View Full Version : آموزش: معرفی و دانلود Extension های Visual Studio !

دوشنبه 12 مهر 1389, 14:48 عصر
سلام :قلب:
امروز میخوام Extension های Visual Studio رو براتون معرفی کنم !
بعد از معرفی هم به نحوه ساخت اونها خواهیم پرداخت ...

1- Extension چیست ؟:متفکر:

Extension ها فایل هایی هستند با پسوند vsix که پس از نصب اونها روی Visual Studio یکسری امکانات جالب و به درد بخور به Visual Studio اضافه میشه که کد نویسی , طراحی و ... رو براتون آسان میکند .

2- برای دیدن و استفاده از Extension ها 2 راه وجود داره ! :لبخند:

1- رفتن به منوی Tools و سپس انتخاب Extension Manager!

پس از انتخاب این گزینه پنجره ای باز میشه که 3 قسمت داره !


Instaled Extensions : این قسمت تمامی Extension های نصب شده رو بهتون نشون میده !
Online Gallery : این قسمت تمامی Extension هایی رو که توی Msdn Microsoft هست رو براتون لیست میکنه و توضیح مختصری + یک عکس از اون رو بهتون نشون میده که میتونید از همون جا به کلیک روی دکمه Download اون هارو دریافت کنید ! کنار همین پنجره هم یه لینک هست به نام (More Information ) که میتونید با کلیک روی اون اطلاعات بیشتری در مورد Extension مورد نظر کسب کنید . که مزیت خیلی مهم تری نصبت به استفاده مستقیم از دکمه Download داره ! اگه از دکمه Download استفاده کنید Extension مورد نظر مستقیم روی Vs نصب میشه و به فایلش دسترسی ندارید تا بعدا هم بتونید از اون استفاده کنید ولی اگه از قسمت MoreInformation Extension رو دانلود کنید. فایلی با پسوند vsix میگیرید که میتونید هر وقت دوست داشتید از اون استفاده کنید .
Update :قسمت سوم هم Update هست که اگه ورژن جدیدی از Extension نصب شدتون اومده باشه اونجا میتونید Updateش کنید .
2- استفاده از لینک های Download که من براتون گذاشتم ..

اگه تا اینجا هنوز نمیدونید اینها به چه دردی میخورند باید بگم که با معرفی یکی دوتا از اونها راحت متوجه خواهید شد .

(فقط لطفا از دادن پست اضافی توی تاپیک خود داری کنید و اگه هم تشکری بود از امکانات سایت استفاده کنین . سوالی هم بود به صورت پیام خصوصی بفرستید):چشمک:

موفق باشید !

دوشنبه 12 مهر 1389, 15:26 عصر
قسمت اول ::لبخندساده:

Go To Definition
Download (http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/4b286b9c-4dd5-416b-b143-e31d36dc622b/file/3610/2/GoToDef.vsix)

خوب با نصب این vsix میتونید با پایین نگه داشتن کنترل روی کیبود و کلیک روی کدتون بهDefinition کدتون برید ! یعنی مثلا با کلیک رو اسم یک متغیر توی بدنه کدتون میتونید بفهمید که اون متغببر در کجا و چگونه تعریف شده !

2- Spell Checker
Download (http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/7c8341f1-ebac-40c8-92c2-476db8d523ce/file/15808/8/SpellChecker.vsix)


خوب این Extension همون جور که از اسمش معلومه یه غلط گیر املایی به Visual Studio اضافه میکنه ! عکس بالا گویای همه چیز هست !

3- Productivity Power Tools:متعجب:
Download : (http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/d0d33361-18e2-46c0-8ff2-4adea1e34fef/file/29666/4/ProPowerTools.vsix)
خوب این Extension طرفدار زیاد داره و حیفم اومد اول توضیح ندم .
Visual Studio 2010 Productivity Power Tools
A set of extensions to Visual Studio Professional (and above) which improves developer productivity. In this second major release of the Power Tools we have added the following four extensions:
Tools Options Support
The number one feature request by far has been the ability to turn off the individual extensions in the Productivity Power Tools. In this release, we’ve added an extension which adds a category to Tools Options which allows you to toggle the extensions on/off and provides a single place to find the options for a particular extension.
Solution Navigator (More Info (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2010/07/20/solution-navigator-blog-post.aspx))

Solution Navigator is a new tool window that acts like an enhanced Solution Explorer. With it, you can:

Expand code files to navigate to its classes, expand classes to navigate to their members, and so on (C#‎‎ and VB only)
Search your solution, all the way down to class members
Filter your solution or projects to see just opened files, unsaved files, and so on
View related information about classes and members (such as references or callers/callees for C#‎‎)
Preview images by hovering over them, or preview rich information by hovering over code ite
In other words, it merges functionality from Solution Explorer, Class View, Object Browser, Call Hierarchy, Navigate To, and Find Symbol References all into one tool window!
Note that the tool window doesn’t (yet) support everything that Solution Explorer supports, such as multiselect and drag-and-drop.

Solution Navigator also provides interactive tooltips in C#‎‎ and VB code (replacing the default “quick info” tooltips) that give you the same kind of data, but right at your fingertips. In addition to getting the tooltips on hover, you can:

Press Ctrl+1 to open a relevant tooltip at the current cursor location
Press Ctrl+2 to quickly navigate to any class/member in the current source file
Quick Access (More Info (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2010/08/03/quick-access-extension.aspx))

Quick Access is a new tool window that allows users to search for and execute common tasks within the Visual Studio IDE. Not sure where a particular menu command is located? Want a quick way to create a new Silverlight project? By using Quick Access, you can efficiently find and execute common VS operations without taking your hands off the keyboard. Quick Access allows users to:

Execute Main Menu and Context Menu commands
Open the New Project Dialog with a specific Project Template selected
Show a tool window
Jump to a Visual Studio Options page
Navigate to an open document in your Tab Well
Create and execute a series of actions (task)
To use, press Ctrl+3 to launch Quick Access, type in your search term (e.g., “debug”), and press Enter on the desired result. If your search term returns too many results, continue pressing Ctrl+3 to cycle through each category of results.
Auto Brace Completion

Automatic Brace Completion improves the productivity of writing code by automatically inserting the closing code construct when the opening construct is typed for VB & C#‎‎. More specifically, this extension:

Supports the following constructs: (), {}, [], <>, “”, and ‘’.
Allows you to press <TAB> to navigate past the next enclosing brace
Allows you to automatically complete a statement in C#‎‎ by inserting the closing semi-colon and moving you to the next line with SHIFT + ENTER
The extensions from the previous Producitivity Power Tools have been included and improved. See the revision notes at the end of this post:
Tab Well UI (More Info (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2010/06/10/document-well-2010-plus.aspx))

This extension allows you to completely customize the behaviour of your document tabs from the Productivity Power Tools Options:

Scrollable tabs
Maintain spatial consistency of the documents that are included in the document well.
Vertical tabs
Document tabs are shown vertically, allowing you to fit more tabs than are normally visible when shown horizontally.
Pinned tabs
Allows you to pin tabs to keep them always visible and available.
Show close button in tab well
Similar to Visual Studio 2008, will show a close button in the document well that will close the active tab.
Tab Behavior

Remove tabs by usage order (LRU)
When a new tab is inserted and existing tabs don't fit in the document well, instead of removing the tab at the end of the well it will remove the least recently used tab. This ensures that frequently used tabs are readily available.
Show pinned tabs in a separate row/column
Pinning tabs can quickly cause you to run out of space for regular tabs. The option allows you to always show pinned tabs in a separate row (or column, if displayed vertically) from regular tabs.

Sort tabs by project
Tabs will be sorted by the project they belong to, thus keeping them always together in the document tab well.
Sort tabs alphabetically
Tabs will be sorted alphabetically. When Sort By Project is turned on, tabs will be sorted first by project and then alphabetically.
Sort tab well dropdown alphabetically
The drop down menu at the right end of the document well is sorted alphabetically. This option allows ordering as the tabs are laid out in the document well.

Tab UI

Color tabs according to their project or according to regular expressions
This option permits tabs to be colored according to the project they belong to. This is particularly useful when sorting tabs by project, as it allows you to immediately identify different groups of project documents.
You can also configure regular expressions and assign a color to each one. If the name of a tab matches the configured regular expression, it will be colored with the assigned color.

Miscellaneous options that modify tab UI

Show document/toolwindow icon in tab
Show close button in tab
Modify dirty indicator style
This option allows you to select from a set of different dirty indicators that you might prefer over the asterisk.
Modify minimum and maximum tab size
Allows you to modify minimum and maximum tab size. Try setting minimum and maximum sizes to the same value, and you will have evenly spaced tabs.

Searchable Add Reference Dialog (More Info (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2010/06/22/what-s-next-for-the-productivity-power-tools.aspx))
The new Add Reference dialog makes it faster and easier for you to find the reference that you are looking for and add it to your VB, C#‎‎ or F# project. From the Solution Explorer, simply right click on the References node, select the Add Reference command to see the updated Add Reference Dialog.
Highlight Current Line
As the resolution of monitors increases, it’s becoming more difficult to find the caret in the code editor. The highlight current line extension makes it easy to find the caret by highlighting the line that the caret is on in the editor. You can even configure the default colour by changing the setting for “Current Line (Extension)” and “Current Line Inactive (Extension)” in Tools Options Fonts & Colors.
HTML Copy (More Info (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/kirillosenkov/archive/2010/06/07/copy-code-in-html-format-with-visual-studio-2010.aspx))
This extension provides support for the HTML Clipboard format when cutting or copying code from the editor. This means that you’ll no longer have to go fix up the formatting of your code when you paste it into a TFS bug form or any other HTML based control.
Triple Click
It’s never been easier to select a line of code from the mouse by simple triple-clicking anywhere on the line.
Fix Mixed Tabs
Some developers prefer tabs, others prefer spaces, and nobody likes mixing tabs & spaces. This extension promotes developer harmony by warning as they are open or save a file that has a mixture of tabs & spaces. The information bar also provides an easy way to fix the file to suit your preference.
Ctrl + Click Go To Definition
This extension gives the editor a web browser by adding clickable hyperlinks to symbols in your code as you hold down the Ctrl key.
Align Assignments
This extension is useful for making your code a little more readable by aligning the assignments when you type Ctrl+Alt+] such that it takes this:
And turns it into this:
Please note: This may conflict with your formatting settings. E.g. in C#‎‎ you will need to disable: Tools->Options->Text Editor->C#‎‎->Formatting->Spacing->"Ignore spaces in declaration statements"
Move Line Up/Down Commands
This extension maps the Alt+Up Arrow & Alt+Down Arrow keys such that they will move the current line of code or the selected lines up and down through the editor.
Column Guides
Since Visual Studio 2002, there has been a not so secret registry key which allowed user to draw a vertical line in the code editor. This is very useful to remind developers that their full line of code or comments may not fit one a single screen. Thanks to this extension this feature has returned with UI configure it. Simply place the cursor at the appropriate column and select Add Guideline from the context menu 
Colorized Parameter Help
This extension improves consistency with the editor by applying syntax highlighting to the contents of the Parameter Help window for C#‎‎ &VB.
Please note: Syntax highlighting colors can be customized using the display items prefixed with “Signature Help” in the “Fonts and Colors” menu.

Revision Notes


Quick Access

Fixed Crashing issues experienced by many customers.


Solution Navigator

Projects are now sorted in Solution Folders
Ctrl+1 & Ctrl+2 keybindings can now be configured via Tools Options Environment Keyboard
Performance of search in large projects has been improved. Note: It no longer searches on a single character

Quick Access

Two crashing issues that affected particular machine configurations have been fixed.


Added Tools Options Support, Solution Navigator, Quick Access, Auto Brace Completion
Searchable Add Reference

Fixed: HintPaths were not added for non-Framework, browsed assembly references
Fixed: Exception dialog is shown when an assembly with an invalid AssemblyCulture attribute is found.
Fixed: Exception dialog is shown for some missing references or invalid type library references
Fixed: Browsed references not being added to the Recent tab.
Fixed: Trying to fix an unresolved reference reported that it is already present in the project. Now it updates the reference with the correct path.
Fixed: Incomplete Assembly Name was being used to construct resolved reference identities
Added: Context menu on the Recent tab to allow for clearing of the recent references list.
Added: Browse now defaults to the solution folder. Subsequent uses of the dialog remember the previous folder.

Colorized Parameter Help

There are now specific Fonts & Colors settings to allow you to configure the display of items in Parameter Help. This will allow users with dark backgrounds to be able to customize these to readable.

Column Guides

Fixed: Adding & Removing guidelines from a split window occurred based on the caret position in the wrong window.
Fixed: Guideline could not be added to first column
Fixed: Guideline is placed incorrectly when added to a trailing tab
Moved: Guidelines are now a fly-out to reduce the clutter on the Editor context menu.

Ctrl Click Go To Definition

Fixed: Navigation now happens on mouse up which reduces conflict with drag & drop operations and word selection.

Document Tab Well settings

Added: Show/Hide pin button in unpinned tabs
Make selected tab more distinguishable when using custom colors
Configure text color for selected and unselected tabs
Command for closing all unpinned tabs
Moved: Options for this extension are now found under Productivity Power Tools -> Document Tab Well(or by typing Document Tab Well into Quick Access).
Fixed: Vertical tabs would float when a new toolbar row appeared as a result of selecting a tab.

HTML Cut/Copy

Added: Cut as HTML is now supported

Installation on Windows XP

Fixed: Unable to install Productivity Power Tools on Windows XP if user name is too long. Note: We've reduced the number of characters considerably but this still may be an issue if your user name is extremely long.


Fixed issue where Visual Studio may crash on startup on computers where proxies required user entered credentials.

خوب توضیح چون زیاد داشت من متن اصلیشو براتون با عکساش گذاشتم ! شما عکس هارو هم دقیق نگاه کنید به کارایی اون پی خواهید برد .
فقط بگم اگه از یکی دو تا امکاناتش خوشتون نیومد میتونید از منوی Tools و رفتن به Option و پیدا کردن شاخه Productivity Power Tools هرکدوم از امکلاناتشو فعال یا غیر فعال کنید .
این Extension امکانات چند Extension دیگر رو توی خودش داره از جمله Go To Defiention
پایان قسمت اول :

نکته : حجم این فایلها عمدتا کمتر از 50 کیلوبایت هست ولی بعضی از اونها مثل Productivity Power Tools حدود 500 کیلوبایت بیشتر نیست !

سه شنبه 13 مهر 1389, 09:37 صبح
این Extension ها رو نمیشه تو VS2008 استفاده کرد؟

سه شنبه 13 مهر 1389, 16:12 عصر

زیر ااسمشون این رو قرار دادم ... یعنی متاسفم ! نه!

ولی شما مراحلی که توی پست 1 گفتم رو چک کنید شاید ٍExtension Manager موجود بود . درست خاطرم نیست! اگه بود از راهه اول استفاده کنید. که بعید میدونم

چهارشنبه 14 مهر 1389, 17:58 عصر
دوست عزیز با تشکر از شما . لطفا اگر بازهم هست قرار بدین .

پنج شنبه 15 مهر 1389, 01:38 صبح

1- Image Insertion
با استفاده از این Extension میتونید به جای گذاشتن Comment در محیط کد نویسی میتونید عکس وارد کنید . به شکل زیر توجه فرمائید !:
Download (http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/793d16d0-235a-439a-91df-4ce7c721df12/file/3356/0/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ImageInsertion.vsix)

http://i4.visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/793d16d0-235a-439a-91df-4ce7c721df12/image/file/17769/0/smallscreenshot.png (http://barnamenevis.org/en-us/793d16d0-235a-439a-91df-4ce7c721df12/showImage/17767)

2- AllMargins
این یکی بیشتر به درد C#‎‎ کارها میخوره ... چون توی C#‎‎ سخته که تو کدهای پیچیده آخر بلاک رو پیدا کنی! این Extension این مشکل رو حل میکنه ! به عکس زیر توجه کنید :
Download (http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/465a0d53-5133-4edd-a0cd-94484fe3d853/file/17838/14/AllMargins.vsix)


3- XAML Intellisense Presenter
این هم فوق العادست ! یه Syntax حرفه ای به محیط های کدنویسی Xaml شما اضافه میکنه که کار رو خیلی راحت کرده ! (حتما Wpf و Silverlight کارها دانلود کنند!!)

Download (http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/1a67eee3-fdd1-4745-b290-09d649d07ee0/file/25341/2/Microsoft.VisualStudio.XAMLIntellisensePresenter.v six)


Pascal case lookup
Optional narrowing list filter
Filter items based on type of item
Hot Keys

(ALT + ,) (ALT COMMA) toggles namespaces filter
(ALT + .) (ALT PERIOD) togges narrowing filter

xmlns IntelliSense options

Show/hide only solution assemblies
Show/hide schemas

Below images show the Pascal case lookup and the narrowing filter features in action.

پایان قسمت دوم
موفق باشید

پنج شنبه 15 مهر 1389, 01:43 صبح
از دوستان خواهشی که دارم اینه که پست توی این تاپیک نزارند تا بهم ریخته نشه ... بقیه هم بتونند استفاده کنند . (شاید کسی یه دعایی مارو کرد ....)

از مدیران تاپیک هم خواهش میکنم پست هایی که میبینند اضافی هست رو حذف کنند.

شنبه 16 آذر 1392, 10:11 صبح
دوست عزیز برخی از این ها لایسنس می خواد و نسخه تریال هستش من جمله vs10x editor
نسخه کاملش موجود نیست؟؟

دوشنبه 18 آذر 1392, 11:54 صبح
دوست عزیز برخی از این ها لایسنس می خواد و نسخه تریال هستش من جمله vs10x editor
نسخه کاملش موجود نیست؟؟

درسته. مانند تمامی نرم افزارهای موجود در بازار این Extension ها هم نسخه های free و trial دارند که البته میتونید نسخه های ک-ر-ک شده توی نت پیدا کنید ازشون ....

مدتی هم هست به چند دلیل من به معرفی Extension های جدید نپرداختم و بابت این موضوع عذرخواهی میکنم...

1- تعداد این Extension ها روز به روز زیاد میشه و امکان معرفی تمامی اونها نیست .
2- زمانی که من این تاپیک رو ایجاد کردم خیلی از برنامه نویسان از وجود این امکانات در Visual Studio اطلاع نداشتند ولی الان اکثرا با این امکانات آشنایی کامل دارند.
3- سایت ماکروسافت بسیار جامع و کامل این Extension ها رو معرفی میکنه و امتیاز دهی انجام میده و خیلی راحت میتونید با یک چرخ زدن توی این سایت extension های مورد علاقتون رو پیدا کنید.

در نهایت من لینک مربوط به دانلود و توضیحات این Extension هارو قرار میدم تا دوستان ازین به بعد ازش استفاده کنند. و اگر در نهایت سوالی بود بپرسند تا بتونم کمکشون کنم.


موفق باشید