View Full Version : خبر: لینک مستقیم دریافت فیلم های اموزشی vb.net

سه شنبه 25 اسفند 1388, 11:30 صبح
سلام دوستان
می خوام لینک اموزش ها ی فیلمهای ماکروسافت رو تو این تاپیک قرار بدم
هر چند پیدا کردن این لینک ها راحت هست اما گفتم شاید به درد بعضی از دوستان بخوره

بقیه دوستان هم اگه دوست داشتن لینک فیلم اموزشی رو بزارن از هر سایتی
فقط لطف کنید این چند نکته رو رعایت کنید:
1-لینک مستقیم باشه
2-توضیحی کوتاه درباره لینک باشه
3-عنوان اموزش هم قید بشه
4-در هر پست فقط یک لینک بزارید
با تشکر
امیدوارم دوستان همکاری کنند و تاپیک پر باری بشه

سه شنبه 25 اسفند 1388, 11:31 صبح
How Do I: Work with Local Data?

About this Video
Visual Basic beginners will learn how to work with local SQL-Server Express database files in Visual Basic projects using Visual Studio.
Presented by Beth Massi.s


سه شنبه 25 اسفند 1388, 11:34 صبح
How Do I: Use Auto-Complete?


About this Video
Visual Basic programmers will see how to set up client side filtering and text editing using the Auto-Complete feature of the ComboBox and the TextBox.
Presented by Beth Massi.
Length: 7 minutes 50 seconds


سه شنبه 25 اسفند 1388, 11:35 صبح
How Do I: Add Validation

Visual Basic programmers will see how to add field and row validation to an application in order to enforce business rules using the DataSet Designer and partial classes.
Presented by Beth Massi.


سه شنبه 25 اسفند 1388, 11:37 صبح
How Do I: Filter Data on the Client


About this Video
Visual Basic programmers will see how to set up data binding to achieve one-to-many filtering using a combobox which filters a grid. They will also see how to add a calculated column and how to format currency fields.
Presented by Beth Massi.
Length: 7 minutes 52 seconds

سه شنبه 25 اسفند 1388, 11:38 صبح
How Do I: Get Started with LINQ


About this Video
Visual Basic programmers will learn how to write simple LINQ queries over objects by navigating files on the file system.
Presented by Beth Massi.
Length: 9 minutes 14 seconds


سه شنبه 25 اسفند 1388, 11:40 صبح
How Do I: Digitally Sign Documents with the Signature of a Single Party?


About this Video
Learn how to add security to the applications you build with Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# by digitally signing documents with the signature of a single party to ensure message integrity and authenticity. Will DePalo shows you how.
Presented by Will DePalo.
Length: 31 minutes 08 seconds


سه شنبه 25 اسفند 1388, 11:41 صبح
How Do I: Email Unhandled Exceptions?


About this Video
Visual Basic developers will learn how to handle unhandled exceptions in their applications and how to email that information with a screen-shot of the application’s state using the System.Net.Mail namespace.
Presented by Beth Massi.
Length: 25 minutes 20 seconds


سه شنبه 25 اسفند 1388, 11:43 صبح
How Do I: Deploy Applications with ClickOnce?


About this Video
In this video Pat Tormey demonstrates the use of ClickOnce for application deployment.
Presented by Pat Tormey.
Length: 10 minutes 54 seconds


سه شنبه 25 اسفند 1388, 11:44 صبح
How Do I: Use the ClickOnce Deployment API to Update My App?

About this Video
In this video, Rob Windor shows you how to write code that uses the ApplicationDeployment class to check for updates based on an event or a timer.
Presented by Rob Windsor.
Length: 12 minutes 40 seconds
