View Full Version : RAS(Report Application Server)

چهارشنبه 28 اردیبهشت 1384, 21:00 عصر
سلام به همه دوستان
ما که از سوال قبلیمون (تعداد فیلد متغییر) جوابی نگرفتیم!
آیا کسی اطلاعاتی درباره RAS یا همون Report Application Server داره؟
ممنون مرسی
یا علی

پنج شنبه 29 اردیبهشت 1384, 02:21 صبح
حالا تیکه میندازی بردار :mrgreen:
خوب سوال شما وقت می بره (خوب ما هم که سرمون خیلی شلوغ)
اگه تاپیک ها رو ببینی بیشتر شو ما جواب دادیم ولی خوب شما ........... :گیج:

پنج شنبه 29 اردیبهشت 1384, 09:34 صبح
سلام In_Chan_Nafar
بابا منم تیکه ننداختم که (درسته بود ;) )
من منتظر جواب شما هستم
مرسی ممنون

جمعه 30 اردیبهشت 1384, 23:13 عصر
استفاده از گزارشات تحت وب با استفاده از کریستال رپورت هست
حتما به این نکته توجه کنید که شما باید پردازش تمامی گزارشاتتون رو Server Side انتخاب کنی
برای این کار گزینه Perform grouping on server از منوی database رو انتخاب کنید
در راهنمای CR دلیل رو خیلی خوب توضیح داده

Perform Grouping On Server command
Use the Perform Grouping On Server command to perform server-side processing for a designated report. Server-side processing allows you to set up a report that performs the majority of its processing on the server and pushes only relevant details to your computer. Server-side processing provides you with a number of benefits:

Less time connected to the server.
Less memory needed to process the report on your computer.
Lower transfer time from the server to the client.

جمعه 30 اردیبهشت 1384, 23:14 عصر
البته این رو هم بخون

Scale with Crystal Enterprise
Crystal Enterprise provides a flexible and efficient way to deliver your reports over the web or to integrate them into custom web applications.

The Report Application Server (RAS) provides a rich set of server-based reporting services that let you to tightly integrate reporting into your custom web applications. RAS provides a base set of Crystal Enterprise services, focused on report processing, application integration, and run-time report modification.

You can extend your application even further using the advanced services available in other editions of Crystal Enterprise. These include:

Crystal Enterprise provides granular group, user, and data-level security to help you protect sensitive reports and deliver a more personalized end-user experience.

Crystal Enterprise incorporates a flexible time- and event-based scheduling system to allow you to process large reports during off hours and to avoid unnecessary database hits. (The Report Application Server provides on-demand reporting, so every viewing request results in a separate query on your database.)

Versioning works closely with scheduling to store "instances" of a report. Versioning not only reduces the number of database hits required to serve users, but also allows you to keep an archive of report instances for historical reference.

Crystal Enterprise incorporates proven clustering and load-balancing technology to help you deliver a highly available, reliable information delivery system.

Crystal Enterprise is built on a distributed, multi-server architecture, allowing you to scale up on a single machine (by adding processors) or scale out over multiple machines to handle heavier user loads.

Crystal Enterprise incorporates extensive administration and management controls that allow you to organize content, set up complex schedules and security, and tune the system for optimal performance.

External (third-party) authentication
Crystal Enterprise allows you to leverage your existing security system to manage users and groups. All authentication can be delegated to a third-party NT or LDAP system.