View Full Version : SSL: شرکتی که کلید برای SSL ارایه کنه

سه شنبه 25 شهریور 1382, 13:55 عصر
من می خوام تو سایت که با JSP نوشتیم از SSL استفاده کنم آیا تو ایران شرکتی رو می شناسین که کلیدهای SSL رو پشتیبانی کنه (public key , private key)

چهارشنبه 27 اسفند 1382, 09:39 صبح
آیا تو ایران شرکتی رو می شناسین که کلیدهای SSL رو پشتیبانی کنه

چهارشنبه 27 اسفند 1382, 12:37 عصر
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Dear Naser

Please accept my apologies first , i cannot write in persian

The main goal of PKI is trust and responsability not just Cryptography ,if you are wondering about encryption you can simply setup an easy-to-implement web-based Crypto-System , you do not need more , But PKI is a platform for integrity and confedentiality and privacy plus Security . While there is no Root and Trusted Certificate Authorityin iran there is no mean for any PKI-awar ( Public Key Infrastructure ) Software or protocol , like SSL . i think you do not need any external Key and Trust Provider ( and as i said before there is no meanning for this ) , You can Easily Setup your own Secure Socket Layer using something like openSSL related to your own CA . Inpy Hopes you lucky

Have Fun
