View Full Version : Open Letter to the C++Builder Community - by Borland Staff

دوشنبه 30 خرداد 1384, 12:10 عصر
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Borland would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the long lasting support you have provided Borland and its C++Builder product line.

We recognize and appreciate the extensive developer base that relies on the VCL-based Borland C++Builder, and the many end user solutions that are deployed with C++Builder technology. We believe there is great value in moving both C++Builder and your existing investments forward.

Therefore, we are pleased to assure the community that Borland will continue to develop VCL-based C++. The next version of C++Builder will be part of the Delphi IDE family, enabling you to take advantage of the latest Delphi VCL and IDE framework and many of the new C++ features that you have requested. It is our intention to include this personality in or before the next major release of Delphi. We will be communicating additional details and timelines as they become available.

We are grateful to you for your commitment to Borland and specifically the C++Builder product line. We learn a great deal about your achievements through open dialogue, and we hope and intend that these lines of communication will remain open and active.

We ask you to continue providing us with your C++Builder feedback by emailing cppbuilder@borland.com, or by putting your requests in QualityCentral.

Best wishes for continued success in your software development.

Borland Software Corporation </span>

محمد میرمصطفی
دوشنبه 30 خرداد 1384, 20:48 عصر
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