View Full Version : سوال: تفاوت Access2003 با نسخه های جدیدتر

شنبه 26 تیر 1389, 14:12 عصر
با سلام
در نسخه های جدید Access یعنی 2007 و 2010 چه امکانات جدیدی اضافه شده؟
آیا محدودیت حجم بانک بازهم 2GB هست؟ یا بیشتر شده؟
نیاز هست بانکی که دارم (Access2003) به نسخه های جدیدتر Upgrade کنم؟ :متفکر:

شنبه 26 تیر 1389, 18:06 عصر
با سلام
در نسخه های جدید Access یعنی 2007 و 2010 چه امکانات جدیدی اضافه شده؟
آیا محدودیت حجم بانک بازهم 2GB هست؟ یا بیشتر شده؟
نیاز هست بانکی که دارم (Access2003) به نسخه های جدیدتر Upgrade کنم؟ :متفکر:

با سلام
كليه خصيصه هاي اكسس 2007 به شرح زير است:

Access database (*.mdb or *.accdb) file size 2 gigabytes, including all objects in the database (data, forms, reports, indices, macros, modules, etc.)
Total number of concurrent users 255. Note that the practical limit will likely be lower than this based on database design.
Table Limits
Number of tables This is governed by a limit on the number of objects in the database, which includes tables, forms, reports, queries, etc. The limit on DB objects is 32,768.
Table size 2 gigabytes, less the space needed for system objects
Number of characters in a table name 64
Number of characters in a field name 64
Number of fields in a table 255
Number of open tables 2048 Note that this includes internal tables opened by Access.
Number of characters in a text field 255
Number of characters in a memo field 65,535 when text is entered through the UI
1 gigabyte if text is entered programmatically
Size of an OLE Object field 1 gigabyte
Number of indexes on a table 32
Number of fields in an index or primary key 10
Number of characters in a validation rule 2048
Number of characters in a validation message 255
Number of characters in a record (excluding Memo and OLE Object fields) when the UnicodeCompression property is set to Yes. 4,000
Number of characters in a field property setting 255

In addition, Access applications themselves have a number of limits, including:
Access Database Limits
Number of objects in a database 32,768 Note that this includes tables, forms, reports, queries, macros, modules, indices, and internal objects used by Access.
Number of characters in an object name 64
Number of characters in a password 14
Number of characters in a user name or group name 20
Table Limits
Number of open tables 2048 Note that this includes linked tables as well as local ones, and that the number may be somewhat lower due to internal tables opened by Access.
Query Limits
Number of enforced relationships 32 per table, minus the number of indexes that are on the table for fields or combinations of fields that are not involved in relationships
Number of tables in a query 32
Number of fields in a recordset returned by a query 255
Maximum recordset size 1 gigabyte
Sort limit 255 characters in one or more fields
Number of levels of nested queries 50
Number of characters in a cell in the query design grid 1,024
Number of characters in a parameter in a parameterized query 255
Number of ANDs in a WHERE or HAVING clause 99
Number of characters in a SQL statement Approx 64,000
Form & Report Limits
Number of characters in a label 2,048
Number of characters in a text box 65,535
Form or report width 22 inches (55.87cm)
Section height 22 inches (55.87cm)
Height of all sections, plus section headers in design view. 200 inches (508 cm) Note an actual report can be arbitrarily long once the data has expanded.
Number of levels of nested forms or reports 7
Number of fields or expressions that can be sorted or grouped in a report 10
Number of headers or footers in a report 1 report header / footer
1 page header / footer
10 section headers / footers
Number of printed pages in a report 65.535
Number of controls and sections added over the lifetime of a form / report 754
Number of characters in a SQL statement that serves as the Recordsource or Rowsource property of a form, report, or control. 32,750
Macro & VBA Limits
Number of actions in a macro 999
Number of characters in a condition 255
Number of characters in a comment 255
Number of characters in an Action Argument 255
Number of modules (includes forms and reports with the HasModule property set to True) 1,000

با تشكر

شنبه 26 تیر 1389, 18:15 عصر
دوست گرامي
با توجه به توضيحات بالا محدودیت حجم بانک كماكان 2GB مي باشد.
اما در رابطه با استفاده از اكسس 2003 و يا 2007و2010 بايد بگويم اگر شما مي خواهيد از نظر ساختار ديتابيس عملكرد كاملي داشته باشيد (از جمله تعيين Permission هاي دلخواه و همچنين ساخت منوهاي شخصي) بهتر است از اكسس 2003 استفاده نماييد كه متاسفانه بعضي از اين موارد در نسخه 2007 به بالا حذف گرديده اند (از جمله تعيين Permission)
اما اگر بيشتر شما مي خواهيد به ظاهر ديتابيس خود بپردازيد بهتر است از نسخه هاي 2007 به بالا استفاده نماييد كه امكانات متنوعي در ساخت گزارشات و فرم ها (خصوصا اكسس 2010 ) به شما مي دهد.
البته لازم به توضيح است در اكسس 2007 به بالا تعيين Permission وسطح دسترسي در محيط Sharepoit انجام مي پذيرد ( كه امكانات فوق العاده اي به كاربر و Admin مي دهد)كه متاسفانه اكثر شركت ها از آن استفاده نمي كنند.

با تشكر