View Full Version : Mdb Structure!

پنج شنبه 23 تیر 1384, 11:29 صبح


'K' 'K' 'D' 0x00
16 bit length value (this includes the length)
0x00 0x00
0x80 0x00 (0x80 seems to indicate a header)
Then one or more of: 16 bit length field and a value of that size.
For instance:
0x0d 0x00 and 'AccessVersion' (AccessVersion is 13 bytes, 0x0d 0x00 intel order)

Next comes one of more rows of data. (column names, descriptions, etc...)
16 bit length value (this includes the length)
0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00
16bit length field (this include the length itself)
4 bytes of unknown purpose
16 bit length field (non-inclusive)
value (07.53 for the AccessVersion example above)