View Full Version : Netbeans 4.1 Release Candidate Released

شنبه 03 اردیبهشت 1384, 00:51 صبح
کاندیدا انشار netBeans 4.1 منشر شد.
این هم لیست قایلت های اضافه شده به این نسخه:

# Visually lay out your MIDlet's workflow, and design and code the GUI using drag and drop elements.
# End-to-end support for enterprise applications. Wizard support for creating J2ME-J2EE applications. Enables you to quickly create J2ME client/server applications.
# Easily browse and navigate around your classes using the new Navigator component.
# Browse and configure project classpath using the Libraries node in the Projects View.
# Use automatically generated Debug and Compile Single File actions for projects with existing build scripts.
# Set up projects with multiple source roots.
# Create a J2EE application, automatically add EJB modules and Web modules, and deploy the application.
# Create an EJB module and deploy it as a stand-alone module or packaged in a J2EE application.
# Create Session Beans, Entity Beans and Message-Driven Beans.
# Create Entity Beans using an existing database schema.
# Create a Web module, generate calls to EJBs, and deploy the Web module either as a stand-alone Web application or packaged in a J2EE application.
# Create, register, and test Web services.
# Try out the sample applications to learn and understand the J2EE technology.
# Import your existing J2EE projects.
# Validate your applications using the J2EE Verifier.
# Visually configure your EJBs, Web Services and Web Components.
# Add multiple source folders to EJB module or Web module, create Unit tests as a part of the project.

نسخه نهائی هم در اواسط ماه آینده میلادی منشر خواهد شد.