View Full Version : درخواست آموزش عبارت با قاعده ValidationExpression

Hossein Bazyan
پنج شنبه 18 شهریور 1389, 00:50 صبح
دوستان کسی مقاله ای ، آموزشی در زمینه عبارت با قاعده نداره ؟



پنج شنبه 18 شهریور 1389, 01:05 صبح
دوستان کسی مقاله ای ، آموزشی در زمینه عبارت با قاعده نداره ؟



Metacharacters for Matching Single Characters

Ordinary characters Characters other than .$^{[(|)*+?\ match themselves.
\b Matches a backspace.
\t Matches a tab.
\r Matches a carriage return.
\v Matches a vertical tab.
\f Matches a form feed.
\n Matches a newline.
\ If followed by a special character (one of .$^{[(|)*+?\), this character
escape matches that character literal. For example, \+ matches the
+ character.

Metacharacters for Matching Types of Characters

. Matches any character except \n.
[aeiou] Matches any single character specified in the set.
[^aeiou] Matches any character not specified in the set.
[3-7a-dA-D] Matches any character specified in the specified ranges (in the example, the
ranges are 3–7, a–d, A–D).
\w Matches any word character; that is, any alphanumeric character or the
underscore (_).
\W Matches any nonword character.
\s Matches any whitespace character (space, tab, form-feed, newline, carriage
return, or vertical feed).
\S Matches any nonwhitespace character.
\d Matches any decimal character.
\D Matches any nondecimal character.


Zero or more matches *
+ One or more matches
? Zero or one matches
{N} N matches
{N,} N or more matches
{N,M} Between N and M matches

Hossein Bazyan
پنج شنبه 18 شهریور 1389, 01:09 صبح
Metacharacters for Matching Single Characters

Ordinary characters Characters other than .$^{[(|)*+?\ match themselves.

\b Matches a backspace.
\t Matches a tab.
\r Matches a carriage return.
\v Matches a vertical tab.
\f Matches a form feed.
\n Matches a newline.
\ If followed by a special character (one of .$^{[(|)*+?\), this character
escape matches that character literal. For example, \+ matches the
+ character.

Metacharacters for Matching Types of Characters

. Matches any character except \n.

[aeiou] Matches any single character specified in the set.

[^aeiou] Matches any character not specified in the set.

[3-7a-dA-D] Matches any character specified in the specified ranges (in the example, the

ranges are 3–7, a–d, A–D).

\w Matches any word character; that is, any alphanumeric character or the

underscore (_).

\W Matches any nonword character.

\s Matches any whitespace character (space, tab, form-feed, newline, carriage

return, or vertical feed).

\S Matches any nonwhitespace character.

\d Matches any decimal character.

\D Matches any nondecimal character.


Zero or more matches *

+ One or more matches

? Zero or one matches

{N} N matches

{N,} N or more matches

{N,M} Between N and M matches

اینا رو خودم میدونم من گفتم مقاله یعنی همراه مثال و توضیحات کلی
پیدا کردم

پنج شنبه 18 شهریور 1389, 03:27 صبح
این مقاله ی خوبیه
مثال زیادی وجود نداره چون کار سختیه .