$href = "{$config->payPalUrl}?cmd=_xclick&" .
"business={$config->payPalMail}" .
"&item_name={$title}" .
"&item_number= {$this->sobi2Id}" .
"&amount={$this->total}" .
"&no_shipping=2&no_note=1" .
"&currency_code={$config->payPalCurrency}" .

$href = str_replace(" ", "%20", $href);
$mailMsg = str_replace("{paypal_url}",$config->stringEncode($href), $mailMsg);
$AdmMailMsg = str_replace("{paypal_url}",$config->stringEncode($href), $AdmMailMsg);
if(!empty($config->S2_plugins)) {
foreach ($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
if(method_exists($plugin,"onPaymentMailUser")) {
* Send email to user
$config->mailFooter = str_replace(array( '\r', '\n' ), array( "\r", "\n" ),$config->mailFooter);
$config->mailFooter = stripslashes(stripslashes($config->mailFooter));
sobi2bridge::mail( $adminEmail2, $adminName2, $email, $config->makeSubject( $mailTitle ), "{$mailMsg} \n\n {$config->mailFooter}" );
* Send email to admin
$query = "SELECT email, name"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE gid IN ({$config->mailAdmGid})"
. "\n AND ( sendemail = 1 OR gid IN (18, 19, 20, 21, 23) )"
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
$adminRows = $database->loadObjectList();
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
$AdmMailMsg .= $config->mailFooter;
foreach( $adminRows as $adminRow) {
if(!empty($config->S2_plugins)) {
foreach ($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
if(method_exists($plugin,"onPaymentMailAdmin")) {
$plugin->onPaymentMailAdmin($AdmMailTitle,$AdmMailMsg,$admi nRow->email);
sobi2bridge::mail( $adminRow->email, $adminRow->name, $adminRow->email, $config->makeSubject( $AdmMailTitle ), $AdmMailMsg );
* @param int $sid
* @param bool $save
function renew( $sid, $save = false )
$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
if( !$config->allowRenew ) {
trigger_error( "payment::renew(): Renewing is not allowed", E_USER_WARNING );
sobi2Config::redirect( $config->key( "redirects", "renew_not_allowed", "index.php" ), _SOBI2_NOT_AUTH );
if( !$sid ) {
trigger_error( "payment::renew(): Missing SOBI2 id", E_USER_WARNING );
sobi2Config::redirect( $config->key( "redirects", "renew_no_sid", "index.php" ), _SOBI2_NOT_AUTH );
sobi2Config::import( "sobi2.class" );
$sobi = new sobi2( $sid );
$my =& $config->getUser();
if( $sobi->owner != $my->id && !$config->checkPerm() ) {
trigger_error( "payment::renew(): User is not an owner or admin", E_USER_WARNING );
sobi2Config::redirect( $config->key( "redirects", "renew_no_perms", "index.php" ), _SOBI2_NOT_AUTH );
if( strtotime( $sobi->publish_down ) < strtotime( $config->getTimeAndDate() ) ) {
$sobi->publish_down = $config->getTimeAndDate();
$date = strtotime( $sobi->publish_down );
$now = strtotime( $config->getTimeAndDate() );
$days = round( ( $date - $now ) / 60 / 60 / 24 );
if( $days > $config->allowRenewDaysForExp ) {
trigger_error( "payment::renew(): Entry expires first in {$days} days. Limit is {$config->allowRenewDaysForExp} days", E_USER_WARNING );
sobi2Config::redirect( $config->key( "redirects", "renew_no_exp_limit", "index.php" ), _SOBI2_NOT_AUTH );
$database =& $config->getDb();
$query = "SELECT fieldid FROM `#__sobi2_fields` WHERE `is_free` = 0 AND `payment` > 0 ";
$database->setQuery( $query );
$f = $database->loadObjectList();
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
$fields = array();
$fees = array();
if( count( $f ) ) {
foreach( $f as $field ) {
$fields[$field->fieldid] = new sobiField($field->fieldid);
/* basic price */
if( $config->basicPrice ) {
$fees += array($config->basicPriceLabel => $config->basicPrice);
/* custom fields */
if( count( $fields ) ) {
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
if( key_exists( $field->fieldname, $sobi->customFieldsData ) && strlen( $sobi->customFieldsData[$field->fieldname] ) ) {
if( $field->fieldType == 3 && $sobi->customFieldsData[$field->fieldname] == 0 ) {
$fees += array( $field->label => $field->payment );
/* image */
if( $config->allowUsingImg == 2 && strlen( $sobi->image ) ) {
$fees += array( _SOBI2_SAVE_IMAGE_FEES => $config->priceForImg );
/* icon */
if( $config->allowUsingIco == 2 && strlen( $sobi->icon ) ) {
$fees += array( _SOBI2_SAVE_ICON_FEES => $config->priceForIco );
/* categories */
if( array_sum( $config->catPrices ) > 0 ) {
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $sobi->myCategories ); $i++ ) {
$cat = $i + 1;
if( isset( $config->catPrices[$cat] ) && $config->catPrices[$cat] ) {
$fees += array(_SOBI2_CATEGORY_H." {$cat}" => $config->catPrices[$cat]);
/* plugins */
if( count($config->S2_plugins) ) {
foreach( $config->S2_plugins as $plugin ) {
if(method_exists($plugin, "renew")) {
$plugin->renew( $fees, $sobi->id );
$sobi->fees =& $fees;
$action = $save ? "saverenew" : "renew";
$payment = new payment( $sobi, $action );
$payment->discount = $config->renewDiscount;
$date = strtotime( $sobi->publish_down ) + ( $config->renewExpirationTime * 24 * 60 * 60 );
$date = date( $config->key( "string", "date_format", "Y-n-j H:i:s"), $date );
echo "<div class=\"sobi2RenewHeader\"><h3>"._SOBI2_RENEW_HEADER."</h3>";
if( !$save ) {
$expl = str_replace( array( "%days%", "%date%", "%title%" ), array( $config->renewExpirationTime, $date, $sobi->title ), _SOBI2_RENEW_EXPL );
echo "<div class=\"sobi2RenewExpl\">{$expl}</div>";
if( count( $fees ) ) {
else {
echo "<br/>";
<form action="index.php?option=com_sobi2" method="POST" >
<input type="hidden" name="sobi2Task" value="saveRenew"/>
<input type="hidden" name="sobi2Id" value="<?php echo $sobi->id;?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $config->sobi2Itemid;?>"/>
<input type="submit" class="button" id="sobi2RenewEntryButton" name="renewEntry" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_RENEW_BT_NOW;?>"/>
else {
$expl = str_replace( array( "%days%", "%date%", "%title%" ), array( $config->renewExpirationTime, $date, $sobi->title ), _SOBI2_RENEWED_EXPL );
echo "<div class=\"sobi2RenewExpl\">{$expl}</div>";
if( count( $fees ) ) {
else {
echo "<br/>";
$query = "DELETE FROM `#__sobi2_fields_data` WHERE `itemid` = {$sobi->id} AND `data_bool` = 1 AND `expiration` != 'NULL'";
$database->setQuery( $query );
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
if( strtotime( $sobi->publish_down ) < strtotime( $config->getTimeAndDate() ) ) {
$sobi->publish_down = $config->getTimeAndDate();
$date = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", ( strtotime( $sobi->publish_down ) + ( ( $config->renewExpirationTime + 1 ) * 60 * 60 * 24 ) ) );
$app = $config->key( "edit_form", "autoapprove_changes", true );
$pub = $config->key( "edit_form", "autopublish_changes", true );
$query = "UPDATE `#__sobi2_item` SET `publish_down` = '{$date}', `approved` = '{$app}', `published` = '{$pub}' WHERE `itemid` = '{$sobi->id}' LIMIT 1 ;";
$database->setQuery( $query );
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
if( $config->renewDeleteFees ) {
$query = "DELETE FROM `#__sobi2_payments` WHERE `sid` = '{$sobi->id}'";
$database->setQuery( $query );
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
$config->sobiCache->removeObj( $sobi->id );
if( $config->notifyAdminRenew || $config->notifyAuthorRenew ) {
$config->mailFooter = str_replace(array( '\r', '\n' ), array( "\r", "\n" ),$config->mailFooter);
$config->mailFooter = stripslashes(stripslashes($config->mailFooter));

if( $config->notifyAdminRenew ) {
$query = "SELECT email, name"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE gid IN ({$config->mailAdmGid})"
. "\n AND ( sendemail = 1 OR gid IN (18, 19, 20, 21, 23) )"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$adminRows = $database->loadObjectList();
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
$emailTitle = $sobi->replaceMarkers( $config->AdmEmailOnRenewTitle );
$mailMsg = $sobi->replaceMarkers( $config->AdmEmailOnRenewText );
$mailMsg .= $config->mailFooter;
foreach( $adminRows as $adminRow) {
sobi2bridge::mail( $adminRow->email, $adminRow->name, $adminRow->email, $config->makeSubject( $emailTitle ), $mailMsg );
if( $config->notifyAuthorRenew ) {
if ($config->mailfrom != '' && $config->fromname != '') {
$adminName2 = $config->fromname;
$adminEmail2 = $config->mailfrom;
else {
// use email address and name of first superadmin for use in email sent to user
$query = "SELECT name, email"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE LOWER( usertype ) = 'superadministrator'"
. "\n OR LOWER( usertype ) = 'super administrator'"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$rows = $database->loadObjectList();
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
$row2 = $rows[0];
$adminName2 = $row2->name;
$adminEmail2 = $row2->email;
if($config->mailSoJ == 0) {
$query = "SELECT `data_txt` FROM `#__sobi2_fields_data` WHERE `fieldid` = {$config->mailFieldId} AND `itemid` = {$sobi->id}";
$database->setQuery( $query );
$email = $database->loadResult();
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
else {
$u =& sobi2bridge::jUser( $database ) ;
$u->load( $sobi->owner );
$email = $u->email;
$emailTitle = $sobi->replaceMarkers( $config->UserEmailOnRenewTitle );
$mailMsg = $sobi->replaceMarkers( $config->UserEmailOnRenewText );
$mailMsg .= $config->mailFooter;
if( !$email ) {
if( !isset( $u ) ) {
$u =& sobi2bridge::jUser( $database );
$u->load( $sobi->owner );
trigger_error("Having no valid email address for user {$u->name} (Id:{$sobi->owner}). Entry '{$sobi->title}' (id:{$sobi->id}). Sending email to {$adminEmail2}", E_USER_WARNING);
$email = $adminEmail2;
$mailMsg = "EMAIL ERROR: \n\npayment::renew(); Having no valid email address for user {$u->name} (Id:{$sobi->owner}). Entry '{$sobi->title}' (id:{$sobi->id}) \n\n =================================== \n\n".$mailMsg;
sobi2bridge::mail( $adminEmail2, $adminName2, $email, $config->makeSubject( $emailTitle ), $mailMsg);

echo "</div>";
* replacing markers
function replaceMarkers( $string )
$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
$string = $this->sobi->replaceMarkers( $string );
$string = str_replace( "{total}", $this->fees, $string );
$config->bankData = str_replace(array( '\r', '\n' ), array( "\r", "\n" ),$config->bankData);
$config->bankData = stripslashes(stripslashes($config->bankData));
$string = str_replace( "{bank_data}",$config->stringEncode( $config->bankData ), $string );

return $string;