View Full Version : لیست پیوندی

جمعه 07 خرداد 1389, 20:15 عصر
کدسی++ حذف و اضافه کردن یک ند رو دارم ولی نوشتن یک برنامه مثل لیست نمرات و شماره دانشجویی که با آرایه به راحتی نوشته میشه خیلی سخته.

Help me please:ناراحت::اشتباه:

جمعه 07 خرداد 1389, 20:18 عصر
خب مشکل کجاست؟داخل برنامه شما لیست پیوندی چه ارتباطی با آرایه دارد؟

دوشنبه 10 خرداد 1389, 10:02 صبح
نه، ربطی به آرایه نداره فقط از اونجایی که لیست پیوندی و آرایه تفاوت عمدشون طرز قرار گرفتن و دسترسیشون در حافظه ست خوب کد نویسی با آرایه ها خیلی راحتترهو نمی دونم شایدم چون موضوع برام جدیده این طور فکر می کنم. مشکل تو برنامه ی زیره!:عصبانی++:
error: namespace ,current

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct NodeType {
int data;
NodeType *next;

class linklist {
NodeType *first;
NodeType *last;

linklist() {
first = new NodeType();
last = new NodeType();
first = last = NULL;
void insertback();
void insertforward();
void delnode(int); // delete int from linklist
void showlist(); //print linklist
// void addnodeback(int,int); //insert 1 befor 2
// void sortlink(); //sort lnklist

linklist::~linklist() {
NodeType *temp, *current = first;
while (current) {
temp = current;
current = current->next;
delete temp;
first = NULL;

void linklist::insertback() {

int num;
cout << "enter num. end with -999";
cin >> num;
while (num != (-999)) {
NodeType *newnode;
newnode = new NodeType();
newnode->next = NULL;
newnode->data = num;
if (first == NULL) {
first = newnode;
last = newnode;
} else {
newnode->next = first;
first = newnode;
cin >> num;


void linklist::insertforward() {

int num;
cout << "enter number. end with -999";
cin >> num;
while (num != -999) {
NodeType *newnode;
newnode = new NodeType();
newnode ->next = NULL;
newnode ->data = num;
if (first == NULL) {
first = newnode;
last = newnode;
} else {
last->next = newnode;
last = newnode;
cin >> num;

// for print the list
void linklist::showlist() {
if (first == NULL) {
cout << "list is empty.";
NodeType *current;
current = new NodeType();
current = first;
while (current != NULL) {
cout << current->data << " ";
current = current->next;

//for delete a from the listnode
void linklist::delnode(int x) {
if (first == NULL) {
cout << "list is empty.";
if (first->next == NULL) {
NodeType *temp, *current = first;
while (current) {
temp = current;
current = current->next;
delete temp;
first = NULL;
NodeType *current = new NodeType();
current = first;
while (current) {
if (current->next->data == x) {
NodeType *p = new NodeType();
p->next = current->next;
current->next = current->next->next;
delete p;
current = current->next;
cout << "\n" << x << "deleted.\n";

int main() {
linklist n;
int a;
cout << "\n\n\n";
cout << "\ndelete :";
cin >> a;
cout << "\n\n\n";
return 0;

دوشنبه 10 خرداد 1389, 13:39 عصر
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct NodeType {
int data;
NodeType *next;
NodeType *prev;
class linklist {
NodeType *first, *last;
linklist() {
last = first = NULL;
// void insertback();
void insertforward();
void delnode(int); // delete int from linklist
void showlist(); //print linklist
// void addnodeback(int,int); //insert 1 befor 2
// void sortlink(); //sort lnklist
linklist::~linklist() {
NodeType *temp, *cur;
cur = first;
temp = cur->next;
delete []cur;
cur = temp;
first = last = NULL;
void linklist::insertforward()
int num;
NodeType *newnode;
cout << "enter num. end with -999";
cin >> num;
while (num != (-999)) {
if( first == NULL ){
first = last = newnode = new NodeType();
newnode->next = newnode->prev = NULL;
newnode = new NodeType();
newnode->next = NULL;
newnode->prev = last;
last->next = newnode;
last = newnode;
newnode->data = num;
cin >> num;
// for print the list
void linklist::showlist() {
NodeType *current;
if (first == NULL) {
cout << "list is empty.";
current = first;
while (current != NULL) {
cout << current->data << " ";
current = current->next;

//for delete a from the listnode
void linklist::delnode(int x) {
NodeType *temp = first, *cur;
for( int i=0; i<x && temp!=NULL; i++)
temp = temp->next;
if (temp == NULL) {
cout << "list is empty.";
cur = temp;
temp = temp->prev;
temp->next = cur->next;
temp = cur->next;
temp->prev = cur->prev;
delete [] cur;
cout << "\n" << x << "deleted.\n";
int main() {
linklist n;
int a;
cout << "\n\n\n";
cout << "\ndelete :";
cin >> a;
cout << "\n\n\n";
return 0;

سه شنبه 11 خرداد 1389, 12:23 عصر
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