View Full Version : فایل های MD3 و BMP

جمعه 31 تیر 1384, 09:33 صبح

من یک سورس دانلود کردم که یک نمایش 3 بعدی بود . تو توضیحات سایتش می گفت که این حالت 3 بعدی فرد رو Load کردیم . یک سری فایل با پسوند MD3 و BMP هم اطرافش هستند . BMP ها حالت کلی قسمت های بدنش هستند که پخش شدند .

سوال اول : فایل های MD3 چی هستند و چه جوری میشه درستشون کرد ؟؟؟

سوال دوم : ایا راهش اینه که من اون فایل های BMP که نمای 3 بعدی رو در صفحه پخش کردند رو خودم درست کنم یا یه برنامه ای چیزی اونارو اتوماتیک درست می کنه ؟؟؟

خیلی ممنون منتظرم .

جمعه 31 تیر 1384, 10:28 صبح
The .md3 files store the character animations in key frames. To visualize key-frame animation,
it helps to imagine the use of sprites in old sprite engines. These were long lists of
pictures called one after another so the viewer got the impression of a moving object, like
in those old celluloid films. The same thing happens in .md3 files with the vertices of poly-
gons. There’s no limit for frames in the engine, but a maximum of 300 might be a good
number to keep the rendering fast and the image quality reasonable. Using more would
lead to quite a large memory footprint. The file that stores the animation data is called
animation.cfg, and it directs the call of the key frames.

منبع: Beginning

جمعه 31 تیر 1384, 11:07 صبح
در اینجا نوشته که با چه برنامه هایی می تونی بسازی.

The .md3 Format
The .md3 file format has not been officially documented by id Software until recently.
As far as I know, a few points have changed over time, so this explanation might be subject
to change.
There are different ways to build your own .md3 files. For example, http://www.planetquake.
com/polycount and other Quake 3 modification Web sites offer free downloads of .md3
files. These Web sites always cover a list of tools that you can use for this purpose.
You’ll find many exporters for 3D Studio Max and other modeling software tools. If you’re
familiar with these tools, that’s the best way to go. If you’re like me and you’re not familiar
with these tools, I would suggest using MilkShape 3D, which helps you build your .md3 file
with animation. It’s a shareware tool, and its only purpose is to build models for the various
3D shooters. After you download the software, you can register it online using your credit
card. Last I knew it was $25. Check out the MilkShape Web site for tutorials
You’ll make your skins—.tga or .jpg files—with your preferred graphics-painting tool, such
as Adobe Photoshop or Jasc Paint Shop Pro.
To take a look at your creations, you might use the Java MD3 Model Viewer at
http://fragland.net/md3view/download.html. At the moment, it seems like the best program
for the job. It’s a little bit tricky to install, so watch for the installation instructions.