View Full Version : خطا: No response from Windows Telephony Device

شنبه 04 دی 1389, 21:05 عصر
من از کامپوننت activeXpert برای ارسال و دریافت پیام استفاده می کنم.برای دریافت مشکلی ندارم اما موقع ارسال خطای No response from Windows Telephony Device رو میده.تو help خودش پیغام زیر رو داده بود.مشکل از کجا میتونه باشه؟
Q4800060: When I open a port, I get the following error: 30203 (No response from Windows Telephony Device). What does it mean? (http://www.activexperts.com/support/xmstoolkit/index.asp?kb=Q4800060)
This error only occurs when using Windows Telephony devices (like 'Standard 9600 bps Modem'). There can be multiple reasons for this error: The modem is not connected correctly; The modem does not respond to hayes AT commands; The baudrate selected in the modem propertie dialog from the control panel is invalid;l There is a problem with the driver, please restart the PC.
SMS and MMS Toolkit > Errors