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کد اهنربایی کردن فرم در vb6

'"Magnetic Forms" Module.
'Copyright (C) 2001 Benjamin Wilger
Option Explicit
'Some API Declarations
Private Type POINTAPI
x As Long
y As Long
End Type
Private Type RECT
Left As Long
Top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal MSG As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pDest As Any, pSrc As Any, ByVal ByteLen As Long)
Private Declare Function SystemParametersInfo_Rect Lib "user32" Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" (ByVal uAction As Long, ByVal uParam As Long, lpvParam As RECT, ByVal fuWinIni As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function OffsetRect Lib "user32" (lpRect As RECT, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
Private Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1
Private Const SWP_NOZORDER = &H4
Private Const SWP_NOACTIVATE = &H10
Private Const WM_MOVING = &H216
Private Const WM_SIZING = &H214
Private Const WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE = &H231
Private Const WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = &H232
Private Const GWL_WNDPROC = (-4)
Private Const GWL_STYLE = (-16)
Private Const SPI_GETWORKAREA = 48
Private Const WMSZ_LEFT = 1
Private Const WMSZ_TOPLEFT = 4
Private Const WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT = 7
Private Const WMSZ_TOP = 3
Private Const WMSZ_TOPRIGHT = 5
'User Declarations
Private Enum SnapFormMode
Moving = 1
Sizing = 2
End Enum
'We save the Infos in an UDT. That's easier to organize
Private Type DockingLog
hWnd As Long
oldProc As Long
End Type
Private Logs() As DockingLog, LogCount As Integer, MaxLogs As Integer
Private MouseX As Long, MouseY As Long
Public SnappedX As Boolean, SnappedY As Boolean
Public Rects() As RECT
'Here, you can set the SnapWidth in Pixels. Ten's a good value.
Private Const SnapWidth = 15
'SubClassing is not very helpful while debugging your Code.
'If you need to step through your Code, set this Variable to False or
'you probably will crash!!!
Private Const DoSubClass As Boolean = True
'Deactivate Docking
Public Sub DockingTerminate(f As Form)
Dim t As Integer, H As Long

H = f.hWnd
'Search Window
For t = 0 To LogCount - 1
If Logs(t).hWnd = H Then
'Set back to Default WindowProc
SetWindowLong H, GWL_WNDPROC, Logs(t).oldProc
'Delete Window-Entry in Array
For H = t To LogCount - 2
Logs(H) = Logs(H + 1)
Next H
LogCount = LogCount - 1
Exit For
End If
Next t

End Sub
'Activate Docking
Public Sub DockingStart(f As Form)
Dim H As Long, t As Integer

If Not DoSubClass Then Exit Sub

'We redim only in 10 steps. This won't slow the Programm!
If LogCount + 10 > MaxLogs Then
MaxLogs = LogCount + 10
ReDim Preserve Logs(MaxLogs)
End If

For t = 0 To LogCount - 1
If Logs(t).hWnd = f.hWnd Then
Debug.Print "Window-Docking already activated!"
Exit Sub
End If
Next t
H = f.hWnd
Logs(LogCount).hWnd = H
'Starting Subclassing and saving the old Window Procedure.
Logs(LogCount).oldProc = SetWindowLong(H, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf WindowProc)
LogCount = LogCount + 1

End Sub
'This WindowProc will process all Messages coming from the
'Forms. The Messages we don't need will be redirected to the old Window Procedure
Public Function WindowProc(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Dim t As Integer ' Counter-Variable
Dim oldProc As Long ' Address of original WindowProc
Dim runProc As Boolean
Dim frm As Form
runProc = True

'Search Window in Array
For t = 0 To LogCount - 1
If Logs(t).hWnd = hWnd Then
oldProc = Logs(t).oldProc
Exit For
End If
Next t

If oldProc = 0 Then Exit Function 'This would be not very good... ;-)

If wMsg = WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE Then 'Windows tells us, that the User
'begins to move or resize the Window.
GetWindowRect hWnd, r
GetCursorPos p
MouseX = p.x - r.Left
MouseY = p.y - r.Top

GetFrmRects hWnd
ElseIf wMsg = WM_SIZING Or wMsg = WM_MOVING Then 'While moving/sizing we're changing the Window Position/Size
'Get the Rect-Structure from the Pointer located in lParam
CopyMemory r, ByVal lParam, Len(r)

'Change the Rect(see in DockFormRect)
If wMsg = WM_SIZING Then
DockFormRect hWnd, Sizing, r, wParam
DockFormRect hWnd, Moving, r, wParam, MouseX, MouseY
End If

'Save it back.
CopyMemory ByVal lParam, r, Len(r)

'Return a true Value(API uses 1 as True-Value)
WindowProc = 1

runProc = False 'Don't run OldWindowProc
End If

'Nachricht an originale Routine weiterleiten
If runProc Then WindowProc = CallWindowProc(oldProc, hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam)

End Function
Private Function GetFrmRects(ByVal hWnd As Long)
Dim frm As Form, i As Integer

ReDim Rects(0 To 0)
SystemParametersInfo_Rect SPI_GETWORKAREA, vbNull, Rects(0), 0

i = 1
For Each frm In Forms
If frm.Visible And Not frm.hWnd = hWnd Then
ReDim Preserve Rects(0 To i)
GetWindowRect frm.hWnd, Rects(i)

i = i + 1

End If
Next frm
End Function
'This is the heart of the Module. It automatically searches all
'visible Forms to dock on.
Private Sub DockFormRect(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Mode As SnapFormMode, GivenRect As RECT, Optional SizingEdge As Long, Optional MouseX As Long, Optional MouseY As Long)
Dim i As Integer, diffX As Integer, diffY As Integer, diffWnd As Long
Dim tmpRect As RECT, W As Integer, H As Integer, frmRect As RECT
Dim XPos As Integer, YPos As Integer
Dim tmpXPos As Integer, tmpYPos As Integer
Dim tmpMouseX As Long, tmpMouseY As Long
Dim FoundX As Boolean, FoundY As Boolean

diffX = SnapWidth
diffY = SnapWidth

'Copy the original Rect.
tmpRect = GivenRect

frmRect = GivenRect

'Do some calculations to correct the Window Position while Moving
If Mode = Moving Then
GetCursorPos p
If SnappedX Then
tmpMouseX = p.x - tmpRect.Left
OffsetRect tmpRect, tmpMouseX - MouseX, 0
OffsetRect GivenRect, tmpMouseX - MouseX, 0
MouseX = p.x - tmpRect.Left
End If
If SnappedY Then
tmpMouseY = p.y - tmpRect.Top
OffsetRect tmpRect, 0, tmpMouseY - MouseY
OffsetRect GivenRect, 0, tmpMouseY - MouseY
MouseY = p.y - tmpRect.Top
End If
End If

W = tmpRect.Right - tmpRect.Left
H = tmpRect.Bottom - tmpRect.Top

'that's the hard part!
If Mode = Moving Then
For i = 0 To UBound(Rects)
If (tmpRect.Left >= (Rects(i).Left - SnapWidth) And _
tmpRect.Left <= (Rects(i).Left + SnapWidth)) And _
((tmpRect.Top - SnapWidth) < Rects(i).Bottom And _
(tmpRect.Bottom + SnapWidth) > Rects(i).Top) And _
Abs(tmpRect.Left - Rects(i).Left) < diffX _

GivenRect.Left = Rects(i).Left
GivenRect.Right = GivenRect.Left + W

diffX = Abs(tmpRect.Left - Rects(i).Left)

FoundX = True

ElseIf i > 0 And (tmpRect.Left >= (Rects(i).Right - SnapWidth) And _
tmpRect.Left <= (Rects(i).Right + SnapWidth)) And _
((tmpRect.Top - SnapWidth) < Rects(i).Bottom And _
(tmpRect.Bottom + SnapWidth) > Rects(i).Top) And _
Abs(tmpRect.Left - Rects(i).Right) < diffX _

GivenRect.Left = Rects(i).Right
GivenRect.Right = GivenRect.Left + W

diffX = Abs(tmpRect.Left - Rects(i).Right)

FoundX = True

ElseIf i > 0 And (tmpRect.Right >= (Rects(i).Left - SnapWidth) And _
tmpRect.Right <= (Rects(i).Left + SnapWidth)) And _
((tmpRect.Top - SnapWidth) < Rects(i).Bottom And _
(tmpRect.Bottom + SnapWidth) > Rects(i).Top) And _
Abs(tmpRect.Right - Rects(i).Left) < diffX _

GivenRect.Right = Rects(i).Left
GivenRect.Left = GivenRect.Right - W

diffX = Abs(tmpRect.Right - Rects(i).Left)

FoundX = True

ElseIf (tmpRect.Right >= (Rects(i).Right - SnapWidth) And _
tmpRect.Right <= (Rects(i).Right + SnapWidth)) And _
((tmpRect.Top - SnapWidth) < Rects(i).Bottom And _
(tmpRect.Bottom + SnapWidth) > Rects(i).Top) And _
Abs(tmpRect.Right - Rects(i).Right) < diffX _

GivenRect.Right = Rects(i).Right
GivenRect.Left = GivenRect.Right - W

diffX = Abs(tmpRect.Right - Rects(i).Right)

FoundX = True

End If

If (tmpRect.Top >= (Rects(i).Top - SnapWidth) And _
tmpRect.Top <= (Rects(i).Top + SnapWidth)) And _
((tmpRect.Left - SnapWidth) < Rects(i).Right And _
(tmpRect.Right + SnapWidth) > Rects(i).Left) And _
Abs(tmpRect.Top - Rects(i).Top) < diffY _

GivenRect.Top = Rects(i).Top
GivenRect.Bottom = GivenRect.Top + H

diffY = Abs(tmpRect.Top - Rects(i).Top)

FoundY = True

ElseIf i > 0 And (tmpRect.Top >= (Rects(i).Bottom - SnapWidth) And _
tmpRect.Top <= (Rects(i).Bottom + SnapWidth)) And _
((tmpRect.Left - SnapWidth) < Rects(i).Right And _
(tmpRect.Right + SnapWidth) > Rects(i).Left) And _
Abs(tmpRect.Top - Rects(i).Bottom) < diffY _

GivenRect.Top = Rects(i).Bottom
GivenRect.Bottom = GivenRect.Top + H

diffY = Abs(tmpRect.Top - Rects(i).Bottom)

FoundY = True

ElseIf i > 0 And (tmpRect.Bottom >= (Rects(i).Top - SnapWidth) And _
tmpRect.Bottom <= (Rects(i).Top + SnapWidth)) And _
((tmpRect.Left - SnapWidth) < Rects(i).Right And _
(tmpRect.Right + SnapWidth) > Rects(i).Left) And _
Abs(tmpRect.Bottom - Rects(i).Top) < diffY _

GivenRect.Bottom = Rects(i).Top
GivenRect.Top = GivenRect.Bottom - H

diffY = Abs(tmpRect.Bottom - Rects(i).Top)

FoundY = True

ElseIf (tmpRect.Bottom >= (Rects(i).Bottom - SnapWidth) And _
tmpRect.Bottom <= (Rects(i).Bottom + SnapWidth)) And _
((tmpRect.Left - SnapWidth) < Rects(i).Right And _
(tmpRect.Right + SnapWidth) > Rects(i).Left) And _
Abs(tmpRect.Bottom - Rects(i).Bottom) < diffY _

GivenRect.Bottom = Rects(i).Bottom
GivenRect.Top = GivenRect.Bottom - H

diffY = Abs(tmpRect.Bottom - Rects(i).Bottom)

FoundY = True

End If
Next i

'Save snapped state in Public Variable
SnappedX = FoundX
SnappedY = FoundY

ElseIf Mode = Sizing Then
If SizingEdge = WMSZ_LEFT Or SizingEdge = WMSZ_TOPLEFT Or SizingEdge = WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT Then
XPos = GivenRect.Left
XPos = GivenRect.Right
End If

If SizingEdge = WMSZ_TOP Or SizingEdge = WMSZ_TOPLEFT Or SizingEdge = WMSZ_TOPRIGHT Then
YPos = GivenRect.Top
YPos = GivenRect.Bottom
End If
tmpXPos = XPos
tmpYPos = YPos
For i = 0 To UBound(Rects)
If ((tmpXPos >= (Rects(i).Left - SnapWidth) And _
tmpXPos <= (Rects(i).Left + SnapWidth)) And _
((tmpRect.Top - SnapWidth) < Rects(i).Bottom And _
(tmpRect.Bottom + SnapWidth) > Rects(i).Top) And _
Abs(tmpXPos - Rects(i).Left) < diffX) _
XPos = Rects(i).Left

diffX = Abs(tmpXPos - Rects(i).Left)

ElseIf (tmpXPos >= (Rects(i).Right - SnapWidth) And _
tmpXPos <= (Rects(i).Right + SnapWidth)) And _
((tmpRect.Top - SnapWidth) < Rects(i).Bottom And _
(tmpRect.Bottom + SnapWidth) > Rects(i).Top) And _
Abs(tmpXPos - Rects(i).Right) < diffX _

XPos = Rects(i).Right

diffX = Abs(tmpXPos - Rects(i).Right)

End If

If (tmpYPos >= (Rects(i).Top - SnapWidth) And _
tmpYPos <= (Rects(i).Top + SnapWidth)) And _
((tmpRect.Left - SnapWidth) < Rects(i).Right And _
(tmpRect.Right + SnapWidth) > Rects(i).Left) And _
Abs(tmpYPos - Rects(i).Top) < diffY _

YPos = Rects(i).Top

diffY = Abs(tmpYPos - Rects(i).Top)

ElseIf (tmpYPos >= (Rects(i).Bottom - SnapWidth) And _
tmpYPos <= (Rects(i).Bottom + SnapWidth)) And _
((tmpRect.Left - SnapWidth) < Rects(i).Right And _
(tmpRect.Right + SnapWidth) > Rects(i).Left) And _
Abs(tmpYPos - Rects(i).Bottom) < diffY _

YPos = Rects(i).Bottom

diffY = Abs(tmpYPos - Rects(i).Bottom)
End If
Next i
If SizingEdge = WMSZ_LEFT Or SizingEdge = WMSZ_TOPLEFT Or SizingEdge = WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT Then
GivenRect.Left = XPos
GivenRect.Right = XPos
End If

If SizingEdge = WMSZ_TOP Or SizingEdge = WMSZ_TOPLEFT Or SizingEdge = WMSZ_TOPRIGHT Then
GivenRect.Top = YPos
GivenRect.Bottom = YPos
End If
End If

End Sub