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دوشنبه 06 تیر 1384, 09:17 صبح
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اگر کسی اطلاعاتی در مورد jsf (javasarver faces(داره لطفا کمک کنه

ممنون می شم


دوشنبه 06 تیر 1384, 10:51 صبح
نقل قول از JSFCentral

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a framework for building web-based user interfaces in Java. Like Swing, it provides a set of standard widgets (buttons, hyperlinks, checkboxes, and so on), a model for creating custom widgets, a way to process client-generated events (like changing the value of a text box or clicking on a button), and excellent tool support. Since web-based applications, unlike their Swing cousins, must often appease multiple clients (desktop browsers, phones, PDAs, and so on), JSF has a powerful architecture for displaying components in different ways. It also has extensible facilities for validating input (like the length of a field) and converting objects to and from strings for display. Faces can also automatically keep your user interface components in sync with your business model objects.

All Faces applications are standard Java web applications, as defined by the Servlet API. This means that they require an installed version of a standard servlet container (like Apache Tomcat or Macromedia JRun) or a J2EE server (like IBM WebSphere, JBoss, or BEA WebLogic).

Faces applications also require that you have installed an implementation of the framework. A JSF implementation is simply compiled Java code that adheres to the JavaServer Faces specification. All implementations require a servlet container that supports version 2.3 of the Java Servlet specification or higher, and version 1.2 of the JavaServer Pages specification or higher.

جزئیات بیشتر رو مى‌تونى در http://www.jsfcentral.com و سایت‌هاى دیگه پیدا کنى.

دوشنبه 06 تیر 1384, 20:11 عصر

مرسی زا شما دوستان بابت توضیحاتتون اگر بیشتر توضیح بدید ممنون می شم


دوشنبه 06 تیر 1384, 20:13 عصر

مرسی زا شما دوستان بابت توضیحاتتون اگر بیشتر توضیح بدید ممنون می شم


سه شنبه 07 تیر 1384, 11:58 صبح
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از قدیمیان جاوا انتظار می ره اگر اطلاعاتی در این مورد دارند لطف کنند.
