View Full Version : Service Pack 1 for Visual FoxPro 8.0

دوشنبه 07 مهر 1382, 08:42 صبح
متن کامل نامه کن لوی در مورد سرویس پک 1 ویژوال فاکس پرو 8 که قرار بود در ماه سپتامبر
بصورت رایگان در اختیار برنامه نویسان قرار بگیرد ولی بنا به دلائلی تا ماه اکتبر به تعویق می افتد

July 31, 2003
September 5, 2003 - Visual FoxPro News for September
On the Product Download page, we have updated our VFPCOM utility to fully support Visual FoxPro 8.0. It has the same features and functionality as the Visual FoxPro 7.0 version, but is now fully compatible with Visual FoxPro 8.0. The VFPCOM utility allows you to extend Visual FoxPro interoperability with other COM and ADO components. This utility is a COM server that provides additional functionality when you use ADO and access COM events with your Visual FoxPro 8.0 applications.

As I mentioned in my last letter, Microsoft has released Visual FoxPro 8.0. We are now busy working on Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Visual FoxPro 8.0. SP1 for Visual FoxPro 8.0 is in beta now. I said that SP1 for Visual FoxPro 8.0 would be released sometime in September 2003 online for free download. In our efforts to ensure quality and stability, it appears we will complete SP1 the last week of September, which means it will actually be available online for free download in early October.

Communities make it possible to get answers to your technical questions concerning Visual FoxPro 8.0. You'll save time by tapping into a community of peers who are building applications similar to yours. In addition, we've collected technical support options and information on training and events. And it's all free. For a great resource reference for related Visual FoxPro community resources, refer to the Visual FoxPro Community Resource listings.

There is a great article by Markus Egger in a recent issue of FoxPro Advisor magazine which is available for reference online. The article is called "Build Tablet PC Applications with Visual FoxPro.". The session at DevCon in Palm Springs last June that Markus presented on Tablet PCs was packed and received great reviews.

Check out the Database Dev Zone of the DevX.com Web site to see the headline listing of the the special issue of CoDe focus on Visual FoxPro 8.0 which was created by the Visual FoxPro team in tandem with CoDe magazine. Every user group that is associated with Microsoft, including INETA groups (750 total), recently received a copy of this Visual FoxPro 8.0 edition of CoDe focus in their MSDN Quarterly box from Microsoft.

That's all for now. My letter in October will include a link to the free download of Service Pack 1 for Visual FoxPro 8.0. Stay tuned!

Ken Levy
VS Data Product Manager
E-mail: klevy@microsoft.com

دوشنبه 07 مهر 1382, 20:13 عصر
یه جوک هست توی آلمان که میگن :

خدا اعلام میکنه که 1 ماه دیگه کره زمین رو نابود میکنه . همه ناراحت میشن و میترسن بجز بر و بچه های میکروسافت که خوشحال میشن. ازشون میپرسن جرا خوشحال شدین ؟ میگن چون دیگه لازم نیست برای برنامه هامون سرویس پک بنویسیم.

من که عاشق میکروسافتم به خدا :lol:

دوشنبه 07 مهر 1382, 22:31 عصر
:shock: :lol:

سه شنبه 08 مهر 1382, 10:14 صبح
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